CE/MENT @ Kino Šiška: Special Request, Djrum...
Sat, 15 Feb, 2025 at 09:00 pm to Sun, 16 Feb, 2025 at 06:00 am
Trg prekomorskih brigad 3, 1000 | Ljubljana, LB
15. februarja bomo MENT #11 odplesali s CE/MENTom v Kinu Šiška. CE/MENT je del MENTa osredotočen na elektronsko glasbo.
▪15 FEB @ Kino Šiška
Special Request, Djrum, Nulla, Jaša Bužinel, Tadi
»Zgodovina elektronske glasbe, zlasti britanske, je polna razkolov, saj so se novi žanri in podzvrsti praviloma vsakič izločili v svoje lastne orbite. Leedski producent in didžej Paul Woolford oziroma Special Request je eden izmed redkih razsvetljencev, ki plavajo proti toku, saj njegov razgibani katalog vključuje vse od houserskih hitov za lestvice do naprednega nu-jungla.«
Ben Cardew, Pitchfork
»Oxfordski ustvarjalec zlahka navdušuje s svojimi pogosto tveganimi žanrskimi kombinacijami, drznimi spremembami tempa in mojstrskim obvladovanjem gramofonov. Njegovi nastopi vključujejo širok nabor muzike, od downtempa, hip-hopa, techna in drum & bassa do gabberja in breakcora. Pri prehodih med različnimi slogi si pomaga s free jazzom, klasiko in ambientom, praviloma z rokohitrskim obvladovanjem crossfaderja. Ne pretiravamo, če ga opišemo kot virtuoza.«
Oli Warwick, Resident Advisor
Soustanovitelj in gonilna sila kolektiva Cosmic Sex, ki v ljubljanskem Channel Zeru redno gosti odmevne klubske večere (Pearson Sound, DJ Babatr, Nick León, Toumba, Simo Cell, Ploy), je od debija leta 2016 z rednim nastopanjem v različnih kontekstih izoblikoval samosvoj mutantski zvok. Prisega na kakovosten zvočni dizajn in dinamično grajenje vajba, od trancerske evforije in razigranih UK garage poskočnic do hipnotičnega techno brbotanja, silovitega basovskega masiranja in sinkopiranih ritmov za guzenje. Njegov eklektični slog odlikujejo nalezljivi gruvi, ognjevite tranzicije in igriva komunikacija s plesiščem. Je glasbeni novinar in sokurator festivalov SONICA ter MENT. Tokrat prvič na MENTu z zaključnim setom 11. edicije.
Slovenska didžejka Nulla, ki navdih črpa v dediščini electra in plesne elektronike iz Detroita in drugod, je postala ena od stalnic ljubljanske underground scene. Njeni DJ seti, ki na soparnih plesiščih povzročajo aritmijo, vselej vključujejo izvrsten izbor elektro biserov, obskurnega tehna in eksperimentalnih bombončkov. Leta 2021 je pri domači založbi Kamizdat skupaj s producentko dvidevat izdala split EP 068/078-1. Leta 2022 je s kolegoma Nitzem in Evanom zagnala serijo techno/electro dogodkov CLSTRFNK. Njeni nepozabni ogrevalni seti za kraljico electra Heleno Hauff in britansko legendo Carla Finlowa so dokaz, da se z njo ne gre šaliti.
Tadi je soustanoviteljica kosovskega glasbenega kolektiva Bijat, ki na prištinski elektronski sceni predstavlja platformo za ženske in kvir ustvarjalke. Med njenimi zadnjimi izdajami sta ‘Lamento Remix’ za založbo Hivern Records in ‘Gur I’ za Armata Productions. Njeni DJ seti so se pojavili na radijskih postajah NTS Radio, Mutant Radio, Soft Spot, Movement Radio, Servis in tudi na Boiler Roomu. V zadnjih letih je nastopila v številnih klubih in na festivalih, kot so Drugstore, Karmakoma, OHM, Lighthouse, Sonica, Arkaoda, Salon Des Amateurs, DokuNights, Polja, Servis, Acephale in Lumbardhi.
▪Ne zamudite CE/MENTa tudi 14. 2. @ Gala hala, Channel Zero, Klub Gromka. Že napovedani: 2K88, Maša, nastynancy, Nevena Jeremic, Obscur, Zvèn.
▪CE/MENT konferenca, 14. 2. med 11:00 in 17:00 v Kinu Šiška bo gostila okrogle mize, intervjuje in poslušalnico. Med prvimi napovedanimi govorkami in govorci so Elisa Luengo (Dekmantel, NL), Jonáš Verešpej (Ankali, CZ), Michail Stangl (CTM, Opium Hum, DE).
On February 15th we will close MENT #11 with CE/MENT @ Kino Šiška. CE/MENT is a part of MENT focused on electronic music.
▪15 FEB @ Kino Šiška
Special Request, Djrum, Nulla,
“The history of electronic music, particularly in the UK, has been one of fractures and splits, as ever more specific styles and subgenres spin off into their own orbits. Special Request (aka Leeds’ Paul Woolford) is one of the enlightened few moving the other way, with his diverse catalogue including everything from chart-house bangers to pungent nu-jungle.”
Ben Cardew, Pitchfork
“The Oxford-based artist effortlessly intrigues through his frequently risky genre combinations, bold tempo shifts and knife-edge turntablism. His sets dance across a broad tempo range, from downtempo, hip-hop, techno and drum & bass, all the way up to gabber and breakcore. Over these structural shifts, he sprinkles free jazz, classical and ambient, often with a quick flick of the crossfader. It’s no stretch to call the man a virtuoso.”
Oli Warwick, Resident Advisor
The co-founder and driving force behind the Cosmic Sex collective, whose club nights at Ljubljana’s Channel Zero have become synonymous with forward-thinking clubbing (Pearson Sound, DJ Babatr, Nick León, Toumba, Simo Cell, Ploy), has forged a singular mutant sound through regular performances in various contexts since his debut in 2016. He adheres to top-notch sound design and dynamic vibe shifts, from trance euphoria and playful UK garage to hypnotic techno, bassbin pressure and syncopated riddims for booty-shaking. His eclectic style is characterised by infectious grooves, vibrant transitions and playful interaction with the dancefloor. He is a freelance music journalist and co-curator of the festivals SONICA and MENT. For his MENT debut, he is in charge of the closing set of the 11th edition.
Inspired by the electro and electronic music heritage from Detroit and beyond, Nulla has become one of the mainstays of Ljubljana’s underground scene. Her arrhythmia-inducing sets on sweaty dancefloors always include fine selections of electro gems, obscure techno and experimental passages. In 2021, she released her split EP 068/078-1 with Slovenian talent dvidevat for the domestic label Kamizdat. In 2022, together with two friends, Nulla launched the techno/electro event series CLSTRFNK. Her memorable warm up sets for the electro queen Helena Hauff and UK legend Carl Finlow are proof she is not messing around.
Tadi is the co-founder of Bijat, a music collective dedicated to providing a platform for women and queers in the Prishtina electronic music scene. Her latest releases include ‘Lamento Remix’ on Hivern Records and ‘Gur I’ on Armata Productions. Her DJ sets appeared on NTS Radio, Boiler Room, Mutant Radio, Soft Spot, Movement Radio, Servis etc. She has performed at clubs and festivals such as Drugstore, Karmakoma, OHM, Lighthouse, Sonica, Arkaoda, Salon Des Amateurs, DokuNights, Polja, Servis, Acephale and Lumbardhi.
▪Don't miss the CE/MENT programme on 14 FEB at Gala hala, Channel Zero and Klub Gromka. Including 2K88, Maša, nastynancy, Nevena Jeremic, Obscur, Zvèn and more.
▪CE/MENT conference, 14 FEB (11:00 - 17:00) at Kino Šiška will host panels, interviews and a listening session. First announced speakers are Elisa Luengo (Dekmantel, NL), Jonáš Verešpej (Ankali, CZ), Michail Stangl (CTM, Opium Hum, DE)...