A Musical Extravaganza of Miyazaki’s Anime (ver. Dreamers)
Sun, 09 Mar, 2025 at 03:00 pm
荃灣大會堂文娛廳 | Hong Kong, HK
9 Mar 2025 Sun 3pm荃灣大會堂文娛廳
Tsuen Wan Town Hall Cultural Activities Hall
香港演奏家管樂團於2025年初舉行「宮崎駿動畫音樂巡禮」音樂會,全院滿座。樂團特意呈獻由Dreamers 長號合奏及音樂總監司徒震洋演出的長號合奏音樂會,再次帶領觀眾進入吉卜力工作室創造的魔法世界,感受久石讓大師的動畫音樂魅力!
Dreamers 長號合奏將演奏來自《天空之城》、《魔女宅急便》、《千與千尋》及《龍貓》等吉卜力工作室經典動畫中的音樂,向40年歷史的吉卜力工作室致敬!不論你早已對宮崎駿動畫耳熟能詳,還是年資較淺的影迷,這場音樂會將為你帶來一個滿載情懷和奇幻的下午。
Celebrating success of our recent speedy sold-out “A Musical Extravaganza of Miyazaki’s Anime” concert, Hong Kong Performers Winds (HKPW) proudly presents another musical journey to the enchanting world of Studio Ghibli through masterpieces of Joe Hisaishi rearranged and performed by Dreamers Trombone Ensemble and our Music Director Szeto Chun-yeung.
As a tribute to Studio Ghibli, which will be celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2025, Dreamers Trombone Ensemble will bring to life the iconic music from timeless classics such as Laputa: Castle in the Sky, Kiki’s Delivery Service, Spirited Away, My Neighbour Totoro and more! Whether you're a lifelong fan of Miyazaki’s anime or discovering them for the first time, this trombone ensemble recital promises an unforgettable afternoon filled with nostalgia, wonder, and the magic of music.
演出 Performers
Music Director: Szeto Chun-yeung
Dreamers 長號合奏
Dreamers Trombone Ensemble
精選節目 Programme Highlights
《龍貓》選段 - 久石讓(司徒震洋編)
Highlights from My Neighbour Totoro - Hisaishi Joe (arr. Szeto Chun-yeung)
《天空之城》 - 久石讓(司徒震洋編)
Laputa: Castle in the Sky - Hisaishi Joe (arr. Szeto Chun-yeung)
《千與千尋》選段 - 久石讓(司徒震洋編)
Highlights from Spirited Away - Hisaishi Joe (arr. Szeto Chun-yeung)
《魔女宅急便》選段 - 久石讓(司徒震洋編)
Selections from Kiki’s Delivery Service - Hisaishi Joe (arr. Szeto Chun-yeung)
及宮崎駿動畫電影配樂改編長號合奏作品 and more music from Miyazaki’s Anime rearranged for trombone ensemble
票價 Ticket $160 ($100*)
* 折扣票適用於全日制學生、六十歲或以上高齡人士、殘疾人士及看護人、綜合社會緩助受惠人士
Discounted tickets for full-time students, senior citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities and the minder, and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients
門票於2月10日起公開發售 Tickets available from 10 Feb 2025
城市售票網 URBTIX: www.urbtix.hk
節目長約1小時45分鐘,包括中場休息 About 1 hour 45 minutes with an intermission
不設年齡限制,請尊重觀眾及演出者 No age limit & appreciate respect for the audience and performers
節目查詢 Programme Enquiries: 3488 1550 / [email protected]
Programme and artists are subject to change without prior notice
Where is it happening?
荃灣大會堂文娛廳, 72 Tai Ho Rd, Tsuen Wan, New Territories, Hong Kong SAR,Hong KongEvent Location & Nearby Stays: