8 Years of Magnitude Dance | 2025
Fri, 25 Apr, 2025 at 06:00 pm to Sun, 27 Apr, 2025 at 06:00 am
Scoala de dans Syntonia | Iasi, IS
Lume dansatoare,O bucurie imensă și un prilej de celebrare deosebit!
👉 Magnitude Dance are deosebita plăcere de a vă invita la aniversarea celor 8 ani de activitate, în Iași, România, în perioada 💥25-27 Aprilie, 2025💥.
💜 "8 ani de Magnitudine" va însuma dansatori dornici de distracție de pretutindeni, artiști și performeri care vor întreține atmosfera într-un weekend de excepție.💜
O experiență de neuitat ce se așterne pe 2 zile pline de distracție, amestecate cu petreceri condimentate cu muzică de salsa, bachata și kizomba a celor mai buni Dj, cu un top-line de excepție alcătuit din artiști naționali si internationali.
👀Meniul principal:
• 2 zile de workshop-uri
• 2 nopți de petreceri ( Salsa & Bachata Room / Kizomba Room )
😱 Ne vom bucura de tot meniul într-un singur loc .
LOCAȚIE EVENIMENT : Syntonia, Dance School
Artists Line-up:
Max & Elza | Rusia
Stephane | Franta
Teresa Jimenez | Suedia
Kelly & John | Grecia
Catalin & Andreea | Idance, Bucuresti
Radu & Judit | Colours, Cluj
Marius & Elena | Dansatorii Anonimi, Iasi
Stefan & Stefania | Magnitude Dance
Adelina | Magnitude Dance
More to be confirmed
🎧 Dj`s Line-up:
Dj Mag | Magnitude Dance
Dj Clau | Oradea – confirmat
Dj Tzenu | Universul Latino - confirmat
Dj Kid`o | Bucuresti- confirmat
DJ B!JU | Cluj -confirmat
More to be confirmed
💰Preturi pana la data de 1 Februarie:
💸Full Pass - 275 ron / 55 Euro -acces workshop-uri ,petreceri
💸Party Pass - 200 ron / 40 Euro - acces petreceri (Vineri & Sambata )
💰Preturi pana la data de 24 Aprilie:
💸Full Pass - 325 ron / 65 Euro -acces workshop-uri ,petreceri
💸Party Pass - 250 ron / 50 Euro - acces petreceri (Vineri & Sambata)
★AT THE DOOR (incepand cu 25 Aprilie):
💸Full Pass - 425 Ron / 85 Euro -acces workshop-uri ,petreceri
💸Party Pass - 350 Ron / 70 Euro - acces petreceri.
💵 Friday Party Pass - 200 Ron/ 40 Euro
💵 Saturday Party Pass - 225 Ron/ 45 Euro
💰Achizitie si Plata PASS-uri :
Pass-urile pot fi achizitionate prin reprezentantii scolilor de dans sau se poate depune in urmatorul cont pentru a intra in posesie:
0758515946- Stefan Cosmin
-cu mentiunea tipului de pass si numele integral
IBAN: RO07RZBR0000060023016718
Valuta: Lei
Nume banca: Raiffeisen Bank
Cod swift: RZBRROBU
Dupa efectuarea platii va rugam sa ne transmiteti printr-un mesaj privat sau pe mail achizitionarea pass-ului.
Pentru rezervare,se poate face direct prin organizatori sau personal la receptia hotelului cu mentiunea "Eveniment aniversar Magnitude Dance".
Pentru mai multe detalii:
Stefan-Cosmin : 0758515946
Facebook : Stefan-Cosmin Ioneasa
Mail: [email protected]
🖤🖤Începutul unei experiențe de neuitat cu spirit primavăratic și multă dorința de dans!🖤🖤
Dancing world,
A huge joy and a special occasion for celebration!
👉 Magnitude Dance has the special pleasure of inviting you to the anniversary of its 7 years of activity, in Iași, Romania, during 💥April 25-27 2025💥.
💜 "8years of Magnitude" will bring together fun-loving dancers from everywhere, artists and performers who will maintain the atmosphere in an exceptional weekend.💜
An unforgettable experience spread over 2 days full of fun, mixed with parties spiced with salsa, bachata and kizomba music by the best DJs, with an exceptional top-line made up of national and international artists.
👀Main menu:
• 2 days of workshops
• 2 nights of parties (Salsa & Bachata Room / Kizomba Room)
😱 We will enjoy the whole menu in one place.
EVENT LOCATION: ***Syntonia, Dance School***
Artists Line-up:
Max & Elza | Russia
Stephane | Franta
Teresa Jimenez | Suedia
Kelly & John | Grecia
Catalin & Andreea | Idance, Bucuresti
Radu & Judit | Colours, Cluj
Marius & Elena | Dansatorii Anonimi, Iasi
Stefan & Stefania | Magnitude Dance
Adelina | Magnitude Dance
More to be confirmed
🎧 Dj's Line-up:
Dj Mag | Magnitude Dance
Dj Clau | Oradea-confirmed
Dj Tzenu | Latin Universe-confirmed
Dj Kid`0 | Bucharest-confirmed
DJ B!JU | CLuj-confirmed
More to be confirmed
💰Prices until February 1st 💰:
💸Full Pass - 275 ron / 55 Euro - access to workshops, parties
💸Party Pass - 200ron / 40 Euro - party access (Friday & Saturday)
💰Prices until April 1 t 💰:
💸Full Pass - 325 ron / 65 Euro - access to workshops, parties
💸Party Pass - 250 ron / 50 Euro - party access (Friday & Saturday)
★AT THE DOOR (starting from April 24):
💸Full Pass - 375 ron / 75 Euro - access to workshops, parties
💸Party Pass - 300 / 60 Euro - party access.
💵 Friday Party Pass - 150 Ron/ 30 Euro
💵 Saturday Party Pass - 175 Ron/ 35 Euro
💰 Purchase and Payment of PASSes:
Passes can be purchased through dance school representatives or can be deposited into the following account to take possession:
0758515946- Stefan Cosmin
- with the mention of the type of pass and the full name
IBAN: RO07RZBR0000060023016718
Currency: Lei
Bank name: Raiffeisen Bank
Swift code: RZBRROBU
After making the payment, please send us a private message or email about the purchase of the pass.
👀 🏨 Accommodation:
***Zimbru Hotel***
Single room: 260 ron/night (with breakfast)
Double/twin/matrimonial room: 310 ron/night (with breakfast)
Double studio: 345 (with breakfast)
‼These preferential prices are only valid directly from the organizer. If you opt for the direct booking option, you will pay the entire reception price. ‼
Reservations can be made directly through the organizers or staff at the hotel reception with the mention "Magnitude Dance Anniversary Event".
For further information:
Stefan-Cosmin: 0758515946
Facebook: Stefan-Cosmin Ioneasa
Mail: [email protected]
🖤🖤 The beginning of an unforgettable experience with spring spirit and a lot of desire to dance! 🖤🖤
Where is it happening?
Scoala de dans Syntonia, Strada Bucium 34, 700265 Iași, România,Iasi, RomaniaEvent Location & Nearby Stays: