【異國料理】(中英文)來伊朗人家作客 - 從料理認識伊朗:薄荷奶酪波菜濃湯麵 Ash Reshteh Understanding Iran Through Its Cuisine


Sat Jan 11 2025 at 01:00 pm to 03:40 pm


YK CLUB | Taipei, TP

伊朗位於中東,是波斯文明的發源地,擁有悠久的歷史和豐富的文化遺產,也是歷史上藝術遺產最豐富的國家之一。伊朗以其美味的飲食文化著稱,其中Ash Reshteh是最著名的菜餚之一,擁有超過兩千年的歷史。不僅是日常主食,在聚會或齋月的開齋儀式上也經常出現。Ash Reshteh的作法多樣,每個家庭和區域都有自己獨特的食譜。這次,我們將與主廚Mona一起學習她家族傳承的Ash Reshteh食譜,享受這道美味佳餚的製作過程,體驗伊朗人的待客之道!

? 活動內容:
1) 一起動手做薄荷奶酪波菜濃湯麵 Ash reshteh
2) 享用薄荷奶酪波菜濃湯麵 Ash reshteh
3) 講座分享:從湯認識伊朗

? 品嚐內容:
薄荷奶酪波菜濃湯麵 Ash reshteh

? 適合誰參加:
? 主辦單位:YK CLUB

Iran, located in the Middle East, is the birthplace of Persian civilization, boasting a rich history and cultural heritage. It is one of the most artistically rich countries in history. Iran is renowned for its delicious cuisine, with Ash being one of its most famous dishes, having a history of over two thousand years. Not only is it a daily staple, but it also appears frequently at gatherings and during Ramadan iftar ceremonies. The preparation of Ash varies, with each family and region having its unique recipe. This time, we will join Chef Mona to learn her family's traditional Ash recipe, enjoy the cooking process of this delicious dish, and experience the hospitality of the Iranian people!
? Event Content:
1) Hands-on cooking of Noodle Ash reshteh
(Some ingredients will be pre-prepared due to time constraints)
2) Enjoying Noodle Ash reshteh
3) Lecture: Understanding Iran through its soups

? Tasting Content:
Noodle Ash reshteh

? Suitable for:
Ages 12 and above, those interested in exotic cuisine and cooking
(Children under 12 should register for the parent-child ticket and be accompanied by a parent)

?Organizer: YK CLUB

?Line Online Consultation:

Where is it happening?

YK CLUB, 台灣103341台北市大同區重慶北路三段2號,Taipei, Taiwan

Event Location & Nearby Stays:


Host or Publisher YK CLUB

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