Sight Loss Awareness - Ymwybyddiaeth Colli Golwg
Fri Jan 31 2025 at 06:15 pm to 07:30 pm
Online | Online, 0
About this Event
Details of the talk
The talk is described by the speaker:
“The talk will be a Sight Loss Awareness talk. I’ll talk generally about some facts, figures and bust some myths about sight loss, talk about different eye conditions and levels of sight, how you can offer help to someone with sight loss, what’s out there to support people, lots of info about accessibility, places you can signpost them to help, and more.”
Please see our updated booking and privacy policies, by booking a place you are accepting these policies.
How it works:
We will detail any preparation work you need to do for the crafts, a reminder e mail is sent 2 days before and again 2 hours before the session the session starts. The zoom link can be found by selecting your ticket on the app or online. If you have booked a kit (UK only) this will be posted around the 25th of the month before the session.
For those booking outside the UK you need to check for time differences.
Teitl Digwyddiad: -
Disgrifiad byr: -
Dyddiad: 31/01/2025
Amser: 18:15
Manylion y sgwrs
Disgrifir y sgwrs gan y siaradwr:
"Bydd y sgwrs yn sgwrs Ymwybyddiaeth Colli Golwg. Byddaf yn siarad yn gyffredinol am rai ffeithiau, ffigurau a chwalu rhai mythau am golli golwg, siarad am wahanol gyflyrau llygaid a lefelau golwg, sut y gallwch gynnig help i rywun sydd wedi colli golwg, beth sydd ar gael i gefnogi pobl, llawer o wybodaeth am hygyrchedd, lleoedd y gallwch eu cyfeirio atynt i helpu, a mwy. "
Gweler ein polisïau archebu a phreifatrwydd wedi'u diweddaru, drwy archebu lle rydych yn derbyn y polisïau hyn.
Where is it happening?
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