Aggression i hunde m. Michael Shikashio
Sat, 01 Feb, 2025 at 09:00 am to Sun, 02 Feb, 2025 at 05:00 pm
Dalum Landbrugsskole | Odense, FY
Årets bedste seminar om aggression i hunde!! 😍😍English below!
Foredrag med Michael Shikashio - en af verdens førende eksperter indenfor aggression i hunde.
Kom med til en fantastisk weekend SPRÆNGFYLDT med viden om, hvorfor nogle hunde udviser aggression mod andre hunde eller mennesker, lær om hvordan man hjælper disse hunde med at få det bedre, få en masse fantastiske og nyttige værktøjer til at leve med aggression i hjemmet og hverdagen, bliv sikker på hvordan man RIGTIGT stopper en slåskamp mellem to eller flere hunde, og meget, meget mere!
Denne weekend er både til hundeejere, som kunne tænke sig at lære mere om, hvordan de hjælper deres egen hund, og til professionelle, som arbejder med hunde til hverdag.
Lige meget, om du specialiserer dig i at arbejde med aggressive hunde, eller om du blot vil være klar, hvis uheldet er ude, så er dette kursus perfekt til dig, som har hunde omkring dig i hverdagen!
Man kan tilmelde sig hele weekenden og få god rabat, eller man kan nøjes med en af dagene. Der er dog forskellige temaer de forskellige dage!
-Understanding and working with aggression
Keeping it simple is key to fostering an understanding of aggressive behavior. Mike will highlight the variety of reasons dogs may display aggression, and the straightforward concepts and techniques he incorporates in aggression cases for successful outcomes.
From the emotions that motivate aggressive behavior to underlying contributors such as medical issues, we will take a deep dive into dog aggression, and how we can best help dogs and their guardians.
-Precursors to aggression and dog body language
What are the signals that come before the growling, snarling, snapping, lunging, and biting? We will explore the subtle precursors, as well as advanced concepts in dog body language.
This session is excellent for both dog guardians, as well as dog pros!
-Ready, Set, Emotion
Mike will highlight the emotions that influence dog aggression, what they look like, and why they matter. This session will include videos of dogs displaying body language, behavior, and physiological signs that are indicative of certain underlying emotions, and what we can do as practitioners to help our clients and their dogs in aggression cases.
-Defensive handling and leash skills
This session will be all about leash skills, strategies, and equipment to incorporate to ensure safety for yourself, other people, and other animals when working with dogs who have a history of aggression.
Breakout session with hands-on practice using stuffed dogs (or working in pairs)
-How to safely break up a dog fight
This presentation will dive deep into the tools and techniques that pet owners and professionals can use to safely break up a dog fight. Mike will discuss a variety of methods to safely break up the two types of dog fights that can occur --- the “scissor fight” and the “vise grip fight.”
-Staying safe in aggressions cases
Dog bites can present serious ramifications, especially when under the supervision of a dog training professional. Before working an aggression case, it is crucial to ensure safety for all involved by setting the environment incorporating best practices. Proficiency in the requisite defensive handling techniques is also critical to mitigating disastrous outcomes.
Michael will be discussing the consequences that can occur when dogs bite; the safety considerations to have in place before working an aggression case; and a variety of defensive handling skills that can be employed in emergency scenarios.
-Prognosis and realistic goal setting
One of the most crucial aspects of working an aggression case is to help clients and adopters understand the potential outcome for their situation. The prognosis is an essential tool for providing a framework for realistic expectations, and for avoiding burnout and compassion fatigue in our industry. It's also very important as a dog owner to understand and have realistic expectations of potential goals for your dog.
-Dog human aggression
Mike will be showcasing real cases of dogs with aggression issues, along with videos that illustrate how these problems were successfully modified, from start to finish. This presentation covers everything from keeping everyone safe, to managing the situation and predicting how things might progress, all the way to making positive changes in the dogs' behavior. By using real cases and videos, the audience will get a clear picture of the entire process.
Mike will illustrate everything, from the first things to consider for safety, to incorporating positive reinforcement strategies, and even how to manage client and owner expectations. He also talks about what could be expected in the future and how the dogs' actions might change. This presentation is a great resource for both pet guardians and professionals who work with dogs.
-Resource guarding
This presentation is all about resource guarding in dogs! Mike will dispel myths, showcase how to modify resource guarding, and present real case examples with video. How to work with and modify resource guarding between animals in the home will also be highlighted!
