Support to set up 'Attention Builders' intervention in school
Wed Feb 05 2025 at 03:45 pm to 05:00 pm
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About this Event
This course is the first step in delivering 'Attention Buidlers' intervention in your school. Join us for an interactive session where we will explore 'Attention Builders' Intervention - a fun, engaging programme which effectively develops the attention skills of children.
Discover more about the importance of shared attention and the Attention Builders intervention and its aims.
Who is it for?
School staff (teachers, teaching assistants, SENCOs) in the London Borough of Islington. This course is aimed at school staff who will be running the 'Attention Builders' intervention in school for children with Autism, as well as children who have difficulties with attending and engaging in adu;lt -led activities for other reasons.
Ensure you don't miss out on this key opportunity - register now and secure your spot!
Where is it happening?
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