LAST TRAIN 40 YRS: The Basement Brats (reunion) + DJ BES


Sat, 19 Oct, 2024 at 09:30 pm


Karl Johans gt 45 (inngang Universitetsgata), 0162 Oslo, Norway | Oslo, OS

(Norsk nederst)
Turning 40 is a significant milestone, especially for someone who has lived a life full of wild adventures. Experiencing things most people only dream of, diving headfirst into the thrills of life with abuse and disease. Dancing with the highs and stumbled through the lows - navigating the chaos of drama and debt. Yet, here we are. Stronger and wiser, with stories that could fill a hundred lifetimes. As we step into this new decade, it's a chance to embrace the lessons learned and look forward to the adventures yet to come, with perhaps a bit more balance and a lot more clarity. Here's to 40 - a number that marks not just the years, but the incredible journey that brought us here.
What would be more suitable than dusting off another jubilee, a piece of Norwegian punkrock-history, back from the days when life was carefree and full of fun?
The Basement Brats
Contrary to what the tongue-wagging and fire-breathing retired businessman Gene Simmons says, rock 'n' roll is still very much alive and well. In the late eighties and early nineties, this might not have been the case, but as has happened so many times before when rock 'n' roll has been a bit on the sluggish side, a new generation of angry, restless youth has given it a kiss of life and slapped it back to its normal, energetic self.�
The Basement Brats were five of these youths who were fed up with the crap being played on the radio and MTV. They were tired of not finding any good records in the local record stores, so they started their own band and became part of the first wave of new punk and alternative rock bands that emerged from Norway in the early nineties. With the drive and sound of bands like The Ramones, Devil Dogs, and The Undertones, they dug the graves of the local hair metal bands with the energy and disrespect they deserved.
In 1993, they released their first EP on the Norwegian record label That's Entertainment, and many more would follow, including a couple of albums on the German label Screaming Apple. By the late nineties, they disbanded and moved on to other musical adventures.
A couple of decades later, a conversation with the record label Pure Lust Production culminated in a best-of album. I Just Wanna Be a Brat (The best of Basement Brats) was born and released in the fall of 2023.
After a few beers at the local pub to celebrate the new album, a decision was made: Let’s play some gigs again. And here we are, so let’s rev up the engine and play some rock 'n' roll.

The Basement Brats
I motsetning til hva den tungeviftende og ildsprutende pensjonerte forretningsmannen Gene Simmons sier, lever rock n' roll fortsatt i beste velgående. På slutten av åttitallet og begynnelsen av nittitallet var dette kanskje ikke tilfelle, men som så mange ganger før når rock n' roll har vært litt på den slappe siden, har en ny generasjon sinte, rastløse ungdommer gitt den et livskyss og smekket den tilbake til sitt normale, energiske selv.
The Basement Brats var fem av disse ungdommene som var lei av dritten som ble spilt på radio og MTV. De var lei av å ikke finne noen bra plater i de lokale platebutikkene, så de startet sitt eget band og ble en del av den første bølgen av nye punk- og alternativrockband som kom ut av Norge på begynnelsen av nittitallet. Med drivkraften og soundet til band som The Ramones, Devil Dogs og The Undertones, gravde de gravene til de lokale hårmetallbandene med den energien og respektløsheten de fortjente.
I 1993 ga de ut sin første EP på det norske plateselskapet That's Entertainment, og etter det skulle det komme mange flere, inkludert et par album på det tyske plateselskapet Screaming Apple. På slutten av nittitallet la de opp og gikk videre til andre musikalske eventyr.
Et par tiår senere kulminerte en samtale med plateselskapet Pure Lust Production i en best of-plate. I Just Wanna Be a Brat (The best of Basement Brats) ble født og utgitt høsten 2023.
Etter noen øl på den lokale puben for å feire den nye plata, ble en avgjørelse tatt: La oss spille noen konserter igjen. Og her er vi, så la oss fyre opp motoren og spille litt rock n’ roll.

Where is it happening?

Karl Johans gt 45 (inngang Universitetsgata), 0162 Oslo, Norway, Universitetsgata 26, 0162 Oslo, Norge,Oslo, Norway
Last Train, Oslo

Host or Publisher Last Train, Oslo

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