You Can Have It All: Women's Retreat in Sedona!


Fri Oct 22 2021 at 11:00 am to Sun Oct 24 2021 at 03:30 pm


Sedona | Sedona, AZ

The Worthee Warriors are back for a powerful, 3-day event in Sedona October 22-24, 2021!
About this Event

We welcome women who are ready to expand their consciousness that would love to experience a Sisterhood with the other women joining in this event. You will leave this event knowing that you can have it all!

Master Coaches, Marcie, Kristeen, Robin and Sandra, will bring transformational tools to your life and consciousness to help you evolve to levels you've always dreamed were possible.

This empowering retreat not only features the workshops described below, but ALSO gives you the opportunity to schedule private one-on-one sessions!

A calendar will be sent out to purchase and book individual sessions in:

  • Transformational Life Coaching
  • Reiki
  • Pilates
  • Healthy Cooking & Living
  • Intuitive Channeling
  • Massage
  • Medium Readings
  • Life Assessments
  • One-on-One Coaching

You really can HAVE IT ALL!

***This life-changing retreat will be held at a gorgeous private residence in Sedona, AZ! We encourage you to book lodging upon reserving your ticket to ensure availability at local hotels and/or Airbnb's.


Mindset is the juice of our life! How you view the world is how you live!

You can continually create and recreate your mindset but you have to challenge old paradigms to get you there. We'll be creating a high level of excitement for what is next in order to bring the elevated vibration needed to that magnetic connection to the Universe.

Once you make that connection and disconnect from the fast beliefs about yourself, you can then create new conditioning through new thoughts that support your goals and dreams. The good news is you have control over your thoughts.

As you transform and grow you can learn to pull the weeds and plant new seeds!


All relationships are created over time.

They are nurtured by our thoughts and experiences. They can be healthy or unhealthy.


Our Relationship with Money follow the same pattern.

It is created over time.

It is nurtured by our thoughts and experiences.

It can be healthy or unhealthy.

At the Retreat, you will...

  • Discover your personal beliefs about money.
  • Learn healthy thought patterns that attract money and create a life of abundance.
  • Learn the skills necessary to maintain a healthy relationship with money.


Why am I here? Am I on the right path? What’s my “thing” I’m supposed to give to the world?

These are the questions we ask ourselves that directly connect to our ability to feel a sense of purpose and joy in life. For many, it can be difficult to answer these questions, especially in our rapidly changing world.

We’ll collaborate together to:

  • Reconcile past experiences that keep you from taking bold steps
  • Tune into your internal guidance system
  • Learn a process to easily answer these questions
  • Discover how to negate distractions and stay committed to your path
  • Put “imposter syndrome” to rest for good


You have a unique and beautiful body that is the temple of your Spirit and Soul, BUT maybe you don’t take care of it like it is that beautiful temple. It’s time to be more caring and compassionate with ourselves!

Our physical bodies are intelligent and remember and store EVERYTHING . . . our traumas, losses, and experiences, which can create dis-ease.

At the retreat, you'll learn how to take better care of your Soul’s temple and how to manage difficult emotions so that you’re not holding on to or pushing them down.

Our goal is for you to know how to be more fully alive and vibrant in your body and your Spirit so you can truly live into your highest, most awesome and amazing self!

Your Facilitators
Event Photos


Sandra is passionate about going within and recognizing the importance of self-reflection. She takes you on a path of seeking clarity, balance and an open landscape for change. Sandra can guide you in accessing the genius of your genuine self, and creating your optimum life from that point of power. She has the capacity to produce success and satisfaction by proven design.


  • Growth Coach
  • Associates Degree in Occupational Studies with a concentration in Mind/Body
  • Transformational Psychology
  • Certified Life Coach
  • Certified in Hypnotherapy
  • Certified in Holistic Nutrition
  • Certified Reiki Master/Teacher
  • Certified Family and Consulting Herbalist


Sandra has 20 plus years’ experience in being an Entrepreneur in her business of focusing on home interiors. Creativity is an essential part of Sandra’s life. In helping people tap into their true selves through creativity, Sandra has learned that people really want to be authentic & daring but often don’t know how. This is true in the home and outside of it. Coaching with Sandra will open up that part of a person that stays safe and comfortable and take them to that strong Warrior they are on the inside.

Sandra has coached millennials, seniors, young teens, the bereaved and families. Reiki has been a platform for assisting in health issues, emotional and physical blocks, and past traumas. Melding the practice of Reiki and Coaching have brought forth awareness, change and forward movement in her clients’ lives. Sandra is married to her high school sweetheart and has a great amount of wisdom and knowledge that she acquired from her 40 plus year relationship. She has two grown daughters and is a new Grandmother.

Along with Sandra’s passion for personal growth, she has a love for spending time with family and friends and hiking in her hometown of Sedona, AZ. Spending time outdoors, working out, decorative painting and anything creative keeps Sandra busy in her personal life. A love of life and a practice of daily gratitude take the lead on a daily basis.

Event Photos


Robin Meservey resides in Phoenix, Arizona and views each day as a new adventure and opportunity to make life vibrant and alive. She is energetic, inspiring, and passionate about helping her clients gain insight into what is holding them back from living a fully charged life!

Robin is committed to guiding and supporting others in developing the habits and mindset that will help them become their best, highest self. She will help you uncover your beliefs and thoughts that are holding you back with challenging questions, accountability, an empathetic ear, and a touch of humor. S he loves motivating and stretching her clients along their path of personal growth!


  • Bachelor’s Degree in Finance
  • Institute for Integrative Nutrition Certified Health Coach
  • Currently working on Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist and Personal
  • Training Certifications


I have been a high performance life coach with Growth for over three years and have delivered nearly 3,000 sessions in this time. I have worked with clients from various backgrounds including all levels of entrepreneurs, CEOs, top-level management, lawyers, doctors, and many transitioning to retirement as well.

I have experience in corporate training, employee engagement, project management, education, retreat facilitation and development, and 32-years in group fitness.

I have worked with ages as young as 5, all the way up to 70 years in my experiences as a coach, educator, and group fitness instructor.

I love time with my family and good friends. I am a “foodie” who loves creating culinary delights in her kitchen or eating at a great new restaurant. Nothing is better than a fantastic meal with her husband and six children. My spiritual growth and development is a major priority in my life. I also love spending my free time hiking, paddle boarding, appreciating music, laughing with friends, exploring the outdoors, teaching “spin” classes, and gardening.

Event Photos


Marcie uses humor and unconditional love to help her clients create the life and relationships they desire.

She is a master at detecting hidden disempowering beliefs and helping her clients create new empowering beliefs, which lead to her clients achieving success and joy in ALL the things.


  • Certified Pilates Instructor
  • Certified Life and Weight Loss Coach
  • Growth Coach


Marcie has been working as a Coach at Growth since 2018 and has a proven track record of helping her clients from all over the world reach their potential in their personal and professional goals. She has built a successful independent coaching business since she started taking on private clients in 2020.

Marcie lives in Queen Creek, Arizona with her husband Brett of 30 years. They have 3 children and a daughter-in-law. She loves to practice and teach Pilates, hang with her family, travel, and Coach, and Coach some more! She tells her clients that working together is going to be… SO MUCH FUN!!!


Dianna Lynn is an Illinois licensed massage therapist and a long standing member of the Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals.

Dianna graduated from the Wellness and Massage Training Institute in Woodridge, Illinois in 1995. She has been doing bodywork for over 28 years. She has been trained in a variety of techniques including relaxation, deep tissue therapy, trigger point therapy, myofascial release, seated massage, heated rock massage, Cranial-sacral and Healing Touch.

“Massage gives you the power to heal yourself!”

My guiding philosophy…

Massage itself does not cure. It simply changes your point of view, alters your reality and enables your body to let go of tension.

Your body has innate wisdom and can cure itself. Massage helps the body relax so that natural healing can occur.

Massage, in a safe, secure environment, is preventative, restorative, ad it feels great too!

Where is it happening?

Sedona, United States

USD 650.00

Worthee Warriors

Host or Publisher Worthee Warriors

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