Winter Choir Triple: ok!choir, The Dienstag Choir and BVG choir


Wed, 11 Dec, 2024 at 07:00 pm


SO 36 Berlin Kreuzberg | Berlin, BE


Dear friends!
It is that time again!
Together with our friends from Dienstag Choir and BVG Choir, we would like to invite you to our final gig of the year! Like last year, this will be an epic combination of three fabulous ensembles bringing you tunes from the alternative and indie world. Even better, this year holds some special surprises including a raffle for a good cause - we will be supporting the Berliner Kältehilfe.
We would love to celebrate the holiday season with all of you and dance the night away. We are happy to host the event again at the incredible SO36 in Kreuzberg on the 11th of December.
Doors open - 19.00
Concert begins - 19.30
Oranienstr. 190, 10999 Berlin
To allow everyone to enjoy our concert, we have three ticket levels to chose from, and you can buy the tickets upfront in the SO36 Ticket shop.
Tickets ermäßigt 8,40 €
Tickets regulär 14,40 €
Support-Tickets 22,80 €
(Support tickets subsidise reduced tickets)
Look forward to an amazing choir evening and spread the word!

Winter Choir Triple | 11.12.24 | 19:30Doors open 19:00 SO36 Oranienstr. 190, 10999

Three choirs will sing for you
Let's celebrate together
at the SO36 venue

ok!choir is a mixed voice pop choir of 45 singers based in Friedrichshain/Kreuzberg, Berlin. The weekly edition of the choir sings in four or five part harmonies, with a repertoire of pop, rock and indie tunes. We also hold an open Pop Up rehearsal on the last Wednesday of each month, which anyone can attend. Come along!
ok!choir is conducted by musician and choral director Ben Barritt, and is run by a small group of delightful volunteers.
ok!choir ist ein gemischter Popchor mit 45 Sängerinnen und Sängern aus Friedrichshain/Kreuzberg. Die wöchentliche Ausgabe des Chors singt in vier- oder fünfstimmigen Harmonien mit einem Repertoire an Pop-, Rock- und Indie-Songs. Jeden letzten Mittwoch im Monat findet eine offene Pop Up-Probe statt, an der jeder teilnehmen kann. Kommt vorbei!
ok!choir wird von dem Musiker und Chorleiter Ben Barritt geleitet und von einer kleinen Gruppe engagierter Freiwilliger geführt.
Dienstag Choir
The Dienstag Choir (mit Chorleiterin Gina Buchwald) ist ein gemischter Chor aus Neukölln, dessen Stil sich zwischen Indie und Folk bewegt. Er performt Songs verschiedener Künstler*innen aus dem Pop – und Indie/Alternative-Bereich wie z.B. von Gossip, Joan as Policewoman oder Radiohead.
The Dienstag Choir (with director Gina Buchwald) is a mixed choir from Neukölln, whose style moves between indie and folk. They perform songs by various artists from the pop and indie/alternative genres such as Portishead, Weyes Blood or Radiohead.
BVG Choir
The Berliner Vokalisten Gemeinschaft Choir (BVG) was created by choir leader Ben Barritt in 2016 due to popular demand of a group of friends. It started as small group that moved round the various wohnzimmers of its members each week until the choir grew and the neighbours started complaining!
Der Berliner Vokalisten Gemeinschaft Choir (BVG) wurde 2016 von Chorleiter Ben Barritt aufgrund der großen Nachfrage einer Gruppe von Freunden gegründet. Es begann alskleine Gruppe, die jede Woche durch die verschiedenen Wohnzimmer ihrer Mitglieder zog, bis der Chor wuchs und die Nachbarn anfingen, sich zu beschweren!

Where is it happening?

SO 36 Berlin Kreuzberg, Berlin, Germany

Event Location & Nearby Stays:


Host or Publisher okchoir

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