Recreating natural gingiva using aesthetic waxes and composite


Wed Sep 20 2023 at 09:00 am to 05:00 pm


Ivoclar Academy, Leicester | Enderby, Leicester, EN

Course designed to help you improve your technical skills and understanding when creating private dentures in wax and composite.
About this Event


Join Dean Ward on his brand new course 'Recreating Natural Gingiva using waxes and composite'' where he will share his unique approach to creating his charachterised private denture try ins and how he duplicates this appearance in the final dentures. The course is designed to help those who would like to further develop their all round denture skills.


This hands on course is designed to help those who would like to further develop their all round denture skills. The main focus of the course is to increase delegates understanding of how to create lifelike dentures using aesthetic contouring and coloured waxes for the creation of the modern lifelike denture try in. Topics covered include natural tooth setting aesthetics, natural wax work contouring, matching gingiva waxes to natural tissue using coloured waxes and custom blends and then recreating the custom appearance of an approved aesthetic wax try in, using gingival Sr Nexco gingival composite on the final denture, to provide the clinician and patient a final denture which matches the denture try in.

Learning outcomes aligned to GDC: 

C: Maintenance and development of knowledge and skill within your field of practice

Learning Objectives:

  • Shape, colour, characterise and contour the waxwork correctly
  • Match your try in to existing natural ginigva
  • Reproduce your wax try in aesthetics with gingival composite
  • Learn how to attract more private work to your laboratory and work with the right team for you

Verifiable CPD Hours - 7

Products Used (not an exhaustive list) Stratos Articulator, SR Vivodent S DCL. Renfert waxes, Sr Nexco

This course is suitable for Clinical Dental Technicians and Dental Technicians


Where is it happening?

Ivoclar Academy, Leicester, Compass Building, Enderby, Leicester, United Kingdom

Event Location & Nearby Stays:


GBP 245.00

Ivoclar Vivadent UK & Ireland

Host or Publisher Ivoclar Vivadent UK & Ireland

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