Cottage Food Safety Statewide Online Training
Fri Oct 03 2025 at 09:00 am to 12:30 pm
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About this Event
CSU Extension Cottage Food Safety Training
This food safety webinar meets the food safety-training requirements in the Colorado Cottage Foods Act. It is supported and offered by Colorado State University Extension, with technical support from the Colorado Dept. of Public Health & Environment.
Participants learn food safety guidelines and the specifics for operating a home based cottage food business from a home kitchen. Participants also learn about the most current Colorado Cottage Food Act guidelines and best practices.
Participants learn the basics of proper hygiene; preventing cross contamination and cross contact of food allergens; proper sanitation requirements, storage, transporting products and sales requirements. Upon completion of the webinar and passing the accompanying exam, participants receive a 3-year food safety certificate. Proof of attending an approved food safety training is required by most Colorado Market managers.
Before you sign up for this class, we suggest you confirm the product you plan to sell is eligible under the Act. Please visit Cottage Foods Act | Department of Public Health & Environment ( to view the Cottages Foods Checklist. Please feel free to explore the rest of the website as well.
For questions about registration, please contact Sheila Gains at [email protected]
You will receive a link to connect to the webinar a few days before class. Please check your junk or spam folder for this email if it doesn't appear in your inbox. You will need access to a good internet connection to view the webinar, but you do not need a camera or a microphone. You could also connect via your smart phone.
Colorado State University Extension provides trusted, practical education to help you solve problems, develop skills and build a better future.
Extension programs are available to all without discrimination. Colorado State University Extension, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Colorado counties cooperating.
Los programas de Extenstion están disponibles para todos sin discriminación. Colorado State University Extension, Departmento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos y condados de Colorado cooperan.
Language Access / Acceso de IdiomaENGLISH: Colorado State University’s Office of Engagement and Extension ensures that no person is subjected to prohibited discrimination based on national origin in any program or service. It is our policy to ensure that reasonable steps are taken to provide timely, meaningful access and an equal opportunity to participate in services, activities, programs and other benefits to individuals whose first language is not English. This policy includes providing oral interpretation or written translation of vital documents and other information to limited English proficient (LEP) persons without cost to program participants.
La Office of Engagement and Extension de la Colorado State University asegura que ninguna persona estã sujeta a discriminación ni a la prohibición basada en su nacionalidad en cualquier programa o service. Es nuestra póliza garantizar que se tomen medidas razonables para brindar un acceso oportuno, significativo y oporunidades inguales para participar en programas, actividades, servicios y otros beneficios para los individuos que su primer idioma no es el inglės. Esta póliza incluye proporcionar interpretación oral o traducción escrita de documentos vitales y otra informatión a personas con domino limitado del inglės (DLI) sin costo a los participantes del programs.
Contact, [email protected], (303) 730-1920 for more information. If you have a language access or disability request, please notify Sheila Gains at least 15 business days in advance of the event.
Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con [email protected], (303) 730-1920. Si tiene una solicitud de acceso lingüístico o discapacidad, notifique a Sheila Gains al menos 15 días hábiles antes del evento.
Where is it happening?
OnlineUSD 55.20