Fri, 04 Apr, 2025 at 08:00 pm
Bike_Jesus | Prague, PR
✚ PURE ADULThttps://pureadult.bandcamp.com/album/ii
🎫 Presale on GoOut for 350czk: https://goout.net/cs/listky/pure-adult+support/btucb/
Entrence fee at the door: 400czk
Slovy Joe Talbota z Idles: „The best album I’ve heard in ages. The best band you haven’t seen. Go dig, it’s beautiful at its worst.” Řeč je o Pure Adult, no-wave experimentální kapele z Brooklynu, zformované kolem původního dvojčlenného projektu multi-instrumentalisty Jeremyho Snydera a vizuální umělkyně Biancy Abarca. V superlativech o nich mluví i Oliver Ackermann z A Place to Bury Strangers, se kterými Pure Adult sdíleli pódium stejně jako s Gilla Band, Bambara, nebo Mclusky. Agresivní, bohatě texturovaný taneční chaos, exploze syrové energie a ostrý noise rock ovlivněný punkem a post-punkem, to jsou Pure Adult, jejichž debutové album II vydal v roce 2023 dnes už legendární label Fat Cat Records. Svoje letošní evropské turné zakončí na začátku dubna právě v Bike Jesus.
In the words of Joe Talbot of Idles: “The best album I’ve heard in ages. The best band you haven’t seen. Go dig, it’s beautiful at its worst.” We’re talking about Pure Adult, a no-wave experimental band from Brooklyn, formed around the original two-piece project of multi-instrumentalist Jeremy Snyder and visual artist Bianca Abarca. Oliver Ackermann of A Place to Bury Strangers also speaks of them in superlatives, with whom Pure Adult shared the stage as well as with Gilla Band, Bambara, or Mclusky. Aggressive, richly textured dance chaos, explosions of raw energy, and sharp noise rock influenced by punk and post-punk, that’s Pure Adult, whose debut album II was released in 2023 by the now legendary label Fat Cat Records. They will end their European tour this year at Bike Jesus in early April.
Where is it happening?
Bike_Jesus, Ostrov Štvanice 1125, 170 00 Praha, Česko,Prague, Czech RepublicEvent Location & Nearby Stays: