Jazzkoncert: Dgebuadze/Turp/Julsgaard + Pau Jorba
Thu Jan 09 2025 at 07:00 pm to 08:30 pm
Skipper Clements Gade 1, kld., Aalborg | Aalborg, NJ
Dgebuadze/Turp/Julsgaard udspiller sig i den klassiske klavertrio og spiller original, moderne jazzmusik, der leder tankerne hen mod New Yorks tætte gader og den åbne natur i det nordlige landskab. Gruppen skriver musik med udgangspunkt i nutidens verden og de interne og ydre oplevelser ved at være ung i et fremmed land.Gruppen fremfører kompositioner fra alle sine medlemmer, omfavner jazztrioens naturlige demokrati og tiltrækker publikum med autentisk improvisation og ærligt spil. Gruppen søger at skabe fællesskab med deres musik, portrættere inkluderende kompleksitet i et spændende rum og hjerteskærende ballader.
Gruppen består af en stærk lineup af unge, erfarne musikere, som i 2024 blev valgt til Supernova Jazz Blast Showcase og har optrådt i Danmark, New York, Litauen, Grønland, Tyskland, Spanien, Tyrkiet, Schweiz og mange andre lande.
Gruppens medlemmer er:
Luka Dgebuadze (DK/GE) er pianist bosiddende i Aalborg. Efter at have boet i Danmark de seneste 3 år har han opbygget et ry som en pålidelig pianist og er fortsat en af de mest benyttede sidemusikere på den nordjyske jazzscene.
Simon Turp (DK/EE): En af de mest lovende upcoming kontrabassister i Danmark. Efter at have optrådt og turneret nationalt og internationalt er Simon kendt for sin bundsolide tid, smagfulde fraser og utrolige teknik.
Anders Julsgaard (NYC/DK) er en spændende ny stemme på New York-scenen. Efter at være flyttet til New York i 2023, blev Anders belønnet med det prestigefyldte Fulbright-stipendium, som den eneste jazzmusiker i DK i 2023 for at studere på The New School. Ved at bruge dagtimerne til at studere og om natten til at spille i NYC-klubberne gør Anders sig selv et navn i Big Apple.
Find billetter på link. Kun 50 kr (!) eller køb i døren
Pau Jorba (NYC/ES-CT) optræder med gruppen, fra byen New York, og deltager på altsaxofon. Pau, oprindeligt fra Catalonien, flyttede til New York i 2023 for at studere på The New School. Han er kendt blandt sine jævnaldrende som et utroligt talent, med en stor lyd og kreativ improvisation.
English version:
Set in the classic piano Trio, Dgebuadze/Turp/Julsgaard plays original, contemporary jazz music, leading the mind towards the dense streets of New York and the open nature of the northern landscape. The group writes music based on today’s world and the internal and external experiences of being a young person in a foreign country.
The group performs compositions from all of its members, embracing the natural democracy of the jazz trio and draws the audience in with authentic improvisation and honest playing. The group seeks to create community with their music, portraying inclusive complexity in an exciting space and heart-piercing ballads.
The group is made up of a strong lineup of young, experienced musicians, who In 2024 was chosen for the Supernova Jazz Blast Showcase and has performed in Denmark, New York, Lithuania, Greenland, Germany, Spain, Turkey, Switzerland and many other countries.
The group members are:
Luka Dgebuadze (DK/GE) is a pianist residing in Aalborg. Having lived in Denmark for the past 3 years, he has built up a reputation as a reliable pianist and is continuing to be one of the most used side musicians on the northern Jutland jazz scene.
Simon Turp (DK/EE): One of the most promising upcoming double bassists in Denmark. Having performed and toured nationally and internationally, Simon is known for his rock-solid time, tasteful phrases, and incredible technique.
Anders Julsgaard (NYC/DK) is an exciting new voice on the New York scene. Having moved to New York in 2023, Anders was rewarded the prestigious Fulbright scholarship, as the only jazz musician in DK in 2023, to study at The New School. Using the daytime to study and the nighttime to play in the NYC clubs, Anders is making a name for himself in the Big Apple.
Performing with the group, from the city of New York, Pau Jorba (NYC/ES-CT) will be joining on Alto Saxophone. Originally from Catalonia, Pau Moved to New York in 2023, to study at The New School. He is known amongst his peers as an incredible talent, with a big sound and creative improvisation.
Entré: 65 kr - fond tickets via link or pay at door
Where is it happening?
Skipper Clements Gade 1, kld., Aalborg, DenmarkEvent Location & Nearby Stays: