Auspicious - Understanding Autism
Mon Jan 13 2025 at 01:00 pm to 02:30 pm
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About this Event
This is a 10 week online program once a week for an hour and a half per session.
Autistic children have a range of strengths and difficulties, by working with strengths and supporting difficulties parents/carers can help their child reach their potential.
The group is aimed at parents/carers of children who want to develop an understanding of Autism in relation to a specific child/ren. The program will provided lots of advice on promoting the child’s wellbeing and tips on supporting the child’s development. Also to provided parents/carer with a better understanding of Autism. Giving them the confidence to talk about issues in a safe environment and to learn new skill to adapt their parenting approach.
- Session 1: Autism in Context
- Session 2: Inhibitory Control – Attention
- Session 3: Sensory Differences
- Session 4: Restricted, Repetitive Patterns of Behaviour, Interests or Activities
- Session 5: Spontaneous Imaginative Flexible Thinking + Social Interaction
- Session 6: Communication + Intentional Imaginative Flexible Thinking
The Online meeting link will be shared with you via e-mail. Please check all folders including your Spam and Junk folders.
Please Note that this booking is to reserve your place for the entire course. The date listed above is the start date. By booking on, you agree to attend all 10 sessions.
Rhaglen ar-lein 10 wythnos yw hon unwaith yr wythnos am awr a hanner y sesiwn.
Mae gan blant awtistig amrywiaeth o gryfderau ac anawsterau, trwy weithio gyda chryfderau a chefnogi anawsterau gall rhieni/gofalwyr helpu eu plentyn i gyrraedd ei botensial.
Mae’r grŵp wedi’i anelu at rieni/gofalwyr plant sydd eisiau datblygu dealltwriaeth o Awtistiaeth mewn perthynas â phlentyn/plant penodol. Bydd y rhaglen yn darparu llawer o gyngor ar hybu lles y plentyn ac awgrymiadau ar gefnogi datblygiad y plentyn. Hefyd i roi gwell dealltwriaeth i rieni/gofalwyr o Awtistiaeth. Rhoi’r hyder iddynt siarad am faterion mewn amgylchedd diogel ac i ddysgu sgil newydd i addasu eu dull magu plant.
Sesiwn 1: Awtistiaeth yn ei Gyd-destun
Sesiwn 2: Rheolaeth Ataliol – Sylw
Sesiwn 3: Gwahaniaethau Synhwyraidd
Sesiwn 4: Patrymau Ymddygiad, Diddordebau neu Weithgareddau Cyfyngedig, Ailadroddus
Sesiwn 5: Meddwl Hyblyg Dychmygol Digymell + Rhyngweithio Cymdeithasol
Sesiwn 6: Cyfathrebu + Meddwl Hyblyg Dychmygol Bwriadol
Bydd dolen y cyfarfod Ar-lein yn cael ei rhannu â chi trwy e-bost. Gwiriwch bob ffolder gan gynnwys eich ffolderi Sbam a Junk.
Sylwch fod yr archeb hon er mwyn cadw eich lle ar gyfer y cwrs cyfan. Y dyddiad a restrir uchod yw'r dyddiad cychwyn. Trwy archebu lle, rydych yn cytuno i fynychu pob un o'r 10 sesiwn.
Where is it happening?
OnlineGBP 0.00