Inkluderende 8. mars 2025
Sat Mar 08 2025 at 10:00 am to 05:00 pm
Sentralen | Oslo, OS
// English
Welcome to Inclusive 8th og March 2025 with The Inclusive Feminism-Initiative, Sappho's Friends and Karmaklubb*! Unfortunately, there will be no alternative parade and event at Eidsvoll's place this year because of lack of capacity, but we invite you to a daytime event at Sentralen and afterparty at Baba Bar! Inclusive feminists of all genders are very welcome! There will be panels, lectures, mingling and food! We hope to have sign language interpreters, but cannot confirm that yet. The venue is accessible. Free entry, but it's possible to donate money via Vipps, and you can also become a member!
Inkluderende Feminisme-initiativet (IFI), Karmaklubb* og Sappho's Friends
• ‘Welcome everyone, and who are we?’ (in English)
Luca Dalen Espseth
• ‘To kjønn, hvorfor det? / Two genders, why is that?’ (in Norwegian)
Amnesty International Norge, region øst
• ‘Women’s situation in Afghanistan’; Amnesty for kvinnerettigheter v/ Kine Solfrid Brenna (in English)
BREAK; Hitchhiker veggie/vegan deal on the occasion!
Slam (5 min) by Regine Folkman Rossnes + PION – Sexarbeidernes interesseorganisasjon
• ‘What are sex workers experiencing today, and where do we want to go?’ Short talks by PION. (In norwegian)
PKI (Pasientorganisasjonen for kjønnsinkongruens) / POGI (The Norwegian Patient Organization for Gender Incongruence)
• ‘Trans resistance: The power of organised complaining’; James Dickson (in English)