Early bird priser!! Begrænset antal!
• Hele weekenden inklusiv forplejning - 5500,-
• Kun enten lørdag eller søndag inklusiv forplejning - 2995,-
Almindelige priser
• Hele weekenden inklusiv forplejning - 5750,-
• Kun enten lørdag eller søndag inklusiv forplejning - 3125,-
Der medfølger super lækker forplejning bestående af formiddagskaffe med lækkert brød, frokost samt en gratis øl/vand (også mulighed for vegetar frokost - dette skal blot oplyses til os ved tilmelding), samt eftermiddagskaffe og kage.
Inkluderet i prisen:
-Adgang til seminaret enten én eller begge dage
-Mulighed for at networke med en masse mennesker, som har samme passion, som dig!
-Adgang til lukket Facebook gruppe, hvor man kan snakke sammen om de spændende emner
-Kursus bevis
-Lækker forplejning
-Mulighed for at vinde en masse fede præmier!!
-En masse, masse ny viden!
Kurset starter begge dage klokken 9 og slutter omkring klokken 17.
Kurset afholdes i de super lækre lokaler og omgivelser ved Dalum Landbrugsskoles konferencecenter. Gratis parkering, og ellers kun få km fra Odense Banegård, hvor der går direkte busforbindelser til/fra.
Adresse: Landbrugsvej 65
DK-5260 Odense S
Husk gerne noget at tage noter med og på!
Book din plads via linket allerede idag!
Info om Michael Shikashio
Michael Shikashio, CDBC, is the founder of and focuses on teaching other professionals from around the world on how to successfully work aggression cases. He is a five-term president of the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC) and was the Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT) Member of the Year in 2020.
Michael is sought after for his expert opinion by numerous media outlets, including the New York Times, New York Post, Fox News, The List TV, Baltimore Sun, WebMD, Women’s Health Magazine, Real Simple Magazine, SiriusXM Radio, The Chronicle of the Dog, and Steve Dale’s Pet World. He also hosts the popular podcast show “The Bitey End of the Dog” where he chats with the foremost experts on dog aggression.
He has been a featured keynote speaker at conferences, universities, and seminars in more than 200 cities and 14 different countries around the world, and offers a variety of educational opportunities on the topic of canine aggression, including the Aggression in Dogs Master Course and the annual Aggression in Dogs Conference.
English description!
Experience Michael LIVE in Denmark, Europe!
1st and 2nd February 2025
Join us for an amazing weekend PACKED with knowledge about why some dogs exhibit aggression towards other dogs or humans, learn how to help these dogs improve, gain a multitude of fantastic and useful tools for living with aggression at home and in daily life, become confident in how to PROPERLY stop a fight between two or more dogs, and much, much more!
This weekend is for both dog owners who want to learn more about helping their own dog, and professionals who work with dogs on a daily basis.
Whether you specialize in working with aggressive dogs or just want to be prepared in case of an emergency, this course is perfect for those who have dogs around them every day!
You can sign up for the entire weekend and get a good discount, or you can choose to attend only one of the days. However, there are different themes on the different days!
-Understanding and working with aggression
Keeping it simple is key to fostering an understanding of aggressive behavior. Mike will highlight the variety of reasons dogs may display aggression, and the straightforward concepts and techniques he incorporates in aggression cases for successful outcomes. From the emotions that motivate aggressive behavior to underlying contributors such as medical issues, we will take a deep dive into dog aggression, and how we can best help dogs and their guardians.
-Precursors to aggression and dog body language
What are the signals that come before the growling, snarling, snapping, lunging, and biting? We will explore the subtle precursors, as well as advanced concepts in dog body language. This session is excellent for both dog guardians, as well as dog pros!
-Ready, Set, Emotion
Mike will highlight the emotions that influence dog aggression, what they look like, and why they matter. This session will include videos of dogs displaying body language, behavior, and physiological signs that are indicative of certain underlying emotions, and what we can do as practitioners to help our clients and their dogs in aggression cases.
-Defensive handling and leash skills
This session will be all about leash skills, strategies, and equipment to incorporate to ensure safety for yourself, other people, and other animals when working with dogs who have a history of aggression. Breakout session with hands-on practice using stuffed dogs (or working in pairs)
-How to safely break up a dog fight
This presentation will dive deep into the tools and techniques that pet owners and professionals can use to safely break up a dog fight. Mike will discuss a variety of methods to safely break up the two types of dog fights that can occur --- the “scissor fight” and the “vise grip fight.”
-Staying safe in aggressions cases
Dog bites can present serious ramifications, especially when under the supervision of a dog training professional. Before working an aggression case, it is crucial to ensure safety for all involved by setting the environment incorporating best practices. Proficiency in the requisite defensive handling techniques is also critical to mitigating disastrous outcomes.Michael will be discussing the consequences that can occur when dogs bite; the safety considerations to have in place before working an aggression case; and a variety of defensive handling skills that can be employed in emergency scenarios.
-Prognosis and realistic goal setting
One of the most crucial aspects of working an aggression case is to help clients and adopters understand the potential outcome for their situation. The prognosis is an essential tool for providing a framework for realistic expectations, and for avoiding burnout and compassion fatigue in our industry. It's also very important as a dog owner to understand and have realistic expectations of potential goals for your dog.
-Dog human aggression
Mike will be showcasing real cases of dogs with aggression issues, along with videos that illustrate how these problems were successfully modified, from start to finish. This presentation covers everything from keeping everyone safe, to managing the situation and predicting how things might progress, all the way to making positive changes in the dogs' behavior. By using real cases and videos, the audience will get a clear picture of the entire process.Mike will illustrate everything, from the first things to consider for safety, to incorporating positive reinforcement strategies, and even how to manage client and owner expectations. He also talks about what could be expected in the future and how the dogs' actions might change. This presentation is a great resource for both pet guardians and professionals who work with dogs.
-Resource guarding
This presentation is all about resource guarding in dogs! Mike will dispel myths, showcase how to modify resource guarding, and present real case examples with video. How to work with and modify resource guarding between animals in the home will also be highlighted!
Early bird tickets sold out within 3 days - so now we just have the regular tickets 😍
- Entire weekend including meals - DKK (Danish krone) 5750,-
- Either Saturday or Sunday including meals - DKK (Danish Krone) 3125,-
There will be super tasty food provided at the seminar! There will be morning coffee with delicious bread at the start of each morning, amazing lunch (you can also request vegetarian or vegan lunch! Just let us know when you sign up) with one free soda or beer, as well as coffee and cake in the afternoon!
Included in the price:
- Access to the seminar either one or both days
- Opportunity to network with many people who share your passion!
- Access to a closed Facebook group to discuss exciting topics
- Course certificate
- Delicious meals
- Opportunity to win lots of cool prizes!!
- Lots and lots of new knowledge!
The course starts at 9 am both days and ends around 5 pm.
The course is held in the super luxurious facilities and surroundings at Dalum Agricultural College's conference center. Free parking, and only a few km from Odense Train Station, where there are direct bus connections to/from. Odense is Denmark's 3rd largest city, and there are plenty different hotel options close by!
Address: Agricultural Road 65
DK-5260 Odense S
Feel free to bring something to take notes with!
Book your spot via the link today! The website does support payment card from non-danish countries, so you can still attend, no matter where you are from! 😍😍
To sign up for both days, choose the Michael Shikashio drop down option via the link that mentions "BEGGE DAGE" - meaning both days.
To sign up for only one day, choose the drop down option that mentions "ÉN DAG" and then just write "Saturday" or "Sunday" in the checkout comment :-)
Go to the Facebook event and invite your friends too!!
Info about Michael Shikashio
Michael Shikashio, CDBC, is the founder of and focuses on teaching other professionals from around the world how to successfully work aggression cases. He is a five-term president of the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC) and was the Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT) Member of the Year in 2020.
Michael is sought after for his expert opinion by numerous media outlets, including the New York Times, New York Post, Fox News, The List TV, Baltimore Sun, WebMD, Women’s Health Magazine, Real Simple Magazine, SiriusXM Radio, The Chronicle of the Dog, and Steve Dale’s Pet World. He also hosts the popular podcast show “The Bitey End of the Dog” where he chats with the foremost experts on dog aggression.
He has been a featured keynote speaker at conferences, universities, and seminars in more than 200 cities and 14 different countries around the world, and offers a variety of educational opportunities on the topic of canine aggression, including the Aggression in Dogs Master Course and the annual Aggression in Dogs Conference.
Where is it happening?
Dalum Landbrugsskole, Landbrugsvej 65,Odense, DenmarkEvent Location & Nearby Stays: