Tomoko Sauvage (JP) + Ingri Høyland (NO) at ALICE – VENTELISTE


Wed Mar 05 2025 at 07:00 pm to 10:00 pm



Nørre Allé 7, 2200 København N, Danmark | Copenhagen , SK

Den Paris-baserede japanske kunstner og komponist Tomoko Sauvage bringer sin enestående, elektro-akvatiske lydverden til ALICE til foråret. Med et simpelt instrumentarium bestående af vandfyldte keramikskåle og elektronik, skaber hun subtile og tålmodige ambiente klange, der sætter tiden i stå. Efter en smuk og meditativ koncert på årets Roskilde Festival, glæder vi os til at præsentere Tomoko Sauvage i vores sal på Nørrebro. Den norske komponist og lydkunstner Ingri Høyland åbner aftenen med sit atmosfæriske lydunivers.
Døre kl 19:00 / Show kl 20:00
Køb billet i forsalg: 130 dkk eksl. gebyr
Køb billet:

NB: Koncerten er siddende
Tomoko Sauvage
“I could soak in it forever”, har The Wire skrevet om Tomoko Sauvages enestående elektro-akvariske lydværker. Med et simpelt instrumentarium bestående af vandfyldte keramikskåle og hydrofoner, skaber den Paris-baserede japanske kunstner og komponist et subtilt, eksperimenterende og tålmodigt lydunivers med forsigtige berøringer på vandoverfladen. Resultatet er en langsom og sanselig ambient musik, som kan få selv de mest hektiske sjæle til at geare helt ned. Sauvages intuitive tilgang til komposition udforsker tilfældighedernes skønhed og materialernes taktile natur og formår at skabe et musikalsk rum, der konstant balancerer mellem kontrol og spontanitet.
Tomoko Sauvage har baggrund som uddannet jazzpianist fra New York i starten af 00’erne. Hun flyttede til Paris i 2003, hvor hun efter at have lyttet til Terry Riley og Alice Coltrane blev interesseret i indiske musiktraditioner og begyndte at udforske det klassiske indiske vandinstrument jalatharangam. Sauvages musikalske rejse resonerer i hendes unikke elektro-akustiske lydværker med vand, som hun har opført på steder som Barbican Centre, Palais de Tokyo, Maerz Musik, Musée d’art moderne de Paris og Roskilde Festival, hvor hun hver gang formår at transformere både små og store rum til intime lydoplevelser. Vi glæder os til at præsentere den unikke japanske lydkunstner på vores scene til foråret.
Sagt om Tomoko Sauvage
“The wobbly, chiming vessels turn tuned water into a sort of natural synthesizer, complete with organic forms of envelope, modulation, pitchbend and decay. …. The result is soothing and sensual, like a long hot bath. I could soak in it forever.” – The WIRE
“Musique Hydromantique is a work very much in the tradition of visionary folks like Alvin Lucier and La Monte Young: it is an album that only Sauvage could have made and it is hard to imagine anyone else taking this direction any further, yet this simple, pure, and meditative work is a beguiling self-contained world that reveals a wealth of intriguing new possibilities.” – Brainwashed
Ingri Høyland
Den herboende norske komponist og lydkunstner Ingri Høyland tager sine lyttere med på en sanselig lydlig opdagelsesrejse gennem følelsernes mangfoldighed. Ved at kombinere sin stemme med akustiske elementer og minimalistiske elektroniske lyde og droner, skaber Høyland et atmosfærisk lydunivers, der udvisker grænserne mellem det menneskelige og det kunstige.
Med en passion for at arbejde tværkunstnerisk, har Ingri Høyland skabt kompositioner til alt fra film og dans til installationer og performances. Hun blev blandt andet inviteret af CPH:DOX til at lave musik til kult-sci-fi-filmen “Catepillar” og har skabt værker for SMK, hvor hun blændende fortolkede billedkunst gennem lyd. Under kunstnernavnet Hôy la har hun optrådt på festivaler som Roskilde og Berghain. Vi glæder os til at præsentere Ingri Høyland denne aften, når hun åbner for Tomoko Sauvage.
In English:
The Paris-based Japanese artist and composer Tomoko Sauvage will bring her unique, electro-aquatic sound world to ALICE this spring. Using a simple setup of water-filled ceramic bowls and electronics, she creates subtle and patient ambient sounds that seem to suspend time. After a beautiful and meditative performance at this year’s Roskilde Festival, we’re thrilled to welcome Tomoko Sauvage to our stage in Nørrebro. The Norwegian composer and sound artist Ingri Høyland opens the evening with her atmospheric soundscapes.
“I could soak in it forever,” The Wire once wrote of Tomoko Sauvage's unique electro-aquatic soundscapes. With a minimal setup of water-filled ceramic bowls and hydrophones, the Paris-based Japanese artist crafts a delicate, experimental, and patient soundscape by gently touching the surface of the water. The result is a slow, sensory ambient music that can calm even the most restless souls. Sauvage's intuitive approach to composition explores the beauty of chance and the tactile nature of materials, creating a musical space that constantly balances between control and spontaneity.
Sauvage is a trained jazz pianist, having studied in New York in the early 2000s. She moved to Paris in 2003, where, after listening to Terry Riley and Alice Coltrane, she became interested in Indian music traditions and began exploring the classical Indian water instrument, the jalatharangam. Her musical journey resonates in her unique electro-acoustic works with water, which she has performed at venues such as the Barbican Centre, Palais de Tokyo, MaerzMusik, Musée d’Art Moderne de Paris, and the Roskilde Festival, transforming both intimate and large spaces into deeply personal sound experiences. We are excited to bring this extraordinary Japanese sound artist to our stage this spring.
Said about Tomoko Sauvage
"The wobbly, chiming vessels turn tuned water into a sort of natural synthesizer, complete with organic forms of envelope, modulation, pitch bend, and decay. … The result is soothing and sensual, like a long hot bath. I could soak in it forever." – The Wire
"Musique Hydromantique" is a work very much in the tradition of visionary artists like Alvin Lucier and La Monte Young. It is an album that only Sauvage could have created, and it's hard to imagine anyone else pushing this direction further; yet this simple, pure, and meditative work reveals a world of captivating possibilities." – Brainwashed
Ingri Høyland
The Copenhagen-based Norwegian composer and sound artist Ingri Høyland invites her listeners on a sensory sonic journey through the diversity of emotions. By blending her voice with acoustic elements, minimalist electronic sounds, and drones, Høyland creates an atmospheric soundscape that blurs human and artificial boundaries.
With a passion for cross-disciplinary work, Ingri Høyland has composed for everything from film and dance to installations and performances. She was invited by CPH:DOX to create music for the cult sci-fi film “Catepillar” and has crafted works for SMK, where she brilliantly interpreted visual art through sound. Under the moniker Hôy la, she has performed at festivals such as Roskilde and Berghain. We are thrilled to present Ingri Høyland this evening, as she sets the stage for Tomoko Sauvage.

Where is it happening?

Nørre Allé 7, 2200 København N, Danmark, Nørre Allé 7, 2200 København N, Danmark,Copenhagen, Copenhagen , Denmark

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