Vitamin Injections - Courtyard Marriott - Benbrook / Ft Worth


Mon Dec 26 2022 at 11:30 am to 07:30 pm


6400 Overton Ridge Blvd, Fort Worth, TX 76132-6246, United States | Fort Worth, TX

All injections are administered by certified medical professionals!

Event is from 11:30am to 7:30pm


Pre-Register and sign an injection consent form here:


**Immuno Shot Benefits**

Glutathione, Vitamin C, Zinc

Glutathione is said to protect against a wide range of health problems, including atherosclerosis, Lyme disease, Alzheimer's disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, colitis, high cholesterol, osteoarthritis, alcoholism, asthma, cataracts, diabetes, glaucoma, heart disease, hepatitis, liver disease, and Parkinson's disease. Beyond obvious immune system benefits glutathione also helps improve psoriasis, reduces cell damage in alcoholic AND non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, improves insulin resistance, increases mobility for people with peripheral artery disease, reduces symptoms on Parkinson’s, helps fight inflammation and flare ups of ALL autoimmune diseases, reduces oxidative damage in children with Autism, reduces the impact of uncontrolled diabetes, reduces respiratory disease symptoms, can reduce visibility of sun spots, making DNA - the building blocks of proteins and cells, forming sperm cells, breaking down free radicals, helping certain enzymes function, regenerating vitamins C and E, transporting mercury out of the brain, helping the liver and gallbladder deal with fats, assisting regular cell death (a process known as apoptosis) and a whole host of other things. It is one of the most powerful antioxidants in the world.

Vitamin C plays an important role in several bodily functions including the production of collagen, L-Carnitine, and some neurotransmitters. It helps metabolize proteins and its antioxidant activity may reduce the risk of some cancers. Collagen, which vitamin C helps produce, is the main component of connective tissue and the most abundant protein in mammals. Between 1 and 2% of muscle tissue is collagen. It is a vital component in fibrous tissues such as tendons, ligaments, skin, cornea, cartilage, bones, the gut, and blood vessels. Vitamin C may help in treating cancer. As an antioxidant, it protects the body against oxidative stress and helps prevent the oxidation of other molecules. It appears to regenerate other antioxidants in the body, too. High doses of Vitamin C have been found to reduce the speed of cancerous cell growth. Vitamin C may widen the blood vessels, and this could help protect against heart disease and hypertension, or high blood pressure. Cholesterol levels were found to be lower in individuals with adequate levels of vitamin C. Vitamin C may help lower the risk of cataracts as well as of age-related Macular Degeneration. Diabetes sufferers are less likely to experience deterioration of the kidneys, eyes, and nerves if they maintain proper Vitamin C levels. Vitamin C enhances the absorption of iron, which can reduce anemia issues. Lead levels may be reduced if there is an adequate intake of vitamin C. Histamine is a substance the immune system produces, resulting in inflammation and other problems. A 1992 study found lower blood levels of histamine in people who had proper Vitamin C Levels

Zinc is vital for a healthy immune system, correctly synthesizing DNA, promoting healthy growth during childhood, and healing wounds. The human body needs zinc to activate T lymphocytes (T cells). T cells help the body in two ways, controlling and regulating immune responses and attacking infected or cancerous cells. Zinc deficiency can severely impair immune system function. Zinc-deficient people experience increased susceptibility to a variety of pathogens. Zinc has a crucial role in regulating how neurons communicate with one another, affecting how memories are formed and how we learn. Zinc was found to shorten the duration of common cold episodes by up to 40 percent. Zinc plays a role in maintaining skin integrity and structure. Patients experiencing chronic wounds or ulcers often have deficient zinc metabolism and lower serum zinc levels. Zinc is often used in skin creams for treating diaper rash or other skin irritations. Increasing zinc levels through supplementation may reduce the risk of inflammatory diseases. It has been known for decades that zinc has a significant role in immune function. Deficiency has been linked to increased inflammation in chronic disease and triggering new inflammatory processes. Zinc prevents cellular damage in the retina, which helps in delaying the progression of AMD and vision loss. Several studies and trials have linked poor zinc status with low sperm quality. Zinc also has a positive effect on reducing acne, controlling ADHD, minimizing osteoporosis, and preventing and treating pneumonia.

How long will it take to feel it?

The ImmunoShot does not have a general “feel” that should be looked out for necessarily. All three of the components play to internal functions and balance versus making people feel awake or sleep better. One should generally notice an overall feeling of “better” as these 3 components play major parts in many functions of the body. If a cold or something similar was coming on, it could very well stop it in its tracks.

**Methylcobalamin B12 Shot**

How is ours different than the doctors or weight loss clinics? It comes down to dose size and molecules. Cyanocobalamin is the traditional choice of both places. It is synthetic so it is cheap, stable, and easy to store. Methylcobalamin is naturally occurring, does not shelf well and is quite expensive. We also use a 5mg dose, versus most places using 1mg doses. Cyanocobalamin is made with cyanide molecules to create its stability. The body has to strip the stable cyanide, then put the cobalamin (b12) through the folate wheel to use it. This process causes a lot (80% or more) to not be absorbed by the body. Injecting cyanocobalamin is no more effective than swallowing it. Methylcobalamin is natural, and bioavailable immediately. Achieving as high as 96% absorption rates. As a result, visits to us are far less frequent.

Most people look to B12 injections for energy or metabolic reasons. But B12 affects so much more than just the energy or ability to lose weight. What most people do not know is that B12 helps with Red Blood cell formation and Anemia prevention. It can prevent major birth defects in future babies. It helps the bone health and has a hand in preventing Osteoporosis. It can reduce the risk of Macular Degeneration (blurry vision as we get older). It improves mood and has direct effects on depression. It prevents the loss of neurons in the brain. It improves the heart health by lowering the level of the amino acid Homocysteine in the body that is linked to heart disease. Lastly, it even plays into the skin, hair, and nail health.

How long will it take to feel it?

This is a loaded question. The reason it is difficult to answer is that we are not pulling a blood panel to determine deficiency levels. If VERY deficient one may feel tired after the first round and could potentially develop acne. The tired feeling comes from jump starting a lot of the above listed systems and the body feeling exhausted running them. The acne is proof the immune system is fired back up and is fighting infection below the skin. It is also proof there may not be adequate water intake =) Do not overmedicate the skin. Give the immune system some water and time to K*ll the bacteria. It is not pleasant, but it is normal. If only slightly deficient it may be the same day or in the soon to be days after. If nothing is felt immediately, this is also common. We recommend doing at least 3 rounds of shots to give the body time to recognize that it is going to be supplied this regularly. A good judge of these shots working is lowered irritability, mental clarity, better sleep and circulation efficiency. Everyone likens feeling “energy” to a caffeine buzz. That is not what general energy feels like. We are not releasing adrenaline into the blood the way caffeine does. It will not feel like that, so do not expect it.

Most people pair the Methylcobalamin B12 with the Lipo shot because they work well together. This does not mean they are ineffective alone.

**Lipotropic Shot**

B1,2,6,12 (Hydroxocobalamin), Methionine, Inositol, Choline, Carnitine

Most places combine their B12 with their Lipo compound and try and market it as a “Skinny” shot. Mostly because weight loss is a massive business and seeing that something can help people lose weight can even be an emotional trigger. While this is true, it is not promised. For the most part they also only have access to low volume and low doses. We have seen people report 40 lb weight loss combining these shots with better food choices, but our job here is to set proper expectations. The B6 helps convert food to energy and it also helps with red blood cell production. The Methionine works to prevent fat accumulation in the liver and keeps the metabolism high. It also helps breakdown sugar and other carbs in the body, converting them to energy. Inositol regulates levels of insulin and serotonin in the body. So, this part plays heavily into stabilizing the mood and managing the appetite. Choline actively detoxes the body, getting rid of harmful chemicals while removing fat and bile from the liver. Carnitine is a protein building block; it helps metabolize body fat into fuel. B1 is an immune system booster that uses fats and carbs to fuel the process. B2 supports B1 in its efforts to boost metabolites and immune support.

How long will it take to feel it?

The Lipo shot is another that does not have a “feel” associated with it. The quickest way to gauge if this shot is taking hold is if people begin sleeping deeper, notice the body forcing people to the bathroom more often to remove waste, noticing less sugar cravings and then overall appetite suppression. This injection can be done bi-weekly with no issues.

Most people pair the Methylcobalamin B12 with the Lipo shot because they work well together. This does not mean they are ineffective alone.

