Dive into the World of Biophilic Design: A Workshop for Public Artists!


Tue Jul 30 2024 at 09:45 am to 02:00 pm



Denver Art Museum | Denver, CO

Come explore how to incorporate nature into your public art at our workshop on July 30 at 9 a.m.
About this Event

Are you a public artist fascinated by the harmonious blend of nature, art and psychology? Are you eager to elevate your skills and dive into the captivating realm of Biophilic Design? Look no further, Denver Public Art and the Denver Art Museum (DAM) are thrilled to invite you to an immersive workshop designed just for you!

Goal: Our goal is simple yet profound – to equip public artists with a solid understanding of Biophilic Design principles, empowering you to shine in the competitive arena of public art where Biophilia is taking center stage.

Key Objectives & Highlights:

Special Access & Tour: Attendees will wander through the enchanting Biophilia exhibit at the Denver Art Museum, surrounded by awe-inspiring works of art that seamlessly blend nature and design. With exclusive access and a guided tour, you'll uncover the essence of Biophilic Design from various angles – be it fashion, sculpture, interior design, or beyond!

Relevance to Public Art: Biophilic Design isn't just a trend – it's a transformative force shaping the landscape of public art, especially in spaces of high stress. Through an enlightening presentation and engaging activities by the Denver Public Art Program (DPA), you'll discover how Biophilia seamlessly integrates into the fabric of our urban spaces and can support the psychology of the people using them. Prepare to ignite your creativity and explore the endless possibilities for infusing nature's magic into your own artistic endeavors.

Join us for a day of discovery, inspiration, and hands-on learning as we delve into the captivating world of Biophilic Design. Whether you're a seasoned artist or just starting your creative journey, this workshop promises to leave you inspired and empowered.

Denver Arts & Venues complies with and advocates for Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, gender or language. It is your right to request oral or written language assistance services in your primary language, if needed. Please contact Denver Arts & Venues and these services will be provided to you free of charge. [email protected]

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Please contact us at least five business days in advance for in-person accommodation and at least seven days in advance for translation services.

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Where is it happening?

Denver Art Museum, 100 West 14th Avenue Parkway, Denver, United States

USD 0.00

Denver Arts & Venues

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