Taipei Black Order Propaganda 台北黑暗秩序宣傳部 Alcest live in Taipei
Sun, 20 Jul, 2025 at 07:00 pm
The Wall Live House | Taipei, TP
Taipei Black Order Propaganda 台北黑暗秩序宣傳部▴Alcest live in Taipei
「我汲取靈感的地方是一個充滿和諧與光明的地方。我跟其他人一樣——我很焦慮,也有自己的問題和心魔,但內心深處有一個更為平靜和和諧的地方,因此,我從這部分的自己中汲取靈感,而不是從黑暗的一面。」- Neige
Alcest即將來台,他們極具特色的氛圍黑金屬結合夢幻般的瞪鞋旋律,將為台灣樂迷帶來一場超越現實的音樂之旅,絕對不容錯過!|Alcest is coming to Taiwan, bringing their unique blend of atmospheric black metal and dreamy melodies for an otherworldly musical journey that metal fans absolutely can’t miss!
▴ 陣容 | Line-up
Alcest (法國夢幻瞪鞋黑傳奇 | The legendary French dreamy blackgaze.)
Alpaca Treatment (台灣質感後金屬新秀 | Taiwan's rising post-metal star.)
▴ 票卷種類 | Types of Tickets
預售 Pre-sale:2,300
雙人預售 Two person pre-sale:4,200
現場票 Door:2,600
▴ 注意事項(重要!) | Things to note.
活動將於當日下午6:00開放驗票入場,請在下午7:00活動開始前月換完畢。如有其他調整將會在我們的IG與FB上公告。|The event will open for ticket verification at 6:00 PM. Please ensure you complete the ticket exchange before the event starts at 7:00 PM. Any further adjustments will be announced on our IG and FB.
任何干擾演出進行的行為(如衝上舞台或破壞器材)均嚴禁發生,違反者將立刻被驅逐出場,且票款不予退還。|Any behavior that disrupts the performance (such as rushing onto the stage or damaging equipment) is strictly prohibited. Violators will be immediately removed from the venue, and no refunds will be issued.
Where is it happening?
The Wall Live House, Taipei, TaiwanEvent Location & Nearby Stays: