Underworld: Alchemising Taboo, Shame and Trauma into Unapologetic Aliveness


Fri, 28 Feb, 2025 at 06:30 pm to Sun, 02 Mar, 2025 at 05:00 pm


Työpajankatu 10a, FI-00580 Helsinki, Suomi | Helsinki, ES

Are you ready to inhabit your formerly taboo nature? Are you willing to be turned on by the fire of life force that ignites when your taboo parts come back home? Will you unfold with the unknown, and let yourself be surprised by what wants to return to you? Do you have the courage to meet yourself in the crossroads of what you most fear and most desire, letting yourself be seen as unapologetically hungry for life?
If the answer is yes, we bow to you and say: welcome to Underworld.
REGISTER HERE: Email [email protected] with ‘UNDERWORLD’ in the title and well get you in.
This weekend is an alchemical journey of transforming the taboo, a practice rooted in trauma-integrative relational somatics, primal play and ritual-making that invites you to embrace the most challenging aspects of human experience.
The taboo. The forbidden. The wounded. The repressed. The dangerous. The avoided. The ugly. The fragmented. The forgotten.
We begin by confronting the forces we often judge, shame and project outside ourselves onto others. But here, we do something radical: we acknowledge these forces not as external monsters, but as fractals of power that live within each of us.
Control. Rage. Domination. Taking Space. Eros. Audacity. Madness. Flirtation. Grief. Brokenness. Obsession. Danger. Wanting too much. Creepy. Turned on. Turned off. Puffed up. Shrunken. Too slow. Too fast. Too loud. Too quiet.
What if, instead of endlessly trying to keep these forces at bay, we welcomed them into connection? Instead of allowing them to wreak havoc when they break free, we could learn to slow them down, to have a relationship with them, and to channel the living intelligence hidden within them?
There is a fertile aliveness inside the wound, deeper than the story of the mind. It holds power beyond our comprehension. Here, we travel into the felt-sense experience of it and meet it as a sacred other. We go beyond our assumptions to taste something deeper by relating with these energies directly, through the body, in the transformative field of group ritual.
This is not about condoning destructive behavior, but about meeting the root of such impulses—the fear, the pain, the shame, the untapped aliveness and the unmet needs that drive us to destructive versions of what at its root is a part of human wholeness.
We don't aim to eliminate these powerful energies but to redirect the way we offer their expression to the world. Through carefully guided practices, we transform pain into intimacy, the destructive into the creative, poison into medicine, turning the energy of domination into the power of manifestation.
As we begin, the first thing you'll notice is the attention on the body—your own and the collective body in the room. We tune into the body's instinctual language, creating practices that allow our primal, fear-driven impulses to emerge safely. Whether it's discomfort, rage, or the stirrings of a protective fury, the goal is not to suppress but to expand. Here, we create a bigger body, a body that can hold both the welcome and the unwelcome feelings.
As the session evolves, we move from individual exploration to collective ritual-making. We tap into humanity's oldest technologies of transformation—creating shared experiences that allow us to metabolize the intense sensations of our deepest fears, taboo desires and most challenging emotions. Through this, we learn to dance with our shadow, to play with power in a way that is consensual, aware, and ultimately healing.
By the workshop's close, you will have created rituals of transformation, witnessed the alchemy of your own inner landscape, and connected with others who are also lit up by their inner flame in a way that transcends our typical modes of interaction. We don't simply talk about change—we embody it, moment by moment, breath by breath. We become living alchemists, transforming the very forces that typically create separation into a profound experience of connection.
We are aware of the vulnerability it takes to come to a workshop like this! We feel you, we see you. Over the weekend, at a deliberately slow pace we move through different exercises which help build safety both externally and internally, to eventually let the animal parts of us rip. At the heart of the approach of this weekend is compassion, unshaming, courageous wholeness and honesty. The work is rooted in trauma-integrative somatics, which means that safety and capacity are centered at all times, and you will not be pushed to go anywhere you don’t want to go.
This is an invitation for those with a deep yearning for unapologetic aliveness. To those ready to bring all of what they are into the room. To those willing to play in the challenging aspects of our whole human nature. To those ready to transform lead into gold, fear into love, destruction into creation.
We invite you. It's time to stop waiting. Time to align with our core power and our purpose. Time to embrace life fully—together.
Relational healing through trauma-integrative somatic practices, so you can live with a sense of safety, wholeness and relationality with what is.
Embodied shadow work practices supporting us to see our shadow with curiosity and love instead of blame and fear.
Alchemize what holds you back in life and bring more of you here.
Access the living intelligence and guidance that lies within suppressed emotions and impulses. Regain raw power and creativity into your conscious creative use that has previously gone into the task of suppression.
Learn how to offer others your somatic and emotional expression in a way that creates deep and direct intimacy in the here and now, beyond story.
Get to know and completely surrender to the wild animal inside of you, embodying it, loving it, so it is no longer scared of you, and you of it, and it can be brought into your relationships as a living, sacred, intelligent part of you.
A culture of trauma-informed and consented activities, where capacity and safety are centered.
Underworld Mythosomatics: Shared Context, Culture and Language connecting us to the larger patterns of nature and myth that will serve as a riverbed for the journey we will take together.
Embodiment Practices: Connecting us with the intelligence of our body through Somatic Awareness & Movement Meditations, using breath, sound, movement and touch.
Relational Practices: That help us attune to each other through such as Paired Breathing Meditations (Belly2Belly), Somatic Sharing & Embodied Desire and Boundary Practices, Primal Play, Consensual Aggression Practice, etc.
Emotional Expression Practices: Opening up to the subtle to intense flavors of life force running through, individually and collectively.
Group Rituals: Re-patterning our responses to taboo, shame and trauma with the powerful, transformative field of creative group ritual, working solo and together in practices like Trance Dance, Deep Imagination and Storytelling.
Embodied Circle (Forum) work: Inviting a deep and powerful space for being seen in what is moving in us, connecting through mutual empathy to the realization that we all share the same longings, joys and difficulties.
Founder of Path of Relating and the Embodied Intimacy Training, Buster Rådvik is a Certified Sensorimotor Psychotherapist with an MA in Psychology. He specialises in trauma and attachment issues related to intimacy, sex, and relationships. Known for his transparent, candid emotional awareness, Buster leads by example, embracing vulnerability and messiness, creating a warm, inviting space for others to reconnect with their humanity. He is drawn to shadow and taboos as a moth to light. In and through them he knows the magic that awaits.
As a ritualist, guide, and lover of the wild, Meri Karhu weaves her work together in the poetics of embodiment, animism, and soul-based living. She creates spaces of depth for personal transformation and generative culture-creation, drawing from a wide range of traditions, including trauma-integrative nervous system work, mythosomatics, devotional animism, alchemy, dance, and soulcraft. With a guiding style described as loving, poetic, fierce and confidence-inspiring, Meri inspires people to cultivate a deep remembrance of ourselves as part of the large patterns of nature and mystery, capable of dreaming forth the more beautiful world.

This workshop is for anyone ready to delve deep into the heart of intimacy and connection in a loving environment. Whether single, in a relationship, or somewhere in between, you'll find the tools here to bring more authenticity and aliveness into your life.
This is a space for those willing to confront their own barriers to intimacy and emerge with a renewed sense of connection—to themselves, to others, and to the life force that animates us all.
Previous experience in trauma-integrative somatic and relational work is beneficial to have. This is best suited for those who are advanced in this work, and can be a fit to beginners with background in other types of practice that supports engaging this work. Contact us if you are wondering if this workshop is for you.

“I feel transformed by you and us and the Mystery, and I can feel a re-membering of something very deep and precious, soft, warm and full of life. Like a precious flavor of life’s nectar I have always known was within me, but had half-forgotten. I remember this taste now, a sacred thing.” -M.M
“Being guided by Meri is like a honey dripping call to prayer. It moves one, it makes a difference and it gives hope. She feels into the room and herself in the most supportive and engaging way, building trust and braver spaces for the ones around. I recommend her work to anyone that is interested in embodying our species as a part of the Greater Earth Community.” - S.F.
“I have gathered quite a lot of experience in somatic work in different kinds of environments, but with Meri I feel like there's a homecoming – earth magic and ecstasy drawing from a certain kind of darkness.” -O.S.
" Buster is a fearless champion of full expression. In the decade plus I have known him, we have collaborated on countless events, shared living spaces on three continents, gone through all the ups and downs. He is an excellent therapist with an eagle eye, always hunting for the shadow, for what's not being said. He's skilled with trauma recovery. And he loves dramatic crisis, the messiness of intimacy and relationship. The breakdowns and the breakthroughs and repairs." - David Cates.

Friday: 18:30 - 22:30
Saturday: 10:00 - 22:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 17:00
Shakta Joogakoulu
Työpajankatu 10A
Bring your own meals and snacks for the day, or eat out in one of the many restaurants of Kalasatama’s shopping center Redi.
Early bird (Limited number) 300€
Regular 325€
E-mail Buster at:
[email protected]
With ‘UNDERWORLD’ in the title
We look forward to going on this journey together with you.

Where is it happening?

Työpajankatu 10a, FI-00580 Helsinki, Suomi, Työpajankatu 10, FI-00580 Helsinki, Suomi,Helsinki, Finland
Path of Relating

Host or Publisher Path of Relating

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