SEIRM @ CELTIC CONNECTIONS: BBC ALBA Recordings (Late Session Only)
Thu Jan 30 2025 at 07:30 pm to 10:30 pm
Platform | Glasgow, SC
About this Event
On 30 January, Seirm returns with a star-studded lineup, featuring some of the incredible artists appearing at the festival this year. Join us across two sessions for some superb live music at Platform in the iconic Argyle Street Arches.
This ticket page is for the later session of the evening, and we are excited to present our fabulous lineup that will close the night:
Larry Campbell & Teresa Williams
Plus more to be announced!
Anyone wishing to see the full session should obtain their tickets from our other Eventbrite page where there will be more amazing music to open the night from:
Ainsley Hamill
Loudon Wainwright III
Tickets are free* but are necessary for entry and please note, this event is for over 18s only.
* Tickets are no guarantee of entry. Audience places will be allocated on a first come first served basis on the night until full capacity, so please arrive early with your ticket to avoid disappointment. Doors for this session open at 7.30pm and the music will start at 7.50pm.
Soillsich an geamhradh agus bidh mar phàirt den luchd-èisteachd a gheibh cothrom air ceòl beò mìorbhaileach ann am meadhan baile Ghlaschu aig àm Celtic Connections.
Air 30 Am Faoilleach, bidh Seirm air ais airson sreath de chlàraidhean ciùil còmhla ri mòran de na rionnagan ciùil air leth a bhios a’ gabhail pàirt anns an fhèis. Thig nar cuideachd airson fìor dheagh cheòl aig Platform.
Bidh na tiocaidean an asgaidh * ach cha bhi iad rim faighinn aig an doras air an oidhche, agus cuimhnich gur ann airson aois 18+ a-mhàin a bhios an tachartas seo.
* Chan eil tiocaidean mar ghealltanas air faighinn a-steach. Bidh àite san èisteachd air a thoirt dhan chiad fheadhainn a nochdas, suas chun an àm a bhios an t-ionad làn. Ma tha thu airson briseadh-dùil a sheachnadh dèan cinnteach gum bi thu ann tràth le do thiocaid. Bidh na dorsan a’ fosgladh aig 7.30f agus tòisichidh an ceòl aig 7.50f.
Where is it happening?
Platform, 253 Argyle Street, Glasgow, United KingdomEvent Location & Nearby Stays:
USD 0.00