2-Day Online DFIT/Fracture Pressure Analysis Course - Led by Dr. J.Y.Deng
Thu, 24 Jul, 2025 at 08:30 am to Fri, 25 Jul, 2025 at 05:00 pm
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About this Event
Led by Dr. Jiayao (J.Y.) Deng
This online course is presented in a “workshop” fashion. After a brief review of fracturing pressure analysis background, basic closure pressure analysis techniques, etc., we also discuss “non-ideal” cases. These are then reviewed by working through actual case history data. This includes natural fracture (pressure dependent) loss, horizontal well DFIT, After-Closure-Analysis (ACA) type curves for detecting stress sensitive permeability, etc. Time is also set aside to review cases/data brought by the participants – everyone is urged to bring their own data for review by the group. A planned agenda is included below, but this often changes during the course.
Day 1
Morning -
0.5 hours - General Introduction
0.5 hours - Injection Test/DFIT Review
1 hour - In-Situ Stress vs. Closure Pressure
2 hours - Closure Pressure Analysis
> 0.5 hours - Micro-Frac Test
- ISIP Picks, Square Root of Time Plot
> 0.5 hours - Pump-In Flowback Test
- Closure Pressure
> 1 hours - Step-Rate Test
-Extension Pressure, Closure Pressure
-Tip Effect (Fracture Toughness)
Afternoon -
2 hours - Closure Pressure Analysis - continued
> 2 hours - Pressure Decline Analysis
-Closure Pressure
-Horner Plot
-Flow Regimes, Log Log Plot
-Square Root of Time Plot, G Func Plot, G×dP/dG Plot
-Fluid Efficiency, Pad Fraction, Fluid Loss Coefficient
2 hours - After-Closure Analysis
> Flow Regimes, Log Log Plot
> Pseudo Linear Flow, Pseudo Radial Flow
> Type Curve
> Transmissibility, Permeability, Reservoir Pressure
> Pressure Build-Up Analysis vs. After-Closure Analysis
Day 2
Morning -
1 hour - Fracture Geometry Review
1 hour - Treating Net Pressure Interpretation
> Fracture Geometry
> Pressure Dependent Leakoff, Height Growth, Tip Screenout
2 hours - Frac Pressure History Match
> Bottomhole Pressure History Match
> Surface Pressure History Match
Afternoon -
1 hour - Step-Down Test
> Perforation Friction
> Near Wellbore Friction, Tortuosity
> Number of Perforations
2 hours - More Examples/Class Cases
1 hour - Summary and Discussion
A complete set of course materials is included in this course.
*Participants will need to bring a laptop with Microsoft Excel to each day of this course*
Cancellation/Transfer Policy: A minimum of 10 business days’ notice is required to cancel the enrollment, otherwise the tuition fee is forfeited or remains due if not already paid. Cancellation requests received 10 business-days or greater will be honored and tuition refunded.
Transfers to future sessions of participants from the same company will be permitted if notice is given within 6 business days. Substitution of participants from the same company will be permitted. Notice of substitution must be received 24 hours prior to the course start.
Please contact NSI if you need to cancel, transfer or substitute.
NSI reserves the right to cancel any session at any time. The decision to cancel is generally made one week before the session. We reserve the right to substitute course instructors as necessary.
Where is it happening?
OnlineUSD 1900.00