Kent Team Championship 2025
Sat, 15 Mar, 2025 at 09:30 am to Sun, 16 Mar, 2025 at 07:30 pm
The Spitfire Ground, St Lawrence | Canterbury, EN
Date: Sat 15th and 16th March 2025
Location: The Harris Suite, Spitfire Ground, Old Dover Road, Canterbury. CT1 3NZ
Parking: Free parking is available onsite. Turn down The Drive (to the right of Sainsbury’s) and follow the signs for Event Parking.
Rail: The nearest rail station is Canterbury East which is 20 minutes walk from the venue (15 minutes by bus or 7 minutes by tax) and has trains from London Victoria
Canterbury West has trains from London St Pancras on HS1 which saves around 35 minutes on the rail journey but is a 35 minute walk to the venue (or 25 minutes by bus, 10 minutes by taxi)
New NAF members can be signed up for free as part of their ticket cost as long as we are made aware of this at the point of registration.
NAF memberships can be renewed for £5 with Stewbacca. Ideally this will be arranged in advance to save time on the day.
Cost: £200 per team of 4 (£50 per person)
No refunds will be allowed after 1st Jan 2025
Food will be provided as part of your entry fee. Please let us know of any dietary requirements on the registration form.
Please buy tickets in advance by sending payment by PayPal to [email protected]
Please select your payment as Family and Friends and include your Team Name as entered on the registration form which can be found here: tbc
Non Friends and Family payments will be refunded
Tickets will be on sale from (date) and your registration will only be finalised when you have both paid and filled out the registration form.
TFF Post:
Facebook Post: tbc
There is a Discord for BloodBowl in the South East which will be the best place for you to ask any questions:
At the Kent Team Championship, teams of four coaches will compete against one another in six rounds of Blood Bowl. Each team member must use a different race from the available options.
Kent Team Championship is a “Resurrection” tournament i.e. all players' skills return to their starting status after each game regardless of injuries or any other post match changes. The first matchups between teams will be drawn randomly, as will the individual matches within each team tie.
In Rounds 2 – 6 teams will be matched against opposing teams with a similar points score based on the overall ranking. This follows the familiar “Swiss” system used in many Blood Bowl tournaments. From here on, individual matches within the team tie will also be allocated using the Swiss system.
Teams earn points as follows each round:
Team Win: 2 Points
Team Tie: 1 Point
Team Loss: 0 Points
A team registers a Win if they collectively win more individual matches than the opposing team. A team registers a Tie if they collectively win exactly the same number of individual matches as the opposing team. A team registers a Loss if they collectively lose more individual matches than the opposing team.
If you are having any issues with your journey on the day, please message us on Discord to let us know and we will do our best to accommodate. Please be aware that you will be passing through part of a City Centre on a Saturday morning and ensure you give yourself contingency time for your journey.
Day 1
Registration 09:30 - 10:00
Round 1 10:00 - 12:30
Lunch 12:30 - 13:15
Round 2 13:15 - 15:45
Round 3 16:00 - 18:30
Day 2
Round 1 09:30 - 12:00
Lunch 12:00 - 13:00
Round 2 13:00 - 15:30
Final Round 15:45 - 18:15
Awards and close 18:30 - 19:00
Strictly 2:30 per round. At time up it will be dice down and game over.
Please consider using a chess clock if required. Referees will give regular reminders on the amount of time left.
Team Building rules
All current Blood Bowl Races are permitted including Slann, which can be found on the NAF website. (
Any team or star player released after 1st Jan 2025 may not be used. Any releases between the date of this ruleset and 1st Jan 2025 will be allowable at the TOs discretion.

You have a budget of 1150k gp to purchase your team, rerolls, coaching staff and any inducements*
Each team must have separate races, i.e. a team cannot have, for example, 2 coaches both playing dark elves..
To allow time for them to be adequately checked, rosters will need to be submitted by email to [email protected] by 11:59 pm on Saturday 1st March 2025. Your rosters being submitted on time will be the first tiebreaker if required.
Team Points
Please use the online roster builder here (link when updated). If there are any new races added before the cutoff date of 1st Jan 2025, then the roster builder will be updated as soon as possible.
Each team has a total of 8 team points to spend
Each race costs an amount of team points depending upon their tier.
Tier 1 - 3 Team Points
Tier 2 - 2 Team Point
Tier 3 - 1 Team Point
Tier 4 - 0 Team Points
Any unspent Team Points may be converted into gold or skill points.
1 team point = 20k gold for team building or 1 skill point. These additional points can be allocated across the 4 races in the team however you choose.
Tier 1 : 5 Skill Points - No Secondary Skills. No skill stacking
Amazons, Chaos Dwarves, Dark Elves, Dwarves, Lizardmen, Norse, Shambling Undead, Skaven, Underworld Denizens, Wood Elves
Tier 2 : 6 Skill Points - Max 1 Secondary Skill. Skill stacking allowed on 1 player
High Elves, Humans, Necromantic Horror, Orcs, Tomb Kings, Elven Union, Vampires
Tier 3 : 7 Skill Points - Max 2 Secondary Skills. Skill stacking allowed on 2 players
Black Orcs, Chaos Chosen, Chaos Renegades, Gnomes, Imperial Nobility, Khorne, Old World Alliance, Nurgle, Slann
Tier 4 : 8 Skill Points - Max 3 Secondary Skills. Skill stacking allowed on 3 players
Goblins, Halflings, Ogres, Snotlings.
Squad Superstars take Amazons, High Elves, Black Orcs and Goblins. This costs 6 Team points. They have 2 team points left to convert into either 2 skill points, 1 skill point and 20k extra gold or 40k extra gold.
Primary Skill = 1 Skill Point
Secondary Skill = 2 Skill Points
If a team is permitted to 'stack' skills, this means that they may give a player or players up to two additional skills. At least one of these skills must be a primary skill.
If certain pairs of skills are taken as additional skills for a player, two extra skill points will be required, on top of the normal costs for the skills.
These pairs are:
Tackle and Mighty Blow
Sneaky Git and Dirty Player
If a player already has one of the skills in the combinations above, they are able to take the remaining skill without paying the additional two skill point cost.
No stat boosts are permitted.
Star Players may not be given any additional skills
*Allowed inducements:
0-1 Weather Mage for 30k, available to all races.
0-1 Team Mascot for 30k, available to all race
0-2 Bloodweiser Kegs for 50k each, available to all races.
0-3 Bribes for 100k each, or 50k each for "Bribery and Corruption" race.
0-1 Biased Ref 120k or 80k for "Bribery and Corruption" races.
0-1 Mortuary Assistant for 100k, available to race with the
"Sylvanian Spotlight" special rule.
0-1 Plague Doctor for 100k, available to races with the
"Favoured of Nurgle" special rule.
0-2 Wandering Apothecaries for 100k each, available to races that can
include an apothecary.
0-1 Master Chef for 300k, or 100k for races with the
"Halfling Thimble Cup" special rule.
0-1 Riotous Rookies for 100k, available to races with Low Cost Linemen
0-1 Star Players (See Below)
No other inducements are permitted.
It's Just Not Cricket!
If you have a player or a Star with the Sneaky Git or Dirty Player skills as wither a starting or added skill you MAY NOT also take any bribes or a biased referee. Tier 4 teams are exempt from this rule.
Star Players Taxes
Star players may be added after 11 regular players are rostered.
Stars have a tax of 4 Skill Points in addition to their hiring fee.
*Mega Stars have a total tax of 8 Skill Points in addition to their hiring fee.

*Mega Stars
Bomber Dribblesnot
Cindy Piewhistle
Deeproot Strongbranch,
Dribl and Drull
Griff Oberwald,
Hakflem Skuttlespike
Ivan ‘The Animal’ Deathshroud
Kreek ‘the Verminator’ Rustgouger
Morg ‘n’ Thorg
Skitter Stab-Stab
Varag Ghoul Chewer
Highlander Rule
Each team may only induce one of any particular star.(i.e. If your teammate hires Gretchen Wetcher, you may not do so).
We will be releasing fixtures and standings digitally via the Kent BloodBowl Events Discord
Results will also likely be requested to be submitted electronically.
Best team
Runner Up Team
Best individual player
Runner up Individual Player
Most touchdowns (individual)
Most casualties (individual)*
Stunty cup (individual)
Best Painted
Sponsorship, prizes, gifts, trophies etc will be announced in due course via Social Media and Discord.
Teams on the same points during the tournament and for final standings will be ranked using a system of tiebreakers in the following order:
Rosters submitted on time
Sum of the points earned by individual team members (2/1/0 for W/D/L)
Opponents Score
Net team TDs
Net team Cas*
For the individual prize, players on the same points will be ranked using these tiebreakers in order:
Roster submitted on time
Opponents Score
Net TDs
Net Cas*
* For the purposes of the tournament, a casualty is one caused by a block made by either yourself or your opponent. For the avoidance of doubt, any caused by secret weapons, the crowd, failed dodges or rushes, thrown teammates or anything other than a block is excluded from this count.
We will have a one prize per coach rule so if for example the overall individual winner also wins best touchdowns, the best touchdown award will go to the next best coach. A coach may win a team award as well as an individual award.
Tiebreakers for most touchdowns and most casualties will be the number of each conceded.
If there is still a tie for any prize then, head to head record (if applicable) followed by rock paper scissors best of 3 (between team captains if it is for the team prize).
Best painted award
(Insert text from Andi)
You Will Need
A BloodBowl team, ideally painted.
- We request that you try to ensure that your models are as clearly identifiable as possible. Please be aware that some players may be neurodivergent and whilst you may be able to look at a roster and easily translate it to the models, not everyone will be able to identify the positionals easily, or the skills from loom bands. Colour coding bases, using skill bands or stickers and providing your opponent with a reference to the models are all ways to help ensure that both players are easily able to identify what each model represents.
Three Block Dice, 2 D6, D8, D16
Scatter and passing templates.
2 pitches per team of 4.
If your opponent asks to share dice you must do so.
Please ask before touching your opponents miniatures.
The referee's decisions are final.
After the event, all competing coaches will be awarded points as per the South East Tournament Series rulees. 2025 rules have not yet been released yet but the 2024 rules are here:
TalkFantasyFootball Event:
Facebook Event: TBC
BloodBowl South East Discord:
Protocol on the day for missing players: Spare players will be asked to fill in where this is feasible. If an entire team is missing such that there is an odd number of teams, providing another team will be a priority over filling in for teams missing one or more players.
If a team has less than 4 members the “conceded” matches will be treated as a 2:0 loss (2:0) Casualties.
We will endeavour to allocate any spare players a match vs a referee or other spare coach.
Referees and admin
Tournament Organiser: Stewbacca
Head referee: EldritchFox
Other referees: hissa-lives, andiroo
Code of Conduct
Cardinal Rules
Always be polite and respectful to your opponent at all times
Always tell the truth and never cheat
Anyone exhibiting sexist, racist, or homophobic behaviours will be removed from the event and a refund will not be provided. For the avoidance of doubt this includes, but is not limited to:
o Making inappropriate comments about appearance, ability or experience
o Making jokes that sexualise or dehumanise people
o Not listening when someone asks you to stop your behaviour
o Putting your hands inappropriately on someone e.g. hips, waist, back etc.
Important Principles
Make a respectful gesture to your opponent before the game begins, such as wishing them good luck, offering a handshake, etc.
Avoid using language that your opponent or those around you may find offensive.
Arrive on time for your game with all of the things you need to play.
Offer your opponent the chance to examine your team roster before the game begins.
If your opponent has any questions or queries about your roster, you should answer them truthfully and ensure that your opponent understands your answer.
Ensure that your opponent is aware of any Inducements, or other special rules that your team has, and that they know what they do.
When counting out the number of squares a player is moving, do so carefully and accurately. You should also allow your opponent the opportunity to check any moves before you move any models if they wish.
When rolling dice, make sure that they are clearly visible to all players and allow your opponent to examine the rolls before picking up the dice.
Always ask your opponent’s permission before touching their models.
Remind your opponent about any rules that they may have forgotten to use, or that they have used incorrectly, especially when doing so is to your opponent’s benefit rather than your own.
Never deliberately manipulate the amount of time a game takes in order to gain an advantage, either by playing overly quickly, or by wasting time.
Try not to distract an opponent when they are trying to concentrate, and always ensure that you respect their personal space.
WeNever complain about your own bad luck or your opponent’s good luck.
Always be humble in victory and graceful in defeat.
Too Many Players On Pitch
If it is discovered that there are too many players on the pitch during a drive we will not follow the rulebook rule. Instead, the primary objective is to find a solution that is fair and amenable for both coaches. The TOs reserve the right to a final decision but will be striving for a fair outcome for all.

We recommend that at each kick-off, both coaches count the number of players on both sides to attempt to ensure that this is not an issue. If it is somehow missed then:
1. The person who has the correct number of players on the pitch can choose;
- a full reset, or
- to remove the excess players at random for the drive. Any removed players are placed in the reserves box -
- if it is very late in a drive or there is not enough time such that a reset is not possible, an option is to remove 1 player per turn played since the last kickoff.
2. If the game is reset, the coach that had the correct number of players on the pitch should not be unfairly punished with respect to remaining time - it is expected (clock if required) that the coach that made the mistake made up the lost time.
Where is it happening?
The Spitfire Ground, St Lawrence, Canterbury, United KingdomEvent Location & Nearby Stays: