ROUNDtable, Inventors, CEOs, Entrepreneurs, Beyond Networking Event Scottsdale, Tempe, Mesa, Phoenix
Tue Nov 08 2022 at 08:10 am to 10:30 am
mac6 Tempe Arizona & Online. Hybrid (online and in person at the same time) | Tempe, AZ

Eliances provides a unique outlet for some of the most influential and intellectual individuals throughout the Valley to foster business relationships.
Registeration using this site is for new guests those who have never experienced Eliances.
We are not a group village networking mastermind peer group peer advisory group chamber association hub or club. We are a "Community" the only place 'Where Entrepreneurs Align™'
Eliances is a destination "Where Entrepreneurs Align™" The community hosts weekly ROUNDtable meetings enabling entrepreneurs and inventors alike to collaborate and help each other with ventures. The ROUNDtable is one of the puzzle pieces of Eliances where action takes place. A Valley CEO explained that "Eliances moves networking from a passive exercise to active engagement. At its core Eliances is as much about what can one contribute as what can one receive and fundamentally it's that balance between give and get that creates true value."
It brings together a "high-level community of hybrid entrepreneurs with resources influence skills contacts and imagination." There is no other community structured by the implications and operations that comprise Eliances.
Eliances operates on what they refer to as the 3G methodology™: Got Give and Get. Every week each attendee is given a sixty second window of time in which to pitch their respective G's. This unique scenario allows Eliance members to analyze and optimize the caliber of attendance each week; because regardless an individual's status there is no guarantee an invite to the next event. A former State Senator said that "those allowed to participate in the ROUNDtable and the unique Eliances format open doors to relationships and unimaginable ideas…Eliances assist members to prosper by helping others."
"Eliances is an impressive group" former President of Burger King.
It is not just another entrepreneur club it is a society that operates in regards to how an individual is able to give back to other community members and foster "Elianceships" within the organization. They have secured strategic partnerships with prominent organizations within the Valley area including: the Phoenix Suns Arizona Rattlers Scottsdale Grand Prix Money Radio Tradesource Diamondbacks Caliber Co Tradesource and are looking to expand upon the launch of the Eliances member platform.
Here are just some of the 1000+ testimonials we have received.
I really am grateful for the opportunity - what an amazing group of people. - Tom Ziglar CEO Ziglar Inc
Eliances is a great organization - Jack McCauley Cofounder of Oculus (sold to facebook for $3B) & Cofounder of Guitar Hero
I've attended numerous networking events and belonged to many organizations in my career but quickly learned that Eliances offered much more. There was so much brainpower and talent in the room from such varied business backgrounds. I made several contacts and already have meetings on my calendar after attending just one Eliances ROUNDtable. I'm looking forward to developing many successful business relationships and friendships as a member of Eliances. - Ray Schey Publisher Business Journal
I was impressed with the caliber of the attendees and your style in connecting the various business interests. I hope to be able to attend again and very much appreciate being on the current invite list. - Jim Lane Mayor
The Phoenix Suns are very excited to be partnering with Eliances We look forward to a mutually beneficial partnership and to extending our relationship with the business community. - Graham Greytak Marketing Partnerships at Phoenix Suns
The partnership between Eliances and SkySong is a great opportunity to build an entrepreneurial ecosystem. We're very pleased that ASU's entrepreneurs will be able to benefit from the Roundtable's resources and connections. - Gordon McConnell ASU's assistant vice president of innovation entrepreneurship and venture acceleration
Eliances brings together the entrepreneur with the resources available to scale their businesses more quickly. - Brion Crum Director of Strategic Relationships Caliber Co (Inc 500)
Eliances is an impressive group. - Ron Petty Former President of Burger King CEO Peter Piper Pizza CEO Denny's
Eliances defined by me: Incredible business leaders from many different industries Positive happy people willing to help Interesting backgrounds Fun and supportive environment to create connections that improve business or spark new ones. High energy moderator conducting a fast paced meeting. After one Eliances meeting I: Set up a meeting to discuss board positions Set up a meeting to meet a business owner to discuss financial advisory services Learned about a business program for my teenage kid and discussed helping a charity raise money. I'd say that was a pretty decent 2 hours. - Tom Schneider Professional Poker Player WSOP (World Series Poker Player of the Year)
Working with Eliances will allow us to extend our reach in the community and help further foster a thriving entrepreneurial and small business ecosystem. - Susan Koehler Infusionsoft VP of Customer Success.
I LOVED Eliances. You have done such a fantastic job.....and I thoroughly enjoyed your depiction of the various super heroes! - Clarissa Burt Supermodel and Actress
Eliances is a job creator. It produces a collaborative environment “Where Entrepreneurs Align”.
1. Eighteen Eliancers have joined the boards of banks I am helping start;
2. One will be helping me start banks ...;
3. One will be helping me start banks outside of the state;
4. About 35 helped me form an EB-5 Foreign Investment Initiative to Recapitalize Community Banks; (The plan is to recapitalize 3000 banks across America in 7 to 8 years with $18 billion.)
5. About 20 met on a regular basis to work on cyber security. Ultimately a number of these Eliancers formed cyber security entities.
6. Seven Eliancers joined to help me with Cyber Security Whizzes a program we are creating to establish school curriculum and student clubs nationally for ages ranging from 6 years old to college age.
I have long believed in the way of life described by George Bernard Shaw. “I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the community and as long as I live it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can.”
Thanks David for the accomplishments of Eliances! - Ernie Garfield Former State Treasurer Corporate Commissioner & Vice Chairman of Senate Education Committee
The cooperative energy and high caliber talent found at Eliances is the path to creating businesses and jobs. I am so impressed by my meetings in Phoenix that I am seriously considering relocating for business purposes. Thank you for including me in this amazing group. I look forward to contributing. - Pat Wetzel Anti-Cancer Club
Scott Belsky the founder of Behance said "It's not about ideas. It's about making ideas happen." That is what Eliances is all about - making ideas happen! Eliances fosters relationships and ignites entrepreneurship by bringing together idea people from all walks of life who seek not to better themselves but the collective whole. I am honored to be part of a group like Eliances that seeks to promote entrepreneurship and help businesses grow. - Mark Svejda Attorney
Eliances is not just a meeting of individuals in business. It is a meeting of men and women who each have unique ideas strong businesses and the determination to make their potential businesses the best they can be. The weekly meetings at Eliances allows people to come together with like-minded business owners who truly care about the organizational structure of a company and the relationships made within the business deals. David Cogan has taken this group to an new level of prestige with his vision for others goals and the passion to create and provide the best environment for current business owners and entrepreneurs. Eliances is the absolute ideal group for those with concepts to grow as they meet and make relationships that will last throughout their careers. - Brittany Brannon Ms. AZ
Eliances assists members to prosper by helping others. The attitudes and values of those allowed to participate in the Roundtable and the unique Eliances format open doors to relationships and unimaginable ideas. I attend many meetings weekly to hear a speaker. I learn from that format but not the way I learn from hearing each of the Roundtable participants limited to 1 minute about their goals what they expect from other Eliances' members and how they are willing to help others. The 1 minute presentation promotes creative thinking.The Roundtable session is followed by an opportunity to visit members and "do deals". I have personally benefited many times. I am truly amazed at how much more productive participation in Eliances is from the standard civic club or meet and greet organization. - Ernie Garfield Former AZ State Senator
Attending Eliances was like finding the calm while in the middle of the storm. The knowledge expertise and passion in the room is direct representation of the type of talent and skill that resides here. I'd bet a wooden nickel anyone leaving a session would be hooked to want to attend again. - Joe Loomis CEO Cyber Sponse
I just experienced my first Eliances Roundtable meeting. I was blown away by the experience these entrepreneurs had. I've never been a part of something so inspiring. Successful business owners willing to come together for a great good. This message was clear: To create a creative community and leave a legacy behind larger than themselves. I felted honored to just be a part of it. - Andrew Fischer Trainer for professional PGA Masters Winner
Our partnership with Eliances offers us the opportunity to achieve that goal by providing our students access to mentors from a wide range of industries. - Garret Westlake associate dean for student entrepreneurship at ASU
What I admire about Eliances is its ability to go beyond simple networking to be a platform for innovation. It is the equivalent of attending a specialized industry or technology conference each week and meeting unique colleagues who are leaders in their sectors. The concept has amazing potential. - Bob Tunis Economic Development Manager: Business Retention/ Expansion
It was a pleasure to attend your Eliances Roundtable on Tuesday as a guest I was completely amazed at the wonderful group of entrepreneurs that you have assembled and their willingness to share information and work together with others was completely amazing. I applaud you for your efforts on assembling such a fine group of individuals with the amount of diversity at hand everyone should reach that next level at a faster pace then trying to make it on their own. - Ed Copley -- Founder American Society of Traditional Artists
I wanted to say thank you again for the opportunity to attend and be part of such a dynamic roundtable that you formed at SkySong. The Eliances Roundtable was a perfect introduction to my new position with Scottsdale and think it will open a lot of doors for our department and the success of the City. After the individual introductions I made a number of connections with interested leaders on their new endeavors and it exemplifies "where action takes place" to a whole new pedigree. To be part of the innovation coupled with high- level resources and professionalism is greatly appreciated and I'm excited to provide my services knowledge and expertise to the group. - Mark Paratore Economic Development Specialist City of Scottsdale
To those who may be considering become a part of this exclusive active and dynamic group I would highly recommend you be ready for the first real business development system you have encountered. This association is designed to generate success not just possible leads and networking. Many have tried but this one has done it. - Bruce Brimacombe CEO GOe3
I wanted to personally congratulate you on the inclusion and importance of Eliances being mentioned in the Mayors speech yesterday. As you know it's the journey not the destination. There is something more at work with Eliances more then just people it's the unseen hand of our Maker guiding hearts and minds to create a better America. As you have proven with Eliances we are part of an Exceptional People living in an Exceptional United States as our Founders envisioned us becoming since the birth our Great Nation. It's our Destiny! - FW Surprise AZ
Eliances is a quality group of leaders focused on helping valley entrepreneurs and we appreciate the opportunity to connect at the meetings. - Mary E. Juetten Founder & CEO TRAKLIGHT
it truly was a great experience and such a welcoming environment. Your group will be a great resource in helping to fill some of the gaps in our networks.- Dareni Wellman ASU Program Coordinator Mentor Network
I just wanted to reach out and personally thank you on behalf of Zenefits. It was a pleasure being the presence of all like-minding individuals with the common goal of "Getting things done!" We each made a handful of connections and have already set up meetings with a few. Eliances was a wonderful experience and an amazing way to connect business leaders. Thank you again for such an unforgettable experience! - Trace Brown Zenefits
The most incredible and productive networking meeting I have ever attended. Thank you to you and Ernie. I would love to attend again and enjoy making "deposits" to the group. - DB Laywer
Where is it happening?
mac6 Tempe Arizona & Online. Hybrid (online and in person at the same time), 1430 W. Broadway Rd., Suite 201, Tempe, United StatesUSD 0.00