Crowned Gem Cigar Weekend
Fri, 12 Sep, 2025 at 07:00 pm to Sat, 13 Sep, 2025 at 11:30 pm
Various stops | Cincinnati, OH
About this Event
The Crowned Gem Cigar Weekend is an exclusive celebration for cigar enthusiasts, set against the vibrant backdrop of Cincinnati and Dayton. This two-day event brings together the region's finest cigar lounges, premium cigars, and a community of like-minded aficionados for a royal experience like no other.
Event Highlights:
Royal Lounge Crawl
Embark on a journey through Cincinnati and Dayton's top cigar lounges. Each venue offers a unique atmosphere and curated cigar selections, providing attendees with an opportunity to explore and enjoy the local cigar culture. Meet fellow cigar lovers, discover new favorite spots and savor the ambiance of each location.
Royal Cigar Soiree
The weekend culminates in an elegant evening of sophistication and relaxation at the Royal Cigar Soiree. This grand gathering features live music, vendors and of course, an array of premium cigars. Attendees can mingle, network, and unwind in a luxurious lakeside setting, making it the perfect way to cap off a weekend dedicated to the art of cigar enjoyment and community.
What to Expect:
Exclusive Venues: Handpicked cigar lounges in Cincinnati and Dayton, each offering a unique experience.
Premium Cigars: A selection of top-tier cigars from renowned brands and local favorites.
Networking Opportunities: Connect with fellow cigar enthusiasts, industry insiders and special guests.
Entertainment & Amenities: Live music, various vendors and a refined atmosphere designed for ultimate relaxation and enjoyment.
Whether you're a seasoned aficionado or new to the world of cigars, the Crowned Gem Cigar Weekend promises an unforgettable experience, celebrating the rich culture and community that cigars bring together.
VIP Benefits
Tranportation on VIP smoking bus
Swag bag filled with amazing items
Access to the VIP lounge at the Soiree
Raffle $25 ea
Grand Prize: One of a kind painting by Ryan Nicole painted live at the Soiree
Various other baskets including cigar brand swag
Where is it happening?
Various stops, 1420 Hamilton Lebanon Rd E, Cincinnati, United StatesUSD 23.18 to USD 215.26