Mon, 17 Feb, 2025 at 08:00 pm to Sat, 22 Feb, 2025 at 05:00 pm
Det Kongelige Teater - Skuespilhuset | Copenhagen , SK
ENGLISH BELOWSpilleperiode: 17. – 22. februar 2025
Et råt og musikalsk legende laboratorium, hvor to mennesker jonglerer rundt med samfundets normbegreber. Intet er helt, hvad det giver sig ud for at være. I en verden, hvor de sociale mediers fabrikerede indhold dominerer og fascinerer, stiller det kunstneriske hold bag GENLYD spørgsmålstegn ved vores filtrerede virkelighedsopfattelser. De undersøger skønheden og styrken i at være den, man er – ufuldkommen.
Med Genlyd ønsker MØR collective at skabe debat om det pres, ikke mindst unge kommer under i en verden, hvor forbrugskulturen konstant fodrer os med billeder af os selv og andre.
Performer/tekst: Anika Barkan
Performer/tekst: Petter Wadsten
Instruktør: Cille Lansade
Komponist og live-musiker: Mika Forsling
Lysdesign: Clementine AM Waldelius
Kostumedesign: Camilla Lind
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Two people take the stage, playfully juggling the norms of digital social behavior, while perfecting their features with snapchat filters. Through breaking down the norms of behavior and identity, RESONANCE highlights the beauty and strength of daring to be who you are – “imperfect”.
In a world dominated by social media, the artistic team behind RESONANCE questions our filtered perceptions of reality. The performance is a study in human behavior in a digital age.
RESONANCE exposes the unrealness of our reality and makes us ask: is it even possible to connect if none of us are who we really are?
With RESONANCE the aim is to create a starting point for debate about the pressure that contemporary humans, not least young people, are exposed to in a culture which constantly feeds us images of ourselves, and others based on an unattainable illusion, a constructed fiction.
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Where is it happening?
Det Kongelige Teater - Skuespilhuset, Kvæsthusgade 10, 1251 København K, Danmark,Copenhagen, Copenhagen , DenmarkEvent Location & Nearby Stays: