Alchemy of Awareness: A Healing Journey of Somatic Sensing and Self
Sat Mar 22 2025 at 01:00 pm to 05:00 pm
Victoria Truth Centre Inc | Victoria, BC

This nourishing afternoon of retreat offers opportunities for healing growth and strength of presence in community. Through practices of somatic awareness and expression that open our senses to the vast eternal space of being we empower the body to alchemize energetic blockages and pain whether emotional or physical. We utilize the nature of inclusivity as a vehicle transforming constriction into expansion.
“The Alchemy of Awareness: A Healing Journey of Somatic Sensing and Self” is intended for those who:
~ Wish to better understand the power of somatic experiencing to accompany the body in establishing greater harmony and balance.
~ Are seeking new tools for regulating the nervous system through mindfulness-based approaches such as Compassionate Inquiry.
~ Are facing chronic pain anxiety or other ongoing health challenge.
~ Are curious about accessing and expanding intrinsic capacities to heal from within.
In this afternoon retreat you will learn practices that you can evolve uniquely on your own simply by being a curious witness to your feelings and sensations and following what arises with attention. This is where the alchemy occurs at the physiological and energetic levels. The wisdom of the body is our guide.
The shared experiences of our time together will grow your trust in the intelligence of your whole system to show you the way towards release freedom and wellness. This retreat reserves time for fun as well!
Our time includes experiences in:
Breath and vocal toning
Partner exercises
** Participants will spend a portion of the afternoon in a guided experience lying down with eyes covered entering deeply into more subtle sensing feeling states and non-local awareness.
Contact Sally Ross for more info and to register:
Tel: 778-350-1035
Sally will reach out following your ticket purchase with a welcome email and logistics. ** Note that this event is offered on a sliding scale basis. If you are able to pay more than the $75 or need to pay less, contact Sally to arrange direct e-transfer or cash at the door.
About your Facilitator:
Sally Ross MA is an Integrative Health Coach and Somatic Healer supporting individuals to create their most empowered path forward of recovery and healing. She is certified in the Eight Points of Intrinsic Health developed by Zach Bush MD and has advanced training in Compassionate Inquiry the therapeutic approach to trauma healing developed by Dr. Gabor Maté. Through her gentle guidance and desire to form an empowering partnership with her clients she encourages them to uncover the medicine already inside them from which they unfold their unique and beautiful journeys to wellness as they define it.
Testimonial from Client:
Sally has a true healing gift. I have had the honor of receiving many different types of healing modalities over the past years decades really but the session I had with Sally was truly special and totally took me by surprise. I did not know that it was possible to have such a perceptible and dramatic shift in my physical emotional and energetic body at once without plant medicine.
Within the space of an hour Sally guided me to identify and release blockages in such a simple and gentle manner that it totally blew me away. My headache was gone my leg and foot and lower body heaviness and discomfort was gone my mood was blissful my whole vibration changed. When I opened my eyes everything was brighter more colorful and saturated absolutely more brilliant it was truly magical. I stayed in that elevated state for at least two days and everyone around me remarked that I even looked different! I highly recommend anyone and everyone to try this somatic healing with Sally it can change everything! Sincerely ** Natasha
Where is it happening?
Victoria Truth Centre Inc, 2815 Cedar Hill Rd, Victoria, BC V8T 3H6, CanadaCAD 75.00