শ্রী শ্রী সরস্বতী পূজা-২০২৫


Mon, 03 Feb, 2025 at 06:15 am


The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB) | Dhaka, DA

History of ICAB Puja Udjapan Parishad
“Om Jay Jay Devi Characharo Sare, Kuchojugoshovito Muktahare
Veena Ranjito Pustaka Haste, Bhagobati Bharati Devi Namohstute
Om Saraswati Mahabhage Vidya Komolo Lochone,
Biswarupe Bishalakshi Vidyang Dehi Namohstute”

Maa Saraswati is the Goddess of knowledge, music, arts, wisdom and learning. She represents the union of power, light and intelligence from which organized creation arises. The beautiful Goddess of intellect possesses all the learning of the Vedas, scriptures, dancing, musical power and poetry. She revealed language and writing to man. Her white complexion symbolizes purity. She is wisdom, fortune, intelligence, nourishment, brilliance, contentment, splendor and devotion. Maa Saraswati rides a Swan. A swan, therefore, symbolizes the ability to discriminate between right and wrong or good and bad. Maa Saraswati is also known as Bharati, Mahavidya, Mahavani, Brahmi, Vinapani, Sarada, Gayatri, Vani, Mahasweta and many others. Goddess Saraswati is worshiped by all persons interested in knowledge and learning, especially students, teachers, scholars, and professionals.
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB) is the institution where students are trained to be professional accountants by building and developing their knowledge and skills. The professional accountants of ICAB are required to align their knowledge and skills with practice to develop the financial and accounting sector of the countries where they serve and contribute to the economy. Either as articled students or as qualified members, all of them are required to develop themselves through continuous learning and apply their knowledge and experience continually in their professional life. Since Maa Saraswati is the goddess of learning, wisdom, knowledge, skills, fine arts, refinement, science and technology, ICAB, even though it has several other objectives, cannot be thrown out of the scope as it also is an institution for learning, wisdom, knowledge and skills.
In the year 2014, some of the articled students of ICAB from different firms took the initiative for the first time to start “Bani Archani” at the ICAB premises. The main objective behind this noble initiative was to make an arrangement so that the devotees can worship Goddess Saraswati, on the day of “Sree Panchami” for blessings of knowledge, wisdom, intelligence, and development in career or profession.
This initiative, when shared, was welcomed by the senior member of ICAB Mr. Ajit Kumar Paul FCA and with his continuous support from the beginning “Bani Archani” by the articled students at ICAB Academic Campus for the first time on 4th February, 2014. The honorable council member, Mr. Dewan Nurul Islam FCA also has remarkable contribution in carrying out the program. Other senior members who also supported in establishing the initiative were Mr. Gopal Chandra Ghosh FCA, Mr. Shahadat Hossain FCA, Mr. Ramendra Nath Basak FCA. The initiators of the program were mainly Mr. Sadhon Podder, Mr. Sajeeb Saha ACA, Mr. Debasish Singh, Mr. Bipul Nath & Ms. Chaity Basak FCA. There were other members, including Mr. Saptam Biswas FCA, Mr. Amitav Debnath FCA, and many other students from different CA firms whose support and contribution made the noble cause to come in to light.
In continuing "Bain Archana" for the second year in 2015, a committee was formed named "ICAB Puja Udjapan Parishad". The founding President and General Secretary of the parishad were Mr. Bimal Kanta Bhattacharjee FCA and Mr. Manoranjan Bhakta FCA respectively. The core advisors were Mr. Ajit Kumar Paul FCA, Mr. Gopal Chandra Ghosh FCA, Mr. Ramendra Nath Basak FCA and the then council members of ICAB. The Parishad also included other members of ICAB and articled students of different CA firms. The main objective of the Parishad was to continue Maa Saraswati's Aradhana from year to year and to bring together the members, the articled and course completed students of ICAB to celebrate the occasion and enlighten them through devotion.
The Panshad continues to be in operation with its current President Mr. Ajit Kumar Paul FCA & General Secretary Mr. Chandra Shakhar Pal Chowdhury FCA and members including the council members of ICAB as advisors to celebrate "Maa Saraswati's Aradhana".
ICAB Puja Udjapan Panshad, with their continued unity and devotion towards Maa Saraswatl, has been celebrating Bani Archana on the eve of Sree Panchami for the 10th year in a row. It is hoped that the Parishad will continue worshipping Maa Saraswati for knowledge and wisdom for all students and members of ICAB as well as for all people across the globe every year.

Where is it happening?

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB), Dhaka, Bangladesh

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