Digwyddiad Galw Heibio i Fusnesau / Drop In Business Support & Networking
Fri, 28 Oct, 2022 at 08:00 am to Fri, 30 May, 2025 at 12:00 pm
About this Event
Digwyddiad Galw Heibio i Fusnesau & Rhwydweithio / Business Drop-in Event & Networking
Mae Cyngor Sir Penfro ar y cyd â Grŵp Rhyngweithio Busnes Bwrdd Ardal Fenter Dyfrffordd y Ddau Gleddau, Busnes Cymru ac amrywiaeth o weithwyr proffesiynol cymorth busnes yn falch o gyhoeddi bod y digwyddiadau galw heibio misol ar gyfer busnesau yn dychwelyd i Ganolfan Arloesedd y Bont, Doc Penfro ar y dyddiadau canlynol rhwng 9am a 12pm i ateb eich holl gwestiynau ac ymholiadau:
Pembrokeshire County Council in conjunction with the Haven Waterway Enterprise Zone Board's Business Interaction Group, Business Wales and a range of business support professionals are pleased to announce the return of the monthly business drop in events on at the Bridge Innovation Centre, Pembroke Dock between 9am -12pm on the following dates to answer all your questions and queries:
28 Mehefin / 28 June
26 Gorffennaf / 26 July
28 Awst / 28 August
Does dim angen apwyntiad – galwch heibio!
No appointment needed, just drop in!
Yn ogystal â chymorth busnes, rhwng 10.30 ac 11.30 cewch gyfle i gyflwyno eich hun i fusnesau eraill fel rhan o gyfle rhwydweithio sy'n cael ei hwyluso gan FSB.
A s well as business support, between 10.30 and 11.30 you have the opportunity to introduce yourself to other businesses as part of a networking opportunity which is facilitated by FSB.
Ymhlith y sefydliadau a wahoddwyd I fynychu mae:
Invited organisations include:
• Business Wales • Welsh Government Innovation Team • Pembrokeshire County Council
• Business in Focus • Landsker Business Solutions • CEMET
• Pembrokeshire Lottery • Superfast Wales • CWMPAS
• Futureworks • Workways • Development Bank of Wales
• FSB • Job Centre Wales • Visit Pembrokeshire • Prime Cymru
Gall y sefydliadau sy'n mynychu amrywio o fis i fis. Os hoffech siarad â rhywun yn benodol, rhowch wybod i ni ymlaen llaw drwy anfon e-bost i [email protected]
Attending organisations vary from month to month. If you are looking to meet with a specific support organisation please email in advance and to confirm their attendance: [email protected]
Where is it happening?
BRIDGE INNOVATION CENTRE,, Pembrokeshire Science & Technology Park, Pembroke Dock, United KingdomEvent Location & Nearby Stays:
GBP 0.00