MORGENBRIEFING - Voices of Palestine m. Marina Barham og Nicola Zreineh
Wed Mar 05 2025 at 08:30 am to 09:30 am
Valdemarsgade 1G, 1. tv., 8000 Aarhus, Denmark | Arhus, AR
---- ENGLISH BELOW -----[Denne morgenbriefing er på engelsk]
På denne morgenbriefing får vi besøg af det palæstinensiske teaterkompagni Al-Harah Theater, som er på turné i Danmark og Sverige i marts med forestillingen “Meramieh”. Her giver kompagniet og dets leder Marina Barham et unikt indblik i Palæstina og teatrets nødvendighed - og en dybere forståelse af hvilken rolle teatret spiller i at hjælpe børn, unge og det palæstinensiske samfund med at overkomme traumer. Kom og få et førstehånds indblik i Marinas og hendes kollega Nicolas oplevelser og erfaringer.
Om forestillingen “MERAMIEH”
Forestillingen “Meramieh” tager udgangspunkt i seks vidnesbyrd fra bogen “Living Memories”, udgivet i 2017 i samarbejde med Det Danske Hus i Palæstina. I bogen fortæller en række mennesker deres historier fra det, der i Mellemøsten kaldes Nakba, eller den Palæstinensiske Katastrofe i 1948, hvor over en halv million palæstinensere blev fordrevet fra deres hjemland. I forestillingen ser en ældre mand og en ældre kvinde tilbage på deres liv. Liv, der blev forandret for evigt i 1948. De drømmer og længes tilbage til det land, de som børn blev forvist fra, mens de venter. “Meramieh” betyder salvie, som er en helende urt - men er der sår så dybe, at de aldrig heler?
Oplægsholdere / Marina Barham og Nicola Zreineh, Al-Harah Theater.
Marina Barham er medstifter og leder af Al-Harah Theater, præsident for the Palestinian Performing Arts Network 2019-2021 og medlem af IETMs Bestyrelse 2023. Marina har været en aktiv kulturaktør i Palæstina, Mellemøsten og Europa siden 1998. Hun er ISPA Fellow og Salzburg Global Seminar Fellow og var desuden IETM Global Connector 2021. Marina har undervist i kulturmanagement i den arabiske verden siden 2006 med Al Mawred Resource, Tamasi Collective og Goethe Institute i Berlin og i Palæstina. Hun har holdt oplæg ved en lang række internationale konferencer, festivaler og events og har gennem de seneste 23 år været manager på både internationale, regionale og lokale turnéer samt Euro Med projekter. Hun har desuden kurateret Palestine International Theater Festival for Children and Youth, Yalla Yalla Street Festival, og Bethlehem Site-Specific Theatre Festival i Palæstina.
Nicola Zreineh er skuespiller og medstifter af Al-Harah Theater. Han fik sit diplom i skuespil fra Ashtar Theatre, Ramallah og arbejder i øjeblikket som stedfortræder og kunstner på Al-Harah Theatre. Han har medvirket i en række skuespil, tv-serier og film med forskellige palæstinensiske og internationale instruktører. Nicola har mere end 20 års erfaring som dramaunderviser, skuespiller og teaterinstruktør. Han har også tidligere arbejdet som ansvarlig for opsøgende rehabiliteringscentre for mennesker med handicap i Bethlehem Arab Society for Rehabilitation.
Læs mere og tilmeld dig her:
Performing Arts Platform, Valdemarsgade 1G,, 8000 Aarhus C.
Deltagelse inkl. morgenmad er gratis, men tilmelding nødvendig.
In this morning briefing, we are joined by the Palestinian theater company Al-Harah Theater, which is touring Denmark and Sweden in March with the performance "Meramieh". Here, the company and its director Marina Barham will give a unique insight into Palestine and the necessity of theater - and a deeper understanding of the role theater plays in helping children, youth and the Palestinian community overcome trauma. Come and get a first-hand insight into the experiences of Marina and her colleague Nicola.
About the performance "MERAMIEH"
The performance "Meramieh" is based on six testimonies from the book "Living Memories", published in 2017 in collaboration with the Danish House in Palestine. In the book, a number of people tell their stories from what is known in the Middle East as the Nakba, or the Palestinian Catastrophe of 1948, when over half a million Palestinians were driven from their homeland. In the show, an elderly man and an elderly woman look back on their lives. Lives that were changed forever in 1948. They dream and long to return to the land they were expelled from as children while they wait. "Meramieh" means sage, which is a healing herb - but are there wounds so deep that they never heal?
Speakers / Marina Barham and Nicola Zreineh, Al-Harah Theater.
Marina Barham is the co-founder and director of Al-Harah Theater, President of the Palestinian Performing Arts Network 2019-2021 and a member of the IETM Board of Directors 2023. Marina has been an active cultural operator in Palestine, the Middle East and Europe since 1998. She is an ISPA Fellow and Salzburg Global Seminar Fellow and was IETM Global Connector 2021. Marina has been teaching cultural management in the Arab world since 2006 with Al Mawred Resource, Tamasi Collective and Goethe Institute in Berlin and in Palestine. She has presented at numerous international conferences, festivals and events and has managed international, regional and local tours and Euro Med projects for the past 23 years. She has also curated the Palestine International Theater Festival for Children and Youth, Yalla Yalla Street Festival, and the Bethlehem Site-Specific Theater Festival in Palestine.
Nicola Zreineh is an actor and co-founder of Al-Harah Theater. He received his diploma in acting from Ashtar Theater, Ramallah and currently works as a deputy and artist at Al-Harah Theater. He has acted in a number of plays, TV series and movies with various Palestinian and international directors. Nicola has more than 20 years of experience as a drama teacher, actor and theater director. He has also previously worked as a manager of outreach rehabilitation centers for people with disabilities at the Bethlehem Arab Society for Rehabilitation.
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How to:
Performing Arts Platform, Valdemarsgade 1G,, 8000 Aarhus C.
Participation including breakfast is free, but registration is required.
Where is it happening?
Valdemarsgade 1G, 1. tv., 8000 Aarhus, Denmark, Valdemarsgade 1G, 8000 Aarhus C, Danmark,Aarhus, Denmark, ArhusEvent Location & Nearby Stays:
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