**Vitamin D Shot**

Perhaps the most vital are regulating the absorption of calcium and phosphorus and facilitating normal immune system function. Getting enough vitamin D is important for normal growth and development of bones and teeth, as well as improved resistance against certain diseases. In addition to its primary benefits, research suggests that vitamin D may also play a role in reducing the risk of multiple sclerosis, decreasing the chance of developing heart disease, and helping to reduce the likelihood of developing the flu. Research has shown that vitamin D plays an important role in regulating mood and warding off depression. In studies of people with fibromyalgia, researchers found vitamin D deficiency was more common in those who were also experiencing anxiety and depression. Consider adding vitamin D supplements to the diet if someone is trying to lose weight or prevent heart disease. In studies, people taking vitamin D supplementation were able to lose more weight than subjects taking a placebo supplement. The scientists said the extra vitamin D had an appetite-suppressing effect.

How long will it take to feel it?

If there is a “feel” to vitamin D, it would be in mood and diminishing feelings of depression. Over time people may notice the bones etc. feel much stronger. As with any vitamin it is about upkeep and continuing to feed the body the amounts it needs to function at proper levels.


Many people are seeking alternatives to pharmaceuticals with harsh side effects – medicine more in sync with natural processes. By tapping into how we function biologically on a deep level, CB can provide relief for chronic pain, inflammation, anxiety, and many other health conditions. Since CB offers great potential for health and healing and has a high safety profile and non-addictive nature, it is no wonder why it is such an appealing alternative to many conventional drugs. But to be effective CB must reach the system. This means it first needs to be absorbed into the bloodstream, a concept known as bioavailability. Once there, it must stay in circulation long enough to be delivered to the organs and tissues where it is needed.

So, how much of the CB gets absorbed and used? That depends on a process known as pharmacokinetics (how compounds are processed by the body).

In short, pharmacokinetics refers to the sum of the body’s mechanisms for absorption and elimination, the characteristics of CB itself, and numerous external factors that can either help or hinder how the body assimilates and uses CB. The route of entry, or delivery method, has a lot to do with how much and how quickly CB enters the bloodstream.

Intramuscular Injections are an amazing solution for people who are unable to experience the healing properties of this chemical due to absorption issues and first pass metabolism. All injections at our clinics bypass the digestive system to deliver active ingredients directly into the bloodstream and our new CB injection is no exception – this compound is utilized by our bodies system and, when injected, CB is not lost during the digestion process. As such, the maximum amount of the CB compound is absorbed, ensuring better efficacy and health benefits.

Oral CB formulations, such as liquid drops, capsules, tinctures, foods, and beverages are among the most popular ways to consume CB. However, digestive acids and enzymes destroy a large percentage of CB before it has a chance to be absorbed. And the small amount that gets through the intestinal wall is subject to being metabolized by the liver before it reaches the rest of the body. The half-life of oral CB, i.e., the amount of time it takes for half of the CB to leave the bloodstream, may be faster than other delivery methods. Half-lives from 10 to 17 hours have been reported for high dosages between 750 mg and 1500 mg. Oral CB has the lowest bioavailability of all delivery forms. On average, ingested CB has a bioavailability of between 6-19% because that CB is not readily absorbed when ingested and as a result, most of it is excreted without exerting any effects. This is due to CB is fat-soluble (as opposed to water-soluble), which makes it a challenge for the body to absorb.

In a nutshell, CB delivery via injection offers higher concentrations, compared to other alternatives. Many clients will benefit from the properties of CB in a highly concentrated, injectable form.


What dosage is the CB injection? 20MG

If I take oral CB or other forms, can I continue taking them? Absolutely. People just may not feel the desire to take them as often.

Are there any side effects? None to mention

What is in it? CB - Benzyl Alcohol – Medium chain Triglycerides. Sesame oil. (The Triglycerides and Sesame Oil work like a vehicle. CB is a fat soluble, so it dissolves best in oil. Once injected the oil acts like a depot and slowly lets the CB get distributed to the tissues. The Triglycerides helps enhance CB bioavailability.)

Allergies? Avoid if have an allergy to Sesame Seed.

Are there any interactions with medications? Warfarin (blood thinner) has the potential to increase effects of the medication.

** Biotin Injection **

Your body needs biotin to help convert certain nutrients into energy. It also plays an important role in the health of your hair, skin, and nails. Biotin helps turn the carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in the food you eat into the energy you need. Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin that’s a part of the vitamin B family. It’s also known as vitamin H.

Biotin deficiency can cause thinning hair and loss of body hair; a rash around the eyes, nose, mouth, and anal area; pinkeye; high levels of acid in the blood and urine; seizures; skin infection; brittle nails; and nervous system disorders.

Biotin aids in healthy sweat glands, nerve tissue and bone marrow, improves acne and eczema, strengthens hair and nails, aids in preventing hair loss, increases metabolism and speeds up weight loss, and can improve blood glucose.

How long will it take to feel it?

It is hard to say, there isn’t a “feel” you would be aware of. The results that come from biotin is due to sustained supplementation and would be visible over time.

** CoQ10 Injection **

CoQ10 Injections provide a variety of benefits such as, lowering blood pressure, helping you take on and recover from the toughest physical activity, supports the immune system, promotes anti-aging, preserves brain Structure, slows neurodegeneration, and burns fat. CoQ10 is a literal powerhouse supplement. CoQ10— also known as ubiquinone — is a coenzyme that helps muscles produce the energy they need to do their work. CoQ10 injections provide an energy boost before and during prolonged periods of strenuous activity as well as helping to speed up recovery afterwards.

CoQ10 is a favorite of athletes and anyone seeking a natural boost of energetic power.

CoQ10 has been shown to help: increase athletic performance, protect the cells in the body by neutralizing free radicals, which reduces oxidative stress in the body, help treat specific heart conditions (after a heart attack: one study shows that patients who received CoQ10 soon after a heart attack had a much lower rate of subsequent cardiac events and high blood pressure- researchers reported that CoQ10 has the potential to lower systolic blood pressure), reduce migraines, slow the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease, lower levels of inflammatory biomarkers, burn fat, preserve brain structure, slow neurodegeneration and combat mitochondrial decline.

How long will it take to feel it?

It is hard to say, there isn’t a “feel” you would be aware other than recovering quicker from physical activity and being able to sustain activity longer. Along with good habits you could also see blood pressure drop and overall brain fog reductions.

**Amino Blend**

Glutamine, Ornithine, Citrulline, Arginine, Lysine, Carnitine


Glutamine is a key component of glutathione, our most important and abundant antioxidant. It is an amino acid and a building block of protein that affects the processes of growth and function of cells in the stomach and intestines. It is a critical part of the immune system and intestinal health. Glutamine can be used to help treat sickle cell disease, burns, recovery after surgery or injuries, and immune cells, including white blood cells. Studies have also reported that glutamine supplementation may decrease infections and lead to shorter hospital stays after surgery. In the human body, the intestines are considered the largest portion of the immune system. Glutamine helps maintain the barrier between the inside of your intestines and the rest of your body which prevents harmful bacteria or toxins moving from your intestines.

Due to its role as a building block of protein, glutamine may decrease muscle soreness and improve recovery after intense exercise. In one study, 31 people took glutamine during six weeks of weight training, by the end of the study, both groups showed improved muscle mass and strength. It plays a tremendous role in neutralizing sugar cravings.


Ornithine’s biggest responsibility is to help your body with detoxification. It is an important gear in the machinery of the urea cycle. The urea cycle is one of your body’s waste management systems. It takes ammonia, a waste product of amino acid breakdown, and converts it to urea, which the kidneys can then excrete in urine. High levels of ammonia in the blood can cause all kinds of health problems, including cognitive defects and personality changes. Ornithine promotes the formation of other important substances in the body like Glutamic acid which is an essential neurotransmitter that helps with memory and concentration; and proline which helps the body break down protein and produce collagen. Ornithine can potentially help sleep quality and chronic liver disease.

This amino acid is also relatively popular among athletes and bodybuilders due to its capacity of removing excess nitrogen from your body. Some evidence suggests that ornithine increases endurance and accelerates recovery after exercise. In two clinical studies, people taking ornithine recovered faster from exercise and reported feeling less fatigued.

Citrulline & Arginine

Citrulline is made in the liver and intestine. Its function is to detoxify ammonia and help dilate the blood vessels. Citrulline has several health promoting properties, and is used for health conditions including, sickle cell anemia, high blood pressure, erectile dysfunction, fatigue, and improving athletic performance. A 2010 randomized double-blind study (the gold standard of research studies) involving 41 men, discovered that a single dose of citrulline malate (CM) resulted in a significant increase in the number of barbell bench presses (accounting for 52.92% more repetitions) and a 40% decrease in muscle soreness after exercise. Citrulline is a precursor to arginine. It is transformed into arginine which is converted into a chemical called nitric oxide through a series of enzymatic reactions that take place primarily in your kidneys.

Arginine is necessary to produce nitric oxide, a signaling molecule that’s needed for a variety of bodily processes and functions, including blood flow regulation, reducing systolic and diastolic blood pressure in hypertensive adults, mitochondrial function, and cellular communication. By increasing nitric oxide in the body, arginine provides better oxygenation to muscles and enhances exercise performance. Research has shown a variety of potential benefits like treating and preventing preeclampsia (a dangerous condition characterized by high blood pressure and protein in the urine), erectile dysfunction, heart disease, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and improving glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity. A study in 144 people with impaired blood sugar regulation found that treatment with arginine for 18 months reduced the chances of diabetes development over a 90-month period.

Lysine & Carnitine

Lysine is one of the essential amino acids, which are those that the body cannot make, and that people need to obtain from dietary sources or supplementation. It is a crucial component of proteins with many benefits that range from preventing and treating cold sores to reducing anxiety, weight loss and helping the body absorb calcium, iron and zinc. Lysine can promote the formation of collagen, an essential protein that affects hair, skin, and nail health, strengthening the artery walls, wound repair, and muscle growth which contributes to the stimulation of new bone formation. Adequate lysine levels are optimal for maintaining normal health and highly beneficial for people with conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoporosis, migraines, liver disease and autoimmune disorders. It is not only beneficial for boosting immunity, but it is also a fat burner. Lysine is used to form Carnitine, a nutrient responsible for converting fatty acids into energy.

Carnitine is a proclaimed performance supplement and fat burner. It helps boost the metabolism by rigorously transporting fatty acids into the mitochondria cell converting them to usable energy rather than stored on the body. In our body, it is formed in the liver and kidneys, and is stored in muscles, brain, and heart tissues. Carnitine incorporates medicinal benefits like enhancing learning abilities and indirectly preventing Alzheimer's and other brain conditions, reducing blood pressure, reducing symptoms of type 2 diabetes, and inflammatory processes associated with heart disease.

**Which shots are right for me? **

All our injections have little to literally no opportunity for toxicity, so fear of overdose should not be a concern. In terms of what is right for an individual’s body, this is why we provide so much information about the offerings. We are not doing any diagnosing, nor are we attempting to “treat” any symptoms. These are meant to be used as a supplemental to support the bodies need for vital nutrients. Humans do not consume enough of the right foods to get everything needed to support every internal system, as a result sometimes it needs help. Some injections work great in pairs or in groups, for example, the B12 shot and the Lipo shot are commonly combined because they work amazing together. Some people choose to do the B12, Lipo and Immuo because it covers literally every piece needed for strong immune systems. The breakdowns of the compounds should help people determine which systems they feel are most likely to need help. In the end, everybody’s body… is different. We are here to answer any questions there may be!

**How often should I come? **

We offer them bi-weekly. Everyone is welcome to do them every two weeks, but every four is enough or some people. Being they are vitamins and amino acids there is no way to overdose on them and everyone’s needs are different!

Post-Injection Education:

Are there side effects? If people spend enough time on WebMD anything can turn into something terminal. We give just over 4000 injections a month. The most common feeling post injection is potentially feeling flush or having a “bubble gut” situation if anything at all. Everything in these injections is naturally occurring and is something derived from food, just not enough of it. If anything feels out of the ordinary post injection, please message the business page so we can walk through it together. We are not here to collect money and hope all goes OK; our goal is to make everyone feel better!

**Possible Injection Site Irritants: **

It is common for the area post injection to be sore. It is also common for there to be a harder lump that can be tender to the touch as an injection is causing trauma to the area treated and we are leaving a full ml of compound in the muscle. Using warm and cold compresses can help mitigate the soreness. This soreness can sometimes persist for a few weeks. It happens EXTREMELY rarely but is not unusual.

On occasion there can be bruising, sometimes large bruising. When a needle passes through the skin on the way to the muscle it is possible to nick smaller blood vessels, capillaries, or other blood conduits. The bruising is the blood spreading out in the skin. It is not an indication of any severe injury 99.9% of the time. We do ask that if there is any bruising make us aware of it so we can stay informed.

Post Injection instructions:

PLEASE massage the area of the injection every few minutes for 15 minutes after the shots. This helps spread out the compounds and reduces the chances for a sore injection site or any sort of knot in the muscle.


Where is it happening?

6400 Overton Ridge Blvd, Fort Worth, TX 76132-6246, United States
Bodyshop Wellness

Host or Publisher Bodyshop Wellness

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