Underground Intelligence Anniversary | The Sixth Chapter
Fri, 17 Jan, 2025 at 10:00 pm
Laska V21 | Riga, RI
LV // ENGPagājuši 6 gadi, kopš grimstam House mūzikā un mēs vēlamies šo notikumu atzīmēt ar muzikāli baudāmu vakaru kopā ar jums.
DJ`u apvienība Underground Intelligence dibināta 2019. Gadā, ar mērķi popularizēt House mūziku, kas nav dzirdama ikdienā. Marcus D', McRich, Few Bullets Left un Kontiola performancēs tiek spēlēts no Techno House un Deep House ritmiem, līdz pat klasiskajiem house un techno mūzikas ritmiem, kas izpaužas ar izteiktām basa un melodiju līnijām, apvienojot gan minimālisma skanējumu, gan dažādu tautu motīvu strāvojumus.
Seko Underground Intelligence Anniversary:
👉 https://soundcloud.com/undergroundintelligence
👉 https://www.youtube.com/@undergroundintelligencelv
👉 https://www.facebook.com/undergroundinteligence
👉 https://www.instagram.com/underground_intelligence/
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It's been 6 years since we've been immersed in House music and we want to celebrate this occasion with a musically enjoyable evening together with you.
Underground Intelligence was founded in 2019 with the aim of popularizing House music that is not heard on everyday basis. Marcus D', McRich, Few Bullets Left and Kontiola's performances range from Techno House and Deep House rhythms to classic House and Techno music, which are expressed with pronounced bass and melody lines, combining both minimalist sound and currents of different folk motifs.
Follow Underground Intelligence Anniversary:
👉 https://soundcloud.com/undergroundintelligence
👉 https://www.youtube.com/@undergroundintelligencelv
👉 https://www.facebook.com/undergroundinteligence
👉 https://www.instagram.com/underground_intelligence/
*By attending this event, you agree to have photos or videos of you taken for Laska V21 marketing purposes. You can refuse to be photographed or filmed by informing the photographer or cameraperson.
Where is it happening?
Laska V21, Vagonu 21,Riga, LatviaEvent Location & Nearby Stays: