SALON 360° | Where "Shift" Happens
Mon Jan 27 2025 at 01:00 pm to 03:00 pm
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About this Event
Recently, my friend and fellow BizCatalyst 360˚ columnist, John Dunia, wrote a post called, “FREEDUMB”, in which he pondered the definition of freedom and its various interpretations and applications in the United States. John and I know we stand on different sides of the political aisle. We also know we respect and care for each other. Knowing that I wrote this in the comments:
In response, John wrote, “I remember Congress starting its division in the late 90s and early 2000s, it has ramped up within the last 8 or 9 years, and it is my firm belief this can be traced back to one narcissistic individual.” Because John is John, because he knew I’d know the individual to whom he referred, and because he’s as certain of our mutual regard as I am, he went on to write this:
I can’t think of another person with whom I disagree on many points, yet I will continue to give what you say a lot of merit because I know that your thoughts are based on what you believe is best for society in general. They are not thoughts of gain, revenge, or incivility, you genuinely believe it’s for the greater good. And more importantly, you would change your thoughts if you believed something different.
I wrote back, “I suspect you may have opened the door to a conversation. I’ll leave it to Dennis to confirm that suspicion.”
And so it is that on January 27th, 2025, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Eastern time, John will lead a Salon 360˚ conversation on the topic of freedom and its various interpretations and applications.
We hope you'll Join John, Dennis, and me for this deep-dive Session.
Mark O'Brien

Enough superficial talk, platitudes, and clichés. Enough short-lived fury over the bylines and the headlines. Now, more than ever, it's time for less talking and more walking. It's time for us to start rebuilding the world we all want to live in. It's time for us to understand that what we do and how we do it makes a difference —and to decide what kind of difference we actually want to make. It's time for rich, adult conversations in search of real action and real solutions. Let's stop skipping across the pond. Let's dive deeper with purpose, striving for progress, not perfection.
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