Authentic Zen Mindfulness Training at the Zen Centre of Ottawa
Sat, 01 Oct, 2022 at 02:00 pm to Sat, 07 Jun, 2025 at 04:00 pm
Zen Center of Ottawa | Ottawa, ON

N95 or KN95 masks are required during the workshop.
About this Event
Introduction to Zen Workshop
"Zen is the practice of ourselves as we are. It is the practise of Awake Awareness through living this life with the whole bodymind." - Zen Master Anzan HoshinExperience authentic Zen training through instruction in zazen (sitting Zen) and kinhin (walking Zen).
Led by Zen monks who are authorized as practice advisors, you will learn:
- How to sit in zazen posture on a zafu (cushion), seiza bench or chair
- Basic elements of mindfulness practice
- Why zazen is not merely meditation or contemplation or the cultivation of particular states
- Establishing a home practice
- How to receive ongoing instruction after the workshop
The workshop begins at 2:00 p.m. and ends at about 4:00 p.m followed by an informal discussion. Please arrive by 1:45 p.m. for orientation.
Appropriate Clothing
N95 or KN95 masks are required.
When you arrive you will be met at the door and asked to remove your shoes and socks. Participants are asked to remove and store unnecessary jewelry, with the exception of perhaps a ring which cannot be removed.
Please wear loose, comfortable clothing, preferably in muted or dark colours, free of patterns or distracting logos, that will allow you to sit comfortably on the floor. The fabric of blue jeans is too thick and will bunch behind the knee, cutting off the circulation, as will belts. Yoga pants, leggings, shorts, tank tops, and track suits are too casual for the formal environment of the monastery.
Please do not wear "special clothing", such as martial arts clothing.
Please do not wear perfume or scented products.

Further Instruction After the Workshop
Following the workshop those who wish to continue can make arrangements to meet privately with a practice advisor to discuss their practice and ask any questions they may have. This would be the beginning of a series of meetings for the purpose of clarifying the student's understanding of Zen practice to prepare them to apply for the first level of enrollment, that of an associate student. Those who are accepted as associate students may attend weekly sittings at the monastery.
Please note that workshop participants must be 16 years of age or over; if you are 16-18 years old, parental permission to participate in the workshop s required.
Where is it happening?
Zen Center of Ottawa, 240 Daly Avenue, Ottawa, CanadaEvent Location & Nearby Stays:
CAD 40.00