Tango Café October – Dancefloor Coordination & Big Potluck Edition
Sat, 15 Oct, 2022 at 06:00 pm to Sun, 16 Oct, 2022 at 12:30 am
Volksdansvereniging Radost | Delft, ZH

This Tango Café we want to put a focus on something that we traditionally do at Tango Cafe, our community potluck dinners. During this moment we all come together before the milonga and share our food with each other. It is at this moment that there is much “gezelligheid”, we share moments of chit-chat and laughter and really connect with each other. You can contribute by bringing some food and or drinks, we will make sure to bring plenty of drinks ourselves for the diner. Join our potuck, sharing is caring ?Before our potluck dinner our members will share their insights of the workings of the dancefloor during a milonga. They will explain to you how to safely and how to comfortably move through the dance floor. What is tactful and what is perhaps not, and also importantly how to take care of yourself on the dance floor. This workshop is meant for those with limited experience in social dancing, or for those who want a refresher or some new insights into this topic.
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Milonga Free! € 5,-
18:00 – 19:00 Tango Dance Floor Safety and Coordination Workshop
19:00 – 20:00 Big Potluck Tango Community Dinner
20:00 – 00:30 Tango Café with DJ Jory Boelhouwers
The tango café is organized by the Tango Committee of D.S.D.A. Blue Suede Shoes. Questions about D.S.D.A. Blue Suede Shoes Membership benefits? Email [email protected].
D.S.D.A. Blue Suede Shoes is a dance association by students for everyone passionate about dancing. One of our goals is to encourage new Argentine Tango dancers to start dancing socially. And where better than at our monthly Tango Café. We offer a warm atmosphere and a nice dance floor at a slightly underground location for a great evening.
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We know the location can be a bit tricky to find, so there is a video on the website on how to get there.
All details: https://dsda.nl/event/tango-cafe-october-dancefloor-coordination-and-potluck/
Where is it happening?
Volksdansvereniging Radost, Schieweg 15F,Delft, NetherlandsEvent Location & Nearby Stays: