Wed, 09 Apr, 2025 at 07:30 pm
PINK WHALE | Bratislava, BL
BLAX (IT)Skupina Blax bola založená v marci 2020 spevákom a skladateľom Giampaolom Polidorom (Blax), po čom nasledovala spolupráca gitaristu Marca Fanellu (Hektor), ktorý v priebehu šiestich mesiacov nahral demokazetu v „Ravel 5 Studio“ v latinčine, ktorá povedie k nahrávke celej dĺžky v priebehu roka 2021. V roku 2022 (HK Emilla Dellantonio), Balexe (HK Emilla Dellantonio) Massimiliano Bergo (Argex) sa pripája ku kapele. V tom istom roku Blax podpisuje zmluvu s AlphaOmega a v októbri 2022 vychádza album „Meravilia“, ktorý obsahuje 10 skladieb.
Beer Cannon je divoký thrash metalový outfit pochádzajúci zo srdca West Yorkshire vo Veľkej Británii. Kapela, ktorú založili začiatkom roku 2023 gitaristi Artur Skrzypczak a Krystian Zamojski, nestrácala čas a razila svoju cestu zvukovej deštrukcie. Krátko po ich vzniku sa na basgitaru pridal William Paxman a po ňom výkonný bubeník Scott Bakes.
V januári 2024 sa Beer Cannon vydali na cestu zvečniť svoj zvuk a vstúpili do štúdia, aby nahrali svoj debutový minialbum „The Last Of Hops“. Toto EP, ktoré je vyšlo 20. apríla 2024, je dôkazom neochvejného odhodlania a nekompromisného zvuku kapely.
Beer Cannon, opísaný ako fúzia old-school thrash metalu s death metalovými vplyvmi, hrdo nazýva svoj štýl „Beer Metal Attack“, hoci niektorí ho nazvali „Party Death Thrash“. Beer Cannon čerpá inšpiráciu od thrashových titánov, ako sú Municipal Waste a Slayer, ako aj od ikon death metalu, akými sú Sepultura a Asphyx.
Blax band was formed in March 2020 by the singer and songwriter Giampaolo Polidoro (Blax) followed by the collaboration of the guitarist Marco Fanella (Hektor) who recorded a demotape within six months in “Ravel 5 Studio” in Latina that will lead to the recording of the full length during 2021. In 2022 Emil Dellantonio (Hexen), Giulia Balestrieri (Katla) and Massimiliano Bergo (Argex) join the band. In the same year Blax signs a contract with AlphaOmega and in October 2022 the album “Meravilia” is released containing 10 songs.
Beer Cannon is a ferocious Thrash Metal outfit hailing from the heart of West Yorkshire, UK. Founded in early 2023 by guitarists Artur Skrzypczak and Krystian Zamojski, the band wasted no time in forging their path of sonic destruction. Shortly after their inception, William Paxman joined on bass, followed by the powerhouse drummer, Scott Bakes.
In January 2024, Beer Cannon embarked on a journey to immortalize their sound, entering the studio to record their debut mini-album, “The Last Of Hops”. Released on April 20th, 2024, this EP is a testament to the band’s unwavering dedication and uncompromising sound.
Described as a fusion of Old-school Thrash Metal with Death Metal influences, Beer Cannon proudly dubs their style as “Beer Metal Attack”, though some have dubbed it “Party Death Thrash”. Drawing inspiration from Thrash titans like Municipal Waste and Slayer, as well as Death Metal icons such as Sepultura and Asphyx, Beer Cannon delivers a sonic assault that leaves audiences craving more.
12/15/18 €
Where is it happening?
PINK WHALE, Tanker Boat, Nábrežie Arm. Generála L. Svobodu, 811 02 Bratislava, Slovensko,Bratislava, SlovakiaEvent Location & Nearby Stays: