SexFest: 2 nights of drag and music
Fri Feb 14 2025 at 06:30 pm to 07:30 pm
Warehouse XI - Boston Event Space, Sanborn Court, Somerville, MA, USA | Somerville, MA
8 Bands
11 Drag Performers
Day 1: Warehouse XI: 11 Sanborn Court Somerville MA. 02143
Day 2: The Jungle Community Music Club: 6 Sanborn Court Somerville MA. 02143
2/14 - Warehouse XI
MUSIC FROM: Battlemode Cheap City Regal Seagull & Feep! DRAG FROM: Celia Smoknbutts Severity Stone Sherman Coleslaw & Arabella Ladesse
2/15 - The Jungle Music Community Club
MUSIC FROM: The Love Shamans Joe DeGeorge: Sax Machine Your Friends In Hell & The Electric Dugans! DRAG FROM: Stabitha Christie Harry Ballz dykotomy Buster Pants Mia Culpa Malcolm XXX