UDSOLGT: Ashes of Billy + SUPPORT: Odd Palace | Musikcaféen
Sat, 08 Mar, 2025 at 09:00 pm
Rådhusstræde 13, 1466 Copenhagen, Denmark | Copenhagen , SK
De bliver kaldt for rockens fremtid. Ashes of Billy er tre teenagedrenge, som pudser de gode, gamle grunge-dyder af og skruer forstærkeren op til 11. Fang dem, inden de bliver store!●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○
Venue: Musikcaféen, 3. etage
Døre: 20:00
Show: 21:00
Entré: 120 kr. / studerende: 60 kr.
Billetter: https://billetto.dk/e/ashes-of-billy-musikcafeen-billetter-1122406
Var der nogen, som sagde, at rocken er død? Glem det!
Lyt blot til det unge band Ashes of Billy. De rocker tilmed sejere, tungere og hårdere end de fleste danske bands derude!
Det danske band bestående af Daniel, Johan og Anton (på hhv. 15, 16 og 17 år) ved præcis, hvad der skal til. De har et ungt øre for fængende sangskrivning med inspiration i grungekoryfæer som Soundgarden og Silverchair. Og de gør det så godt, at Psyched Up Janis selv kalder dem for rockens fremtid.
Ashes of Billy begyndte først at spille sammen i en garage i Roskilde tilbage i 2022. Nu har de allerede udgivet tre ep’er – “Playdate” (2022), “The Right Place” (2023) og “Obscene” (2024) – og de har spillet supportshows for bands som Red Warszawa, Siamese og føromtalte Psyched Up Janis samt haft flere singler i rotation i radioen.
Hvad skal der nu ske? Ashes of Billy skal selvfølgelig rocke HUSET og vise, hvor det dér rockskab skal stå.
○●○●○ SUPPORT: Odd Palace ○●○●○
Det er tungere guitarer og catchy omkvæd. Det er vildt og voldsomt. Det er melodisk og dynamisk. Det er Odd Palace.
Live er de kendt for deres højenergiske sceneshow, som smitter af på alle blandt publikum, og efterlader et indtryk af begejstring, charme og følelsen af ”WTF skete der lige?!”.
Sidste år stod den på en 16 dages europaturné med Siamese og Resolve, en DK-tour, et smut tilbage til Tyskland, samt en EP udgivelse lige inden årsskiftet. EP’en “Anthropocene” definerer lyden af Odd Palace anno 2024, og har med det samme givet bandet ekstra blod på at tage arbejdshandskerne på, og skrive endnu mere musik i den dybere ende af skalaen.
Oplev det selv i Musikcaféen den 8. marts
They are hailed as the future of rock. Ashes of Billy are three teenage boys who take up the good old grunge virtues and crank the amp up to 11. Catch them before they get big!
Venue: Musikcaféen, 3rd floor
Doors: 20:00
Show: 21:00
Price: 120 DKK / for students: 60 DKK
Tickets: https://billetto.dk/e/ashes-of-billy-musikcafeen-billetter-1122406
Did someone claim that rock is dead? Forget about it!
Just take a listen to the young band Ashes of Billy. They rock harder, heavier, and cooler than most Danish bands out there!
This Danish trio – consisting of Daniel, Johan, and Anton (aged 15, 16, and 17) – knows exactly what it takes. They have a youthful ear for catchy songwriting, drawing inspiration from grunge legends like Soundgarden and Silverchair. And they do it so well that Danish band Psyched Up Janis hail them as the future of rock!
Ashes of Billy first started playing together in a garage back in 2022. Now, they’ve already released three EPs – "Playdate" (2022), "The Right Place" (2023), and "Obscene" (2024) – and they have played support shows for bands like Red Warszawa, Siamese, and aforementioned Psyched Up Janis as well as having several singles in rotation on the radio.
What’s next? It’s a given, Ashes of Billy will rock HUSET while taking eager steps up towards the throne of rock.
○●○●○ SUPPORT: Odd Palace ○●○●○
SUPPORT: Odd Palace
Copenhagen-based prog-rockers Odd Palace love raising havoc on stages all around Europe including Tech-Fest UK, Euroblast, Prime Is Coming and latest 16 different cities in EU/UK together with Siamese and Resolve.
With their newly released EP Anthropocene the band are showing a heavier side of themselves, which is making their live-show even more energetic and chaotic in the best way possible.
“They exploded in a sonic inferno, that never lost momentum from the beginning till the end of the concert. Words can’t describe what I have witnessed. You need to experience this psyched-band live!” 4,5/5 Metaladay.dk
Where is it happening?
Rådhusstræde 13, 1466 Copenhagen, Denmark, Rådhusstræde 13, 1466 København K, Danmark,Copenhagen, Copenhagen , DenmarkEvent Location & Nearby Stays: