AHA ACLS Skills Session.
Sat, 01 Apr, 2023 at 01:00 pm to Mon, 07 Aug, 2023 at 02:00 pm
Saving American Hearts, Inc. | Colorado Springs, CO
About this Event
AHA ACLS Skills Session 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM
we're located at
6165 Lehman Drive Suite 202 Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918.
ACLS skills session is the hands-on portion of an AHA eLearning course and includes Parts 2 and 3—skills practice and testing. It is conducted in-person after a student completes Part 1 online.
The cost of this class is $100.
Please register and pay for the class at:
If you have completed an Online American Heart Association ACLS Course called ACLS Heartcode Part 1, then you may select this option. All written testing is done online and you need only complete the hands on testing. This class typically takes 1 ½ hours depending on how much hands on practice is needed before the testing is done. To come to this class you need to complete the Heartcode ACLS Part 1 online testing and bring that certificate with you to class. Heartcode ACLS Part 2 consists of hands on practice Heartcode ACLS Part 3 is testing. You may ask the instructor questions and practice until you are comfortable, before being tested. You will first practice and then be tested on your BLS Skills for 1 and 2 person rescuer on an adult and the use of an AED and 1 Megacode Scenario as well as one Bag-Mask Ventilation Scenario.
*To purchase HeartCode® ACLS Online, which is Part 1, go to
Purchase the HeartCode® ACLS Online for $158
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Questions? Please contact Catherine Brinkley RN via email at
✉[email protected] or at ?(719) 551-1222.
Where is it happening?
Saving American Hearts, Inc., 6165 Lehman Drive, Colorado Springs, United StatesUSD 100.00