Save the Date: Bergen Assembly & Bergen School of Architecture – Cross Course program – 04.-07. Feb
Tue, 04 Feb, 2025 at 09:00 am to Fri, 07 Feb, 2025 at 11:00 pm
Bergen Arkitekthøgskole - BAS | Bergen, HO
(Scroll down for English)Hold av datoene for vår neste runde med kryss kurs i Februar 2025!
For å utforske sentrale spørsmål for den kommende utgaven av Bergen Assembly, har convenerne tatt i bruk kursformatene “cross courses” fra Bergen Arkitekthøgskole. Disse kursene gir mulighet for å undersøke nye metoder, kunnskaper og nye former for å både leve og skape sammen.
Utforsk naboskap gjennom omsorg og samtale, reflekter over hvordan vi kan gå videre etter ødeleggelse, lær om hvordan man lever uten å etterlate spor i samisk tradisjon, naviger kontroverser i byplanlegging, fordyp deg i kunstneriske praksiser som gjenvinner ruiner og restmaterialer som grunnlag for liv og kunst, eksperimenter med radiosignaler og forstyrrelser, og undersøk navn, deres opprinnelse og forskyvninger på tvers av språk.
Kursene er åpne for et begrenset antall deltakere og krever aktiv deltakelse og tilstedeværelse hver dag, fra tirsdag 4. Februar til fredag 7. Februar.
Fullstendige kursbeskrivelser og påmelding følger. Her kan du se program fra sist runde med kurs i Oktober 2024:
Vi håper du blir med på denne spennende uken med utveksling og læring!
Save the date for our next round of Cross Courses February 4.- 7. 2025!
As a starting point for exploring questions central to the upcoming edition of Bergen Assembly, the joint conveners have drawn on an existing format at Bergen School of Architecture - the cross course. These courses are a platform to look into new methodologies, knowledges and forms of being and creating together.
Join us to explore neighbourliness through care and conversation, learn about the Sámi way of leaving no traces, navigate urban planning, understand the transformations of names across languages, ask how we create together after destruction, jam signals, and reclaim rubble and ruins as materials for life and art.
The courses are open to a limited number of participants, requiring active participation and presence each day, from Tuesday, February 4th, to Friday, February 7th.
Below is the list of courses with full course descriptions and sign up links to follow. You can find the full program for the last round of courses here:
We hope you will join us for this exciting week of exchange and learning!
‘After Destruction’
Shared by Shareef Sarhan, Rana Batrawi | Traced by Harald Gaski
Shared by Munir Fasheh | Traced by Tenthaus
‘Leaving No Traces’
Shared by Linnea Axelsson | Traced by Ngartia Mũrũthi - Nairobi Storyteller Collective
‘Muddy zoning plans, uncanny building regulations, dancing with urban development codes, training unknown muscles, opening unknown eyes’
Shared by Floating University | Traced by Vilde Salhus Røed
نام, name, navn may have hints to its past or the future’
Shared by Sarah Kazmi I Traced by Anshika Varma
‘UR...A Practical Guide to Unconscious Reasoning’
Shared by Marcus Coates | Traced by Ananda Seneré
‘Discovering the City’s Hidden Colours’
Shared by Olle Helin | Traced by Jessica Warboys
‘Form in Flux an inter-constructed living story’
Shared by Kasper Svendsen & Chen Hsi-Chi | Traced by David Rios
‘EPOS CHRONICLE in thread and line’
Shared by Sasha Ivashkevich | Traced by Jason Wallis Johnson
‘Jamming the Signal’
Shared by Karen Werner | Traced by Luke Drozd
Where is it happening?
Bergen Arkitekthøgskole - BAS, Sandviksveien 61, 5036 Bergen, Norge,Bergen, Hordaland, NorwayEvent Location & Nearby Stays: