Green Economics Institute 20th Anniversary Conference May 2025


Wed, 14 May, 2025 at 09:00 am to Fri, 16 May, 2025 at 10:00 pm



St Hugh's College | Oxford, EN

Green Economics Institutes 20th Anniversary Conference- St Hughs College, University of Oxford
About this Event

Green Economics Institute -20th Anniversary Celebrations

We are absolutely delighted to invite everyone to come to the Green Economics Institutes 20th Anniversary Conference to be held at St Hughs College University of Oxford on `May 2025. Tickets will be available here on eventbrite.

It will be held in person at the lovely St Hughs College, which appropriately started out as a women only college, and we will have the entire suite of buildings for 3 days to enjoy each others company and to try to change the world for the better.

Call for Papers:

We founded our institute in 2004 and now 20 years later - its 2023- what will our world look like in 2045 and do we have the power to set in train changes to make it a better place? how do we do that? and what do we need to do? We are calling for papers which discuss, vision and address any aspect of these challenges.

We are calling for papers, ideas, themes, workshops, papers, book chapters, conference papers, academic journal papers, and presenters, master classes.

Retrospective of all the previous 20 wonderful years of campaigning and changing the world and plans for the future.

Programme and speakers to be announced shortly- we are currently calling for speakers, sessions, workshops, papers etc and instructions will be posted here over the coming week. Please register however as soon as possible as our last few events have been full.

Provisional outline of sessions-more details will be released soon.

Day 1 -May 2025

Session 1

Introductions of all participants

Ice Breakers

Session 2

Introduction to The Green Economics Institute and our teams and our writing and impacts campaigns over the last 20 years

Session 3

Economics and our activities campaigns, partners and events for the last 20 years and looking ahead to the next 20 years. Workshops, discussions, master classes and presentations.


Communal Photo

Session 3

Selected Speakers from the past 20 years- representing our global network and our themed campaigns writing and activities and our allumni from our education and our books and membership

Session 4 Green Economics and its evolution

Past present and future and literature and main advocates and implementations and projects and influence and uses and geographies.

Session 5

Keynote and a Master Class

Thoughts and findings -sharing todays ideas and next steps

Networking conference with our teams from around the world.

Allumni Presentations from around the world- where are they now.?

-Dinner -

Communal Dinner in Oxford2

Special Oxford style party soiree- Global allumni -network evening feature. All our wonderful 1000s of allumni are invited -cock tail night to celebrate black tie- to start the conference -the evening before. Union Style members debate - to enjoy during the celebrations. One evening during the conference.

Day 2 May 2025

Session 1

Environmental Justice Update- Intersectional Loss and Damage from the social and environmental crises.

Session 2

Introduction and scene setting and retrospective of impacts, outputs and metrics and achievements of the institute

Lunch : Introducing our global network around the world -virtual visits of all kinds : Exhibition stands - Competition will open soon for spaces

Day 2 Afternoon Session 1

Speaker sessions- Competition for speaker sessions

Afternoon Session 2

Workshops sharing experiences

Afternoon Session 3

Allumni presentations on todays perspectives

Special Oxford style party soiree- Global allumni -network evening feature. All our wonderful 1000s of allumni are invited -cock tail night to celebrate black tie- to start the conference -the evening before. Union Style members debate - to enjoy during the celebrations.

We will attempt to link up with them and our teams in Asia including Japan, India, Bhuttan, Indonesia and many other countries. We will also launch books for as many countries as possible -in our ' greening of the world series.'

We will launch the update of our founding academic article- 'Green Economics -Setting the Scene'- Kennet and Heinemann (2006) International Journal of Green Economics Vol1 issue 1.

Day 3 Sunday 16th June 2024

Social Justice Update- Intersectional Loss and Damage from the social and environmental crises.

Introduction and scene setting and retrospective of impacts, outputs and metrics and achievements of the institute


Exhibition stands - Competition will open soon for spaces

Session 1

Speaker sessions- Competition for speaker sessions

Session 2

Workshops sharing experiences

Session 3

Allumni presentations on todays perspectives

Session 4

Attendance certificates presentations

Master Classes and keynote speeches

Afternoon tea in an iconic tea room in Oxford -

Special Oxford style party soiree- Global allumni -network evening feature. All our wonderful 1000s of allumni are invited -cock tail night to celebrate black tie- to start the conference -the evening before. Union Style members debate - to enjoy during the celebrations.


Virtual visits to our network around the globe.

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Inspire, innovate, impact

In 2003 we took the concept of Green Economics around the world and it is now a global phenomenon in a way that exceeded our wildest dreams. The Green Economics Institute has influenced the world stage in many different ways at the highest levels. However of course that does not mean we have solved the problems of the world but we have changed the discourse, the questions that have to be asked and we have raised economics from its place at that time as the dismal science which could never be questioned -to the keeper of the mainstream keys and now a subject which is clearly in need of urgent revision -all assumptions being queried, all the bases of contemporary decision making up for a review and rethink.

We are also working to change finance from funding only business as usual to questioning the very foundations of it as a get rich quick mechanism to a discipline which provides for and enables the changes we need. Furthermore the very heart of civilisation as 'man' the technologist who can solve everything without recourse or consultation has come into question. Women empowered is desperately needed right at the forefront, all ages, all backgrounds all experiences. The broad range of humanity now affforded a place at all tables. No exceptions. Diversity in nature, in discussions in academia, in politics, all are regarded as not just desirable but essential and most recently indignenous voices as leaders. We roll back the tide of runnaway climate change and try to prevent further damage. We predicted the 6th ever mass extinction of species when even the experts said we were wrong- we aim to stop the utter destruction of nature. We aim to prevent more poverty by changing the basis of mainstream economics -it needs to work for everyone and every thing on the planet rather than destroy it all.

This conference looks towards this new world we are painting, imagining, inspiring together and visioning but now actually creating, realising, producing, and that includes practicalities of provisioning, demand and supply, technology, science and most of all production, IT and AI -and their dangers and opportunities. The Institute has always been deeply practical with real world team members with real world jobs. Our teams think outside the box and come up with the next strands of human experience far far in advance of most others.

To be inspired, to see into the future and to participate in shaping that future- please join us for our 20th anniversary conference and help towards changing the world to a much better place together.


How do we make sense of all the environmental crises we have all suffered as one humanity in recent years and especially since 2019, from an intersectional perspective? In the face of huge environmental challenges, tipping points and crises and the fear of the future, how do these impact different sections of the community and how do they cross over into intersectional considerations?

What are the costs and losses and damages to different communities and how do we interpret these, understand them, minimise them and prevent more loss and damage.? How do these relate to the wider community who are also struggling to come to terms with a rapidly changing environment in some cases not seen for 1200 years or more in other aspects much longer- how do we protect ourselves and nature from these challenges- and how do leverage the new found resilience and strength as a new found tool to address such challenges- how does it mature and develop the very concept of survival, civilisation, democracy,peace and humanity. Has humanity found a new voice?

What are the financial and economic structures and budgeting methodologies needed to support an intersectionally beneficial outcome? How do we achieve this and what economic and financial structures, tools and modalities need modification.?

We will aim to use the learnings from recent environmental crises in different Countries Regions and Continents and explore the intersectional perspectives of impacts both long and short term and how to address, mitigate and avoid more challenges in the future from an intersectional perspective. Activities and gathering evidence and sharing examples. Video interveiwing and making

Intersectional considerations are now considered to be some of the most important in solving the intersecting environmental crises of our age and it is vital that the movement addressing this reflects the nature and complexity of its challenges.

This anniversary conference will offer participants real insights into the intersectional aspects and issues and challenges of geography, philosophy and green concepts and the environmental movement as well as finance and economics and social sciences.

The conference will explore the Earths Vital Signs Data from NASA and look at trends and scientific contemporary findings and future indications to prepare policy statements and shared futures helping to shape a better world.

Environmental impacts are very gendered with women and girls young people and most vulnerable communities- often being in the frontline of effects.80 % of climate victims are women and girls- how this intersects and connects to unequal power structures and economics .

We will explore these issues and encourages participants to share knowledge and experience from around the world as well as reflecting on what is behind the science, the issues, the waves of feminism and the overall landscape of todays culture and philosophy and how we might shape a better future together.

The conference also aims to build on the extraordinary network and community of alumni able to take the next steps to create change in the world and make it more amenable to intersectional ideas and with greater understand of how it works.

The Green Economics Institute, is now a research organisation of the UN which has regular delegations to the United Nations Climate Conferences COPs, and at COP26 led workshops on intersectional and indigenous and feminist perspectives on environmental change and the transition, this event brings together expertise and participants from all over the world and beyond to share knowledge experience and plans for how to make the world more responsive to feminist and intersectional perspectives.

The event will provide opportunity just before COP29 at which the Green Economics Institute will play an active role with a large delegation and is involved in some of the issues in climate finance and in COP Conferences designs. We will take our policies and decisions to that conference. We are also now active in the IPBES United Nations process for Biodiversity and conference ideas will be taken there to that process too.

We hope to have participajnt representatives from most countries and many different diverse ideas. If you would like to apply to take part please register here via eventbrite.

We will be offering a certificate of attendance to all participants who attend the whole conference.

Call for Papers

The conference is currently being formulated and we are seeking

Ideas, workshops, speakers, papers, writing, books, etc

Please send in your abstracts 300 words long to [email protected]

and we will advise where this might fit into our programme.

We will issue more detailed guidance for writers and participants over the coming weeks- please ensure you register here on eventbrite as early as possible as we expect to be full.

Conference Publications

You can see our previous publications


Our double blind peer reviewed academic journal is The International Journal of Green Economics

Our magazine is The Green Economist.

We are currently looking for next magazine editors and correspondents- please apply if you would like to help


We are currently looking for a team of volunteers to help us with all aspects of administration, hosting, IT, web site content work, planning and organising, advertising, marketing, media, public relations, workshop management, front of house, editing papers, and running this conference.

If you would like to apply please email with your cv and a covering email of motivation to

[email protected] as soon as possible.

Mailing List

Please register your interest Here


Please register your interest Here

In the week following the conference we will be offering some relaxing holiday type event.Please sign up for expressions of interest for this week long event too.

Where is it happening?

St Hugh's College, Saint Margaret's Road, Oxford, United Kingdom

GBP 65.00 to GBP 2695.59

Green Economics Institute

Host or Publisher Green Economics Institute

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