Yugo goes Retro Classics
Thu, 27 Feb, 2025 at 11:00 am to Sun, 02 Mar, 2025 at 05:00 pm
Stuttgart Flughafen Messe | Stuttgart, BW
Yugo ide na sajam…/ Yugo goes to exhibition����
Dragi prijatelji,
dragi ljubitelji Yugo automobila,
Od 27.02. do 02.03.2025 održaće se sajam Retro Classics u Stuttgartu.
Detaljnije informacije na sajtu:
Retro Classics - Retro Classics
Globo će imati štand od 120 m2 u hali 5 broj B32 gde će biti izložena vozila marke Yugo.
Globo nudi 5 besplatnih mesta na štandu za sve zainterosovane koji bi izložili svoj Yugo.
Kako bi za sve Vas koji se prijavite bilo fer, odrzaće se glasanje kako bi smo odabrali tih 5 vozila. Onih pet koji dobiju najviše bodova/glasova moći će da izlože svoj auto.
Važna informacija:
Štand i sve troškove vezane za štand omogucio je Globo. To znači izlaganje vašeg Yugo automobila i dve karte je pokrila firma Globo. Vlasnici/Izlagači preuzimaju samo svoje troškove puta i eventualno noćenje.
Uskoro ćemo najaviti način učestvovanja t.j.kako se možete prijaviti sa svojim vozilom kao i kakav je proces glasanja za auto.
Dear friends,
Dear Yugo car lovers,
From 27.02 to 02.03.2025 the Retro Classics fair in Stuttgart will take place.
All details can be found using the following link:
Retro Classics - Retro Classics
Globo will have a stand of 120 m2 in hall 5 booth number B32 where we will display several Yugo cars.
Globo offers 5 exhibition places for all interested enthusiasts to display their own Yugo car.
To be fair for all Yugo owners who are interested in displaying their car we will organise a voting. The 5 cars with the most votes can participate in the show and present their car.
Soon we will inform you about the procedure and process of voting.
Important information:
The costs for the exhibition, stand, display of your car and two entrance tickets will be covered by Globo.
Car exhibitors just have to cover their travel expenses and personal costs.
Please share with your club, organisation and friends
Where is it happening?
Stuttgart Flughafen Messe, Flughafen Stuttgart,Stuttgart, GermanyEvent Location & Nearby Stays: