Thanksgiving with Kelly- Thankful, Grateful, Blessed
Fri Nov 22 2024 at 08:00 am to 09:00 am
Online | Online, 0
About this Event
Thanksgiving is my absolute favorite holiday of the year! It is a time to be with family around the table to share a delicious meal, and give thanks for all we have and the love we have. This has been quite the year to say the least and it has not been easy, but there have been so many silver linings.
Please join me and the Coffee with Kelly crew as we gather around the table to share what we are grateful for and to celebrate each other.
We have been through so much together both ups and downs, but we have done it together. This year was tough, but what it better was each of you and for that I am Thankful, Grateful, Blessed.
Why was Coffee with Kelly started?
I am often asked if I have time for a phone call or a cup of coffee and with my busy schedule I am not always able to say yes. I thought I would organize a morning to have "Coffee with Kelly" so that a few people can come meet me over my favorite beverage and ask me anything they want about career advice, personal growth, or to get a little inspiration that maybe you aren't getting elsewhere.
Sometimes it's nice just knowing people are out there to support you.
All you need to do is reserve your spot by registering, grab your coffee the morning of, and log into the Zoom link I will send after you register.
This is open to a small group only so if this sounds like something you want to attend and gather around the table for conversation and inspiration then register today.
Someone once reached out a hand to help me and gave me the gift of their time so this is my way of paying it forward for other people who are in that place that I was.