Acro Workshops with Noel
Sat, 05 Apr, 2025 at 01:30 am to Sun, 06 Apr, 2025 at 05:00 pm
Inspirál Cirkuszközpont Sopron út 19/A, Budapest, Hungary, 1117 | Budapest, BU
---ENGLISH VERSION in between the linesKerlek, toltsd ki ezt a formot, ha jelentkezni szeretnel:
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Noel, Hollandia ikonikus akrobata tanara ujra ellatogat hozzank, ezuttal harom workshop lesz egy hetvege alatt.
Aprilis 5 13:30 - 15:00
Szokatlan flow-k es mosogepek L-base pozban. Kimondottan nem kezdoknek :)
Unusual flows and washing machines, all L-base. And defenitely not beginner
Aprilis 5 15:30 - 17:00
Az elso hand-to-handed, L-base es allo verzioban. Itt a helyed, ha mindig is ki akartad probalni ezt a trukkot, de nem volt ra lehetoseged!
Do your first H2H, L-base ad Standing" . some preparing exercises, but most real H2H attempts. For everyone who feels he/she wants to start with it and for those with some experience.
Aprilis 6 13:30 - 15:30
Kulonfele duo es trio allo trukkok tempokkal, es swing-ekkel
Base-ek, hozztok egy flyert!
Flyerek, hozzatok egy, vagy ket base-t!
Standing variations for two and three. With tempo and swing. Flyer, bring (at least one) base and Base bring a flyer.
Reszveteli dij:
6000 Ft / workshop
Inspiral Cirkuszkozpont zold terem
Kerlek, toltsd ki ezt a formot, ha jelentkezni szeretnel:
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Where is it happening?
Inspirál Cirkuszközpont Sopron út 19/A, Budapest, Hungary, 1117Event Location & Nearby Stays: