Beats & Sweets w/ VISAGES & Dr. MEAKER
Sat, 07 Dec, 2024 at 11:00 pm
Klub K4 | Ljubljana, LB
BEATS & SWEETS je novo poglavje v sodelovanju med Gonobeats × RootsInSession, ki predstavlja jin in jang glasbe, ki nas spremlja in navdihuje.
BEATS predstavlja temnejšo in globljo plat bass glasbe, medtem ko SWEETS prinaša lahkotnejši, bolj melodičen zvok. Na vsakem dogodku bosta prisotni obe dimenziji, sicer ločeni na ‘Beats’ in ‘Sweets’ odra, a tesno povezani skozi ritme in melodije UK bass glasbe.
Na prvi ediciji bomo slišali muziko od:
Bushee b2b Stivi
The Schamrollz
VJ: BubblesFractals (Beam Team)
Super Early Bird: 15 eur
Early Bird: 18 eur
Regular: 20 eur
🎟 Tickets:
Več o nastopajočih:
► BEATS: Visages (FRA)
Štiričlanski kolektiv Visages prihaja iz Toulousa v Franciji. Z glasbo, ki jo ustvarjajo, se sprehajajo med čutnim Drum&Bass-om in globokim Dubstep-om, njihovi nastopi pa tako vsakič predstavljajo izjemno glasbeno doživetje.
Svoj dom so s številnimi priznanimi izdajami našli pri založbi ‘1985 Music’ in so zagotovo oboroženi z naborom nove glasbe, ki je pripravljena pretresti vsak sound system.
► SWEETS: Dr. Meaker (UK) DJ SET
Clive Meaker, producent in ustanovitelj Dr. Meaker, je naslednjik Bristolskega zvoka po Roni Size-u, ki razgreje vsak sound system. Z uporabo analogne opreme ustvarja močne base, ki v kombinaciji z njegovo iznajdljivostjo predstavljajo recept za neprestano serviranje plesiščnega dinamita.
Konec leta se bo s svojo veččlansko skupino odpravil na turnejo, na kateri bo promoviral svoj novi album, tako da poleg hitrih ritmov in grobih bass linij, Clive-u ni tuja tudi bolj glasbena plat Drum & Bass-a.
▶ RootsInSession (SLO)
Prepoznavna po njunih energičnih nastopih, Fu in Pier vedno privabita množico, ki se rada zabava ob raznolikih zvokih bass glasbe. Poskočni dvojec aktivno promovira in širi njuno ljubezen do soundsystem kulture že 22 let.
▶ Gonobeats (SLO)
Kolektiv glasbeno raznolikih posameznikov, ki jih združuje njihova ljubezen do bass kulture, prinaša širok spekter glasbenih stilov. Vsak član s svojim edinstvenim glasbenim okusom prispeva k temu, da njihovi večeri nikoli niso monotoni, temveč polni melodične in ritmične raznolikosti.
--- EN ---
Beats & Sweets is a new collaborative format from Gonobeats and RootsInSession representing the yin and the yang of the music that we live and breathe.
BEATS represents the heavier and deeper side of bass music while SWEETS represents the lighter, happier side - the two different forms will be present at all events, separated into the ‘Beats’ and the ‘Sweets’ floors but brought together with UK Bass music flavours and bpms.
For the first edition we welcome:
► BEATS: Visages (FRA)
Coming at us with malicious intent from Toulouse, France alternating between soulful Drum & Bass and deep Dubstep - Visages never fail to deliver a cherishable performance. Embodied by four individuals the music is never stale, bringing fresh flavors with each release. Finding their home at ‘1985 Music’ with many renowned releases, they are armed with the array of new music ready to shake every sound system.
► SWEETS: Dr. Meaker (UK)
The next fresh Bristol sound after Roni Size, Clive Meaker, producer and founder of Dr Meaker, splices Dirt & Soul to fire up the sound system. Using analog gear to create some rough basslines in combination with his ingenuity is a recipe for tune after tune of dance floor dynamite. Going on tour with his band promoting his new album at the end of the year Clive is also no stranger to the more musical side of Drum & Bass.
Support by:
► RootsInSession (SLO)
Known for their live shows full of banging tunes that always draw a crowd with their energy, Roots In Session have been actively promoting and spreading their love for the soundsystem culture for 22 years.
► Gonobeats (SLO)
A collective of musically diverse individuals brought together by their love of bass. Each representing their own unique style and flavour means their nights are never monotonous.
Where is it happening?
Klub K4, Slovenska cesta 53, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija,Ljubljana, SloveniaEvent Location & Nearby Stays: