Creating a Personal Medicine Healing Bundle with Irma StarSpirit Turtle
Sun Feb 16 2025 at 05:00 pm to 07:30 pm
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About this Event
The wheel of time are moments of our life that are important to us and need remembrance and create a bond connection to.
Prepare to travel through the Wheel of Time by reconnecting to our dreams, struggles of being and a creative shift of pure intent and stand with impeccability. Thus, we begin with stopping internal dialogue and cross the bridge through silence, to find on the other side our inner heart needs, letting free of heavy routines and regain personal power. The act of harmonic change in joyfulness of accepting the sacred path to walk upon.
Preparation: You will need a woven cloth of any color and items such as such as stones, crystals, sage, plants, sacred cocoa leaves, sweetgrass, sage, cedar, protections seeds, feathers shells, power animals, claws, water, berries, seeds, bones, arrowheads, for your personal healing.
After registering I will supply more details on what else can be added to your personal Medicine Healing Bundle.
For more information email irma at [email protected]
or visit us at