What does research tell us about maintaining a healthy weight? Webinar
Thu Apr 03 2025 at 06:00 pm to 07:00 pm
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About this Event
A live webinar
Have you ever wondered why some people have a large appetite and never gain weight, while others try to eat healthily but find it difficult to lose the pounds? How does nutition play a key role in our diet and can health research unlock the secrets on how to maintain a healthy weight?
Being overweight is a major health problem in the UK, it is estimated 1 in every 4 adults and around 1 in every 5 children aged 10 to 11 are living with obesity. It can lead to health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, problems with bone health and can increase the risk of some cancers.
Cambridge researchers are working to understand how being overweight affects our health and diseases such as diabetes, why is nutrition important to our diet and how we can maintain a healthy balance.
Hear from Professor Nick Wareham, Director of the MRC Epidemiology Unit, Co-Director of the Institute of Metabolic Science, Honorary Consultant at Addenbrooke’s Hospital and Professor of Epidemiology at the University of Cambridge and Dr Amy Ahern, Programme leader & Principal research associate for the prevention of diabetes and related metabolic disorders in high-risk groups. The speakers will discuss their latest research, and you will have a chance to put your questions to the team.
Professor Miles Parkes, Director of the NIHR Cambridge BRC will open the event and will give an overview of how research takes shape on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus.
Compère for the evening:
Dr Amanda Stranks, Patient and Public Involvement/Engagement and Communications Strategy Lead, NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre
For further details of the evening visit our website https://cambridgebrc.nihr.ac.uk/what-can-research-tell-us-about-our-weight/
Here you'll find:
• Speakers involved
• A downloadable poster to advertise the evening to others
Who is this event for?
This free talk is aged for 16+ and all are welcome.
You could be a member of the public, a student at college or university, a carer, researcher or healthcare professional - join us online.
No scientific or medical background needed - just a curiosity to delve deeper into the topic!
This event will have two speakers, followed by a discussion and the audience will be able to ask questions in advance when registering for the event or during the event.
Please note
This event covers areas of weight management which may be uncomfortable for some attendees.
Where can I contact the organiser with any questions?
Please contact Georgina Norris via email: [email protected]

Where is it happening?
OnlineGBP 0.00