The Way of the Heart: Satsang weekend with Swami Dhyan Giten


Fri, 07 Feb, 2025 at 07:00 pm to Sun, 09 Feb, 2025 at 08:00 pm


Stockholm, Sweden | Stockholm, ST

Satsang Weekend with Spiritual Teacher and International Bestseller Author Swami Dhyan Giten,
7-9 February, 2025, in Stockholm
"Satsang with Giten is heaven."
- Satyama Padma
"Giten is really a spiritual master of love and silence.
He is a loving man, who knows the science of truth,
love and life."
- Swami Prem Pathik, Nepal
“The religious words the Giten formulates can make anyone mentally numb. These words create an inner stillness and a
deep spiritual reverence for life. Giten has shaken me. I hope
his readers discover his greatness."
- Brage Norin, professor in theoretical physics
“Giten is a beautiful soul.”
- Swami Anand Arun, Tapoban Meditation Center, Nepal
"As I started studying for Giten, a new dimension of awareness has developed step by step, which has transformed my whole life."
- Deva Emanuel, musician, teacher in music and participant in satsang with Giten
"The Salt of the Earth"
- Lage Wedin, chancellor, Faculty of Psychology, The University of Stockholm, about Giten during his academic years at the psychologist programme
"Giten is a Blessed One. Love you."
- Swami Prem Pathik, Nepal

Swami Dhyan Giten is a renowned spiritual teacher and author whose profound teachings have inspired and touched the heartsof thousands around the world. His books, articles, and quotes are increasingly featured in magazines, blogs, and homepages, reaching intelligent seekers of truth across the globe. With a rich body of work, Giten is the author of several best-selling books that explore topics of meditation, spirituality, and the journey to self-realization

Love is the path and love is the goal. Love is the first step and the last step.Love is the beginning and the end. Love contains the whole of religion. Love has to be understood. Love is not desire and lust. Love is not a desire to get something from another person.
Love is overflowing joy. Love is sharing. Love is an art. Love is creativity. When you love, you want to enrich the world. You want to make the world more beautiful. Only those who know how to love can be creative.
Those who do not know how to love are bound to be destructive. It is the same energy that becomes creative. When the energy does not become creative, it becomes poisonous. It turns to its opposite, it becomes destructive.

Love means that you are grateful to existence,and out of that gratefulness you want to make existence more loving, joyful and beautiful. You move higher into the world of love, which opens new dimensions in you. Then love is no longer an exclusive relationship with another person. Then love becomes a quality of your being. You are not loving, you become love.
Society is against the heart, because the heart lives through love. And love cannot be controlled and conditioned. The heart is basically rebellious. The heart always lives in the moment. It never repeats the old. The heart always responds to the present moment. This is why society is against the heart. Society disciplines the head, because the head functions like a machine. Machines are never rebellious. They simply follow orders. They are obedient. Hence the state, the church and the establishment, the status quo, are interested in the head.
Our heart is the door to allow existence to guide us – instead of being directed by our own ideas, attitudes and preconceived expectations of how life should be. The heart creates inconvenience for society and for the established order. The heart is spontaneous and never repeats the old. The head lives in the past, which is why the head is traditional and conventional.
The spiritual journey means to learn to listen more and more to the heart. It means to learn to follow the heart. It means to gather the courage to follow the heart, instead of listening to the mind. The mind is not yours, it is given by the society. The heart is yours, it is given by God, the divine. If you listen to the heart, it will not be difficult to go into meditation. Then you will know what to do and not to do. You immediately know what to do in the moment. You know from your being. The heart knows what to do, because the heart is already in contact with the whole. The heart lives in the mysteries of existence.
Our intuition is the inner teacher, the inner guide, the inner master. The old Indian scriptures say that the outer spiritual teacher is helpful to find your own intuition, your own inner teacher, your truth. Intuition is to create a trust in yourself and in your intuition, your inner guide, the inner master. Intuition is to learn to listen to the still, small voice within, and that will guide you.
In 1982, I was directed by the Divine presence in a trance session with the American trance chancellor Lin David Martin: “You have listened to your intuition, to your true inner voice, more than most. You have been searching for the contact with the Spirit for a long time and now it is beginning to manifest on the outer plane. You have been gifted many times in previous embodiments and now everything will come rather easy for you. I want you to put your energy into the lives of others, because you can.”

The heart relates to unconditional love and acceptance both for ourselves and for other people. The heart relates to qualities such as empathy, joy, acceptance, trust, intuition, understanding, compassion, playfulness, healing, friendship, sincerity and a sense of oneness in love.
Love is not an exclusive relationship with another person; love is the quality that arises when we are in contact with our inner being, with our authentic self, withthe meditative quality within, with the inner silence and emptiness. This inner emptiness is experienced by others and is expressed on the outside as love. This love is not addressed to a specific person; it is a presence and qualitythat surrounds a person like a fragrance.
Love is perfect as it is. Love is enough unto itself. Love has to be understood. Love is the flight of your consciousness to higher realms beyond the body. Love is the fragrance of a rising consciousness. Love is like the fragrance of a flower. The moment you are overflowing with joy, a longing arises to share it. This sharing is love.
Love is not something that you can get from somebody else, who has not attained to a state of joy. Everybody is asking to be loved, and pretending to love. You cannot love, because you don't know what consciousness is. You don't know the truth; you don't know the experience of the divine. You don't know what love is, because you have not yet gone deeper in your consciousness. In this ignorance and blindness love does not grow. If you really want to know love, forget about love and remember meditation.
Love is the defeat of all imposed rules and conditions. hence there is a struggle between the individual who follows his heart and the collective who follows the imposed order. The individual who follows his heart has to be aware of this struggle, because he is moving towards the freedom of being himself. Being himself means that he is not going to be ruledby the collective, by the crowd. It means that now he will live according to his own heart, according to his own light. When he becomes independent, he will start feeling that he is becoming one with the whole, one with the universal.
It is on the consciousness level of the heart that we begin to understand that we are not separated from life. We begin to understand that we are not small separate islands in a great ocean, but that life is one and that we all are small parts of the Whole. We begin to understand what is really important and meaningful in life. It is on the consciousness level of the heart that we begin to understand that life is about sharing, rather than hoarding. We begin to understand that life is about giving, rather than taking.
The three dimensions that the individual moves through are: 1. the collective and the crowd2. traditions, the state and the church and 3. the individual and the universal. The individual is a bridge between the collective and the universal. This bridge frees you from the collective. Then there is no need for you to be an individual. Then you can dissolve into the whole. You have to pass through a process of individuation, where you first become and individual and not just a part of society and the collective. This process frees you to be an authentic and free individual. Then you can dissolve the individuality and become free from the self. And to be free from the self, to be in no-self, in no-mind, is to be in God, in the divine.
Then there is joy and eternity. Love is the fragrance of the eternal. It is the experienceof conscious people. Only a few people have really known what love is. Love is a rose of your being. Love is a spiritual experience, which has to do with your own being. The first step is to know yourself, and love will come as a reward. Love is a shadow of your consciousness. You and love cannot exist together. If you are ready to disappear, to disappear as an ego, leaving only a pure being, a pure consciousness, love will blossom. Disappearing you will be able to give so much love, because it is not something exhaustible.
And the more you give, the more you become capable of giving love.The greatest experience in life is when you simply give without any conditions, without any expectations. Then you can give love with a deep sense of gratitude to all that accept it. You can go on giving to everybody, not only to human beings, but to birds, animals and trees. From all over existence love starts showering on you. The more you give the more you receive. Life becomes a dance of love.
This satsang weekend will be supported by silent satsang with the Giten. Satsang with Giten is a meeting in love, truth and stillness. It is a direct insight and experience of being. It is a new way of being, which can transform your whole life. Satsang with Giten consists of both lectures, silent satsang and practical exercises. Previous experience of meditation is recommended for participation.

SWAMI DHYAN GITEN, spiritual teacher and best-selling author, has more than 30 years of experience in individual counseling and in teaching awareness and meditation. He is trained in both modern psychology and in classic Eastern methods for awareness and meditation in the USA, Italy, Sweden and India.Swami Dhyan Giten's quotes, articles and books have touched the hearts of thousands of people and are appearing with increased frequency in magazines, blogs and homepages. The influence from his teaching and books continues to grow and are reaching intelligent people and seekers of truth in virtually all countries in the world.
During satsang Giten has spoken about a large number of spiritual themes and topics that touch modern man, e.g. love, joy, relationships, acceptance, intuition, healing, trust, creativity, friendship, spiritual development, awareness, life, meditation, stillness, spirituality, mysticism, truth, wisdom, death, unity with life, God and enlightenment. He has also spoken on a number of spiritual teachers and spiritual traditions such as Vedanta, the Upanishads, Yoga, Tantra, Tao, the Chakra system, Lao Tzu, Patanjali, Buddha and Jesus Christ.
Swami Prem Pathik in Nepal says about: Giten is a blessed One. Giten is really a spiritual master of love and silence. He is a loving man, who knows the science of truth, love and life." Padma, Giten's beloved friend for many lives, says: "Satsang with Giten is heaven. Satsang with Giten is a blessing." Deva Emanuel says: "As I started studying for Giten, a new dimension of awareness has developed step by step, which has transformed my whole life."Brage Norin, professor in theoretical physics says: “The religious words the Giten formulates can make anyone mentally numb. These words create an inner stillness and a deep spiritual reverence for life. Giten has shaken me. I hope his readers discover his greatness." "The Salt of the Earth" Lage Wedin, chancellor, Faculty of Psychology, The University of Stockholm, about Giten during his academic years at the psychologist programme.
In the Spanish spiritual website Expande Tu Mente Giten as also quoted on the topic Reflections from Spiritual Teachers together with Sadhguru, Eckhart Tolle, Ramakrishna, Jesus, Buddha, Vivekananda, Lao Tzu, Tomas de Aquino, Deepak Chopra, Yogi Bhajan, Rumi and Dalai Lama.
He is international bestseller author of the books Meditationens Sång: Om Meditation, Relationer Och Andlig Kreativitet, The Silent Whisperings of the Heart: An Introduction to Giten's Approach to Life, Presence - Working from Within: The Psychology of Being, The Language of Silence: From Darkness to Light, When the Drop becomes the Ocean: A Journey to the Divine, to the Ocean, Silence is the Way: The Teachings of Buddha - Golden Nuggets of Love, Truth and Wisdom, The Way, the Truth and the Life: On Jesus Christ, the Man, the Mystic and the Rebel, You are Already a Buddha: A New Way of Being, A New Way of Living, God is Everywhere: You are Divine, Everything is Divine, The Call of the Heart: Silence, Love, Joy, Truth, Compassion, Freedom, the Eternal and the immortal and a Heart in Touch with the Universal Heart and Meditation: A Love Affair with the Whole.
The books are available globally on Amazon, and Ebay. The book is also available in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark on,, and

Time: 7-9 February 2024. Friday 19.00 - 22.00, Saturday 10.00- 18.00. Sunday 10.00 - 18.00. PLACE: Stockholm.
LANGUAGE: Language: Swedish and Silence.
COST: 17:00:-. Lunch och logi are not included, but there are a lot of places around for lunch.
INFORMATION & REGISTRATION: 1 week before the course starts: [email protected]


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