Winter’s Gate Spring Collegium


Sat Apr 20 2024 at 09:00 am to Sun Apr 21 2024 at 04:00 pm


UAF University Park Building | Fairbanks, AK

Saturday, APRIL 20th, 2024; 10 am to 5 pm
Sunday, APRIL 21st, 2024; 10 am to 5 pm
University Park Building (U-Park) on both days, (where we have our regular fighter practice), Rooms: 151, 156, 158 and the gym (Sunday only), 1000 University Avenue, Fairbanks, Alaska
Cost: Free.
LUNCH: Bring your own lunch.

Rooms: 151, 156, 158, & gym (Sunday only), (Old U-Park)
1000 University Avenue, Fairbanks
Cost: Free. / LUNCH: Bring your own lunch.
CLASS LIST: * * * * * * * SATURDAY * * * * * * *
11-12 HOW TO MAKE PINS FROM WIRE. Make your own pins! You will learn how to make a useful straight pin with a coiled end out of ordinary wire. Great for sewing, veils, sleeves, holding jackets together, and more. Some tools will be available, but bring any jewelry pliers you've got (round nose and/or flat jaws). If you bring wire, it can be anything from 20 to 16 gauge (but 18 works best) and ideally should be brass or bronze, not the stuff from Joann’s with the coating layer. Small files will also be useful, but again, I'll have some with me. (Gisla)
11-12 (Sat) VIKING WIRE WEAVING. An art form that produces a tubular chain that magically looks knitted. Some materials & tools will be available, but if you can, bring wire cutters and pliers (both flat and needle-nose), as well as 24-28 gauge wire. And a few favorite color beads pairs to distinguish yours. (Baroness Merewyn)
11-12 (Sat) HOW TO MAKE SKYR. A demo of the process to make skyr, the delicious treat that yogurt wishes it could grow up to be (with tasting samples!) (Cemper)
------------- Noon - 1:00 LUNCH -----------------------
1-2 (Sat) OSTEOMANCY. Osteomancy, or “throwing the bones”, is a really cool form of divination. You will get some stuff to start your very own osteomancy set, as well as some extra goodies! Not only will there be a presentation, but a live demonstration. I will even bring my personal set with me for people to see! (Chloe)
2-3 (Sat) DEVICE HERALDRY. Basic rules to develop a heraldic device. (Baron Khevron)
2-4 (Sat) WOODEN STOOL. Make & take for a low stool a la the Lund Stool, a Viking age seat. If anyone wants to tackle the four legged version found here ( talk to Gisla ahead of time. (Gisla) RSVPs can be sent to Ellisif via Messenger or email ellisif@
2-5 (Sat) WEAVING: BALTIC PICK-UP ON AN INKLE LOOM. Students will learn the Baltic Pickup technique, which adds an extra dimension by floating some of the warp strands above the rest. It allows for more complex designs than can be accomplished with normal inkle weaving. We will be covering the differences between standard inkle weaving and Baltic pickup and how to design your own Baltic pickup patterns. Warp your loom and play around with some simple Baltic patterns. (Lyneya) // Requirements – Students will need to be comfortable with basic inkle technique before attempting the class and should bring their own loom, a shuttle, and at least 25 premade heddles that fit their inkle loom (three of the heddles should be made with a contrasting color). Loaner looms available.
2-4 (Sat) LAGARTERA EMBROIDERY. Come learn the Spaniard’s take on blackwork. This is a counted technique that includes different types of stitches added to the elegance of the running-stitch. All materials will be provided for the class. If you have small scissors, please bring them. Class size is limited to 6. There is no cost for the class, but a suggested donation of $5 towards the supplies would be amazing. (Margery)
(Intermittent on Sat) RETURN OF THE LEATHER LAB! Start a project with help and advice, or get unstuck on a project you're having trouble with. (Gisla)
* * * * * * * SUNDAY * * * * * * *
11-12 (Sun) SAREE, IT'S AN ANACHRONISM. Pt. 1. Learn how to use a saree to create a variety of anachronistic garb. Students will need to bring a saree or may purchase a silk saree for $15.00. Please no auditing. (Cemper)
------------- Noon - 12:30 LUNCH -----------------------
12:30 - 1:30 PM (Sun) DANCE! A chance to learn a couple dances to have even more fun at events. And possibly live music! (Anne)
1:30 (Sun) SAREE, IT'S AN ANACHRONISM. Pt. 2. Learn how to use a saree, continued.
1:30 -2:30 (Sun) KOMBUCHA MAKING. How to make Kombucha, the fermented tea beverage from ancient China. (Kaye)
1:30 - 3:30 (Sun) FIGHTER TRAINING. This class will focus on training to make you a better fighter. (Sir Bartram)
3:30 - 5:30 (Sun) HOW TO MAKE AND FIGHT WITH A GLAIVE. The ancient national weapon of Wales, this polearm cast terror into the hearts of anyone who faced it in battle all from the middle ages to the 18th century. Come learn how to build one, and then how to fight with it.
To make a glaive you will need a 5-6 foot piece of rattan and a shorter piece to make the blade out of. If you have a draw knife I would recommend you bring that as well, for taping bring your preference of tapes. For fighting with the glaive, feel free to bring one. (Hans)
* * * * * * * KID’S TRACK: * * * * * * *
1-2 (Sat) JEWELRY MAKING. (Kids track) Make simple bracelets or necklaces with beads. (Baroness Merewyn)
4-5 (Sat) PAGE SCHOOL: POTTERY: BEGINNER’S INTRODUCTION (Kids track). Open to all ages. Using an air dry clay to learn the techniques of making pinch and coil pots. All you need is a willingness to get a bit dirty and a love of squishing things. It is recommended to bring something that can cover your clothing. While this clay washes easily from fabric, it can still make you a bit messy. All materials are provided. (Margery)
1:30 PM (Sun) THROWN WEAPONS (Kids track) Learn the basics of axe throwing and how to aim them (No real axes will be thrown - they’ll be toys). (Alex)
DIRECTIONS/PARKING: From Geist Road/or Johansen Expressway, turn north onto University Ave., then turn left onto Sandvik Avenue, then an immediate right into the parking lot of U-Park. You can park in front and enter there, or in the back near the gym. University Park, 1000 University Avenue, Fairbanks.

Where is it happening?

UAF University Park Building, Fairbanks, United States

Event Location & Nearby Stays:

SCA Kingdom of the West

Host or Publisher SCA Kingdom of the West

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