Full Sphere Awareness with Prisca Winslow
Fri, 25 Apr, 2025 at 10:00 am to Sun, 27 Apr, 2025 at 06:00 pm
Mercy Conference and Retreat Center | St. Louis, MO

About this Event
w/ Prisca Winslow ~ Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner® & Assistant Trainer
“Learning must be undertaken and is really profitable when the whole frame is held in a state where smiling can turn into laughter without interference, naturally, spontaneously.” ~ Moshé Feldenkrais
Friday, April 25th 10am to 6pm (1 and 1/2 hour break)
Saturday, April 26th 10am to 7pm ( 2 and 1/2 hour break to include MWFGNA meeting)
Sunday, April 27th 10am to 6pm (1 and 1/2 hour break)
There will be plenty of Awareness Through Movement® to inspire your ability to envision global action in even the smallest of movements within the process of Functional Integration®.
Imagine for a moment you are standing, balancing inside of a hollow globe, hands and feet spread, palms and soles of your feet pressing equally against the surface sensing the roundness. You can feel your length, width and depth; see the hemisphere in front of you and sense the hemisphere behind you. A small change in your movement or pressure of a hand or foot in a specific way could roll the ball in the direction of your choice. I don’t know if anyone has done such a thing, but there is the awe-inspiring cyr wheel! Highly skilled athletes, martial and performing artists develop this spherical awareness extending their proprioception to the environment they are playing and moving in. True awareness in action! When we develop a fuller sense of ourself in space, our personal globe, we feel safer and are able to respond with more spontaneity. We all began constructing three dimensional awareness early in life and our experience in Awareness Through Movement® has enlivened and reanimated the process. Let's investigate how we can better use that confidence and skill in all the activities we love including working with others in Functional Integration®.
~ Engage our imagination in Awareness Through Movement to embody full sphere awareness so we may envision action when working with each other and our students.
~ Reawaken curiosity for the mysterious and complex "masterpiece" at the end of each leg! “The human foot is a masterpiece of engineering and a work of art.” ~ Leonardo da Vinci
~ Bring the heels more prominently into our awareness providing the support and ability needed to carry our head high and stand on our own two feet.
~ Experience how freeing the shoulders can lighten the load on the lower back and is key to accessing length, strength and balance.
~ Energize our back muscles by sensing more clearly the hemisphere behind and above.
“Prisca’s classes are delightful! Her voice is relaxing and her manner accepting. I feel relaxed and ready to learn and discover because of her clarity, and wonderful pacing. Prisca offers creative connections with information and stories to highlight aspects of the lessons and to associate the learning to real life. She also sprinkles little tidbits of information that keep me curious, mindful and attentive! I am learning so very much about myself, and my movement abilities and skills.” ~ Dawne Roy, GCFP
A letter to you from Prisca:
The theme for FULL SPHERE AWARENESS ~ Imagine That! showed up for me as I was walking in the park December, 2023 sensing so many things I had been learning over the past 3 years. As my attention moved from one awareness to the next I recognized how fluidly it was happening, AND how much more present I was to the environment. People controlling their small aggressive dog coming toward me, the friendly dog behind, a couple playing ball with another on the lawn to the side; the sound of the emergency vehicles in the distance and the sky's morphing magnificent colors of the sunset. All this, and I felt me, in my smaller sphere, moving through space effortlessly and clearly, walking light and tall connected to the earth. It was a moment of Yes! This is why I do Feldenkrais for all these years. This is presence.
A walk in the park for me is far easier to be present than some other settings, and yet each time I experience full presence it is more familiar, certainly not less profound, and I trust I am learning. I have no doubt my persistent nature will bring more opportunities!
I'd love to share some of my discoveries with you! If you'd like to see some of the inspiration I found after coming up with the theme, below are a couple of mind boggling performers. I look forward to seeing you at the workshop! ~Prisca
Spherical Inspirations:
> Cyr Wheel: 2017 Formosa Salsa Festival Feat. Isaac Hou (Taipei, Taiwan), imagine the globe!
> Darja Varfolomeev's (GER), Ball, 2024, Milan. Her smile is infectious!
“The main feature of the technique consists in making available the full range of functioning in all planes, the idea behind it being Not that spontaneity is enacting any wild urge that happens to exist, but that ALL action is spontaneous when it is not compulsive.” ~ Moshé Feldenkrais, The Potent Self
Prisca Winslow, GCFP and Assistant Trainer first discovered the Feldenkrais Method® in 1983 after a 4 year search trying other methods and therapies to heal from chronic ankle and back pain. It quickly brought her to enjoy again what she has always loved… Dance. The process continues to be expansive and rewarding and she is excited to share her learning. Prisca has presented ATM® classes and workshops since 1989 and has enjoyed a full time FI® practice in Taos, NM for over 30 years. She has assisted in a number of Trainings since 2000. Recent years brought her to once again personally experience how meaningful and effective the Method is for recovery!
“I so appreciate your teaching! It's wonderful to be working with you and to see that you have continued to grow as a teacher and enlarge the work during these years we haven't been connected...
These are wonderful lessons, all of which I remember doing in one form or another, some of them many times. You bring something new to them and relate them to each other in marvelous ways.” ~ Lynn Godwin, Retired Feldenkrais® Practitioner
Location: Mercy Conference and Retreat Center ~ St. Louis, MO
Mercy Conference and Retreat Center https://www.mercycenterstl.org/
Join your colleagues in St. Louis Missour in the spring where the beautiful ground of Mercy Conference and Retreat Center are healing in themselves including a labrinth and surrounding trees and green space.
"I had the good fortune to take a one day version of Prisca’s workshop, Full Sphere Awareness, Imagine That! As a Feldenkrais practitioner of many years and an Aikido student of a couple years, I was intrigued by how relevant the themes were to both practices. Developing the sense of 360 degree awareness of space, connection to the ground, movement in spirals, the use of the eyes, of the feet, of imagination… the lessons built upon each other in a meaningful way. I felt expanded at the end, and had the sense of my center as well as awareness of the space all around. It brought out elements of the martial arts that are one of the foundations of our work.” ~ Bethany Cobb GCFP
Q & A session with Prisca and Sandy:
Logistics ~ Sandy Weiss [email protected] 314-737-6983
We will be having our MWFGNA regional spring meeting during lunch or at the end of the day on Saturday. The time of this is subject to change secondary to workshop process. I am also hoping to ficilitate discussion(s) on addional topic matter including development of study groups and/or other interests of region members.
There is an option to stay in a room and get meals on campus at Mercy Conference and Retreat Center:
By contacting Kristin Goldkamp at [email protected] you may be able to get accommodations on site along with cafeteria style meals. The prices below are paid to Mercy Conference and Retreat Center separately from the advanced training payment.
Here is the pricing for 2 or more days: (Based on availability)
Breakfast buffet: $13.25 per person/ per breakfast
Lunch buffet: $15.75 per person/ per lunch
Dinner buffet: $17.25 per person/per dinner
Private room: $66.50 per night
Private room with shared bathroom: $55.50 per person/ per night
Double room: $53.50 per person/per night
Option to pay by check:
If you’d like to pay by check to avoid fees you can mail a check: Send Sandy an email to [email protected] as soon as the check is in the mail. Include your name, email, phone number, check amount, the date you mailed the check, and the check number.
Make it payable to: Feldenkrais Guild of North America
Mail to:
Sandy Weiss
1624 Jonquil Dr.
St. Louis, MO 63119
All checks must be received by: March 28th for Early Bird and April 7th for Regular
Workshop content ~ Prisca Winslow [email protected] 575-779-7169
“We are loving the lessons (Freeing The Diaphragm series). Your voice is like a smile and your instructions are clear, precise and inviting ... ~ Liz Sisco, GCFP

Where is it happening?
Mercy Conference and Retreat Center, 2039 North Geyer Road, St. Louis, United StatesEvent Location & Nearby Stays:
USD 395.00 to USD 430